Double Wink - YouTube
Cute since she does it so fast
and funny since her mouth is
synchronized to her eyes!!! :clap2:
Cute since she does it so fast
and funny since her mouth is
synchronized to her eyes!!! :clap2:
# 78. Believe it or not.
Approximately 75% of human solid waste is made of water.
While we think that urine is the liquid part of human waste products,
Additionally, men usually have much more active sweat glands than women.
...So I was wondering the word Mutra(Urine)..what are we protecting here??LOL
Ah, but sweat looks better on women than on men.
Ah, but sweat looks better on women than on men.
I don't think so. Sweat on men has much more sex appeal than sweat on women. But the sweat should be from hard work though!
Like this.....View attachment 1852
Dear Renu,
The examples you have given say two things clearly...
Either the "tra" protects man/mind from some potential harm
or it protects other things from Man as in Gotra.
So now the possibilities have increased two fold!!
If you can give all the meanings of MU and MOO
may be we can figure out something after all!!
I am sure the women find the sight of a man shaking off his sweat drops
as attractive as you find them on a woman.
Dear Renu,
The examples you have given say two things clearly...
Either the "tra" protects man/mind from some potential harm
or it protects other things from Man as in Gotra.
So now the possibilities have increased two fold!!
If you can give all the meanings of MU and MOO
may be we can figure out something after all!!
Mu (मू) means to bind,fasten and to tie.
Trayate means to save.
So to save something from being fasten or bound and tied?
That means DO NOT tie it,bind it or fasten it as in "Let it Flow"???
Over to you VR Ji.
I know ! One ad even shows a man licking the face of a woman ...
whether the sweat drops or the water drops on it ...GOK!!!
Makes perfect sense!!! :clap2:
"Let it flow freely!!!"
Controlling this urge of urination is sure to lead to
many complication including stomach cramps!!
I shudder to think of the day when my bladder beceme
larger than a soft ball, as related earlier..
Another time, after my M.I.Law's demise,
I became fuler and fuller,and heavier and heavier
but just could not relieve myself however hard I tried!.
I thought I was going to literally burst!!! :boom:
I have enough sense to make some barley water
and drink it warm and lo and behold ...
kadaisiyil madai thiranthathu !!!
Later tests revealed severe urinary tract infection with a double digit pus cells!
Reason... sharing the western closet with random members of the family, the guests and the floating population!!!:flock:
Mam ur daily dose of information is really getting interesting now days.........
Sanskrit words are fun to decipher isn't it?
You DID all the deciphering!!!
Shall we have more deciphering in the future??? :high5: