Previously doctors used to diagnose just by looking at a person's eyes, tongue and nails. In those days the ailments were simple and did carry fancy and tongue twisting names as they do now.
These days too some Doctors do not touch even the Stethoscope and start prescribing
the medicine just on hearing the patient's words, even if one has temperature. I experienced
this number of times.
dear VR !
what about the bald which can show the wealth!!some bald can show you illness .
dear sir !These days too some Doctors do not touch even the Stethoscope and start prescribing
the medicine just on hearing the patient's words, even if one has temperature. I experienced
this number of times.
dear sir !
in olden days doctors used to question right from our morning routine and confirm our bowl action &food. but nowadays ,even when we wnted to express they say not to get excited &being doctor they know what to do
they will see temperature or make physical examination.those days a lady doctor was able to declare the pregnancy by physical examination (45-50 days )where as the urine test is not dependable
Dr Renuka accept the compliments.#1207.
Baldy or hairy...
men of any age
could NOT keep their
hands or minds
off a pretty women! :high5:
Dr Renuka accept the compliments.
I have been losing my tooth one after another season and there are a few refusing to part company! My family doctor asked me why do not you give up their friendship. Maybe years of associations! But bald men, i.e. whom hairs have totally deserted them, are frightened of the total loss - from front to back and side to side - and may want to compensate the loss by seeking the company of hairy ones. Hats off to Dr Renuka who drove the depressed of the depression away.