# 46. Believe it or not!
The brain operates on the same amount of power
as 10-watt light bulb.![]()
The cartoon image of a light bulb over our head when a great thought occurs is literally true.![]()
Our brain generates as much energy as a small light bulb![]()
even when we are sleeping.
Now I know why we are called Dim Witted..cos a 10-watt bulb would be so so dim!!
But if we were brighter witted we may give out shocks
when we shake hands with each other! :shocked:
Shake hand??? :decision: Shock hand???
Or the hair in the head may stand upright :scared:
due to the current flowing in it!
Or they may even get scorched by
the heat/light and electricity! :flame:
Any day being a Dim-wit is far better than being nit-wit!
Am I correct dear Renu???
Dear Vr Ji,
I tend to have high static electric charge if I sit in AC room or even sit in AC car.
When I get out of the car or from any AC room I have to touch a non metal surface first cos if I touch any metal surface it will so painful when the static electric discharges.
Sometimes I have seen even small sparks.
I never shake hand with anyone after coming out of an AC room or AC car cos enough times the person who shook hands with me will wonder what was that?
Some have even asked me why is there an electric shock feeling when shake hands with you.
Static electric can be quite dangerous at a petrol station when one gets out of the car to fill petrol(here in M'sia we have to fill our own petrol..attendants do not do it for you..order by the Government)
Some petrol stations have a sign that says please discharge any static electric before filling up petrol.
Once a person got burnt cos of static electric during filling up his petrol.
First pic looks like Snakes(snake like tree)..second pic looks like Shiva Linga (shiva linga like tree)
So all the Snakes are bowing down to the Shiva Linga.
Wonderful maam... ரசனை
# 53. Believe it or not.
The brain itself cannot feel pain.
While the brain might be the pain center when we cut our finger or prick it, the brain itself does not have pain receptors and cannot feel pain.
That does not rule out our headaches. The brain is surrounded by tissues, nerves and blood vessels that have plenty receptive to pain and can give us a hammering headache.
# 54. Believe it or not.
Nearly 80% of the brain is water.
Our brain isn’t the same, firm, gray mass seen on TV.
Living [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]brain [/FONT][FONT=inherit !important]tissue[/FONT][/FONT] is a squashy, pink and jelly-like organ...
thanks to the loads of blood and high water content of the tissue.
Lessons to learn from the Brain.
Brain is an organ that lies in Cerebro Spinal Fluid(CSF) and is totally unable to experience pain.
So be like the Brain..lying in the ocean of existence and just be a silent witness and totally unattached to the pains of the surroundings.
Wow we have a best example of detachment right in our head but we never realize it.
Thank you VR Ji for putting this two posts and I was able to co relate it.
dear VR !# 52. Believe it or not.
Information travels at different speeds within different types of
neurons. Not all neurons are the same.
There are a few different types within the body.
The transmission along these different kinds can be
as slow as 0.5 meters/sec or as fast as 120 meters/sec.
Different strokes for different folks is correct!