....1. Yamaka said it is the Newest Civilization on earth. I said it is no civilization.
What you have said " it is ....".also confirms only what I have said - that it is not a civilization.
Raju, I really don't know what you mean by "no civilization". Also, what Y said and what I said, in my view, do not lead to your conclusion that there was no civilization, if by civilization you mean sublime culture. Gandhi was supposed to have said, in response to a question what he thought about western civilization, it is a good idea, i.e. it is about time they started one. This may be a clever retort, but does not mean much.
At one end you take great pains to save a human life by doing everything that is possible and at another you coolly drop a horrendous bomb on an unsuspecting city in the dead of night- the effect is that people were simply vaporised to vanish into the thin air. So where went all the value you had for the human life? Do you call this civility or a civilization?
It was a horrendous act of unimaginable cruelty and IMO, Truman is a mass murderer and a war criminal. But that does not mean there is no culture in the U.S. If this is the standard, then, in my view, due to the horrendous jAti/Varna oppression still being practiced in India, India is devoid of any civilization, which I reject with equal vehemence.
2. Yamaka is eloquently hollow when he says "is a land of Immigrants for Immigrants built by the sweat and tears of ALL Immigrants". I said that the most part of the sweat and blood was that of native Americans and 'imported' Africans. They were certainly not immigrants.
In my view both you and Y are correct it different ways. More below ...
3. Yamaka said they earned it by hard work and imagination and with some luck. I said it was just gun-powder combined with a ruthlessness bordering on savagery and a good lot of luck in the form of the vast stretches of virgin steppe land . The hard work was that of the Africans- who did not come as immigrants.
This is why I say you are ill informed about American history. BTW, this is not a personally derogatory comment. Not knowing something is not a flaw, I am blissfully uninformed about many nations in the world and I sure hope that is not taken as a character flaw.
It was not just black slaves that built the country, they surely had a big part in it and are not given the full credit they deserve. Besides the sweat and blood of black slaves, the waves of immigrants coming from different parts of Europe also slogged like slaves and contributed to what the nation was to become. They did not suffer the many indignities of being a literal slave and that was the only thing that separated them from the actual slaves. These poor white immigrants were treated almost as though they were slaves by the rich factory and business owners.
Take a look at novels by Uptain Synclair (The Jungle), Jack London (Iron Heel), and John Steinbeck (Grapes of Wrath), to get a glimpse of life for ordinary white people, in some ways even worse than that of the slaves who were after all valuable property to be cared for lest their value will decline.
The point is not that blacks and natives did not suffer, they did, big time, but it is not as though the country was built solely on their toil, many ordinary people were taken advantage of by the rich and powerful.
Once again, I am not trying to rationalize what was done to black slaves, no right thinking person would. But, it is a fallacy to say the nation was built only on the sweat and blood of black slaves. (BTW, the natives were never slaves, they were slaughtered yes, but they never were part of the productive work force of the U.S. economy, as slaves or exploited workers).
There is no need to call names and condemn that one is a very civilized behavior while the other uncivilized. The moment we do that we turn judgmental and all our accumulated prejudices come and take over the process with a vengeance.Cheers.
Calling names, is that not par for the course in certain segments of our membership

? May be I missed something, could you please elaborate, who called what names of whom?
Thank you ...