Dear Ravi:
Here is my response in bold letters...

ps. Not only on the economic life of India91%, Gods, Ghosts, Spirits, Religions and Caste Hierarchy have wrecked India in another way too: It has divided the Society so deeply, it has become very weak and incoherent. I will elaborate about it with a historical perspective later....
Here is my response in bold letters...
Shri Yamaka,
Thank you for responding to my post, sparing your time and energy..
For me, your post #24, above, is the same repeated views of yours that you claim to be the truth behind spirituality in India, repeatedly.
I am dead tired due a 4 day hectic trip to various temples in TN. Got back home this morning only and am unable to continue in detail now.
For now, I would say that you are ignoring to grasp my contention.
I bet, 1100 million poor folks who all are locked up inside the Gates of Hell of Poverty are not sleeping round the clock, closing their eyes and doing nothing to help themselves survive better. Some Sluggish folks do exist, freaking around without working and responsibilities irrespective of what they believe, perceive and follow to live their life.
1100 million poor people are not poor due to their belief in God and spirituality. They are poor only because what limited they could get financially to improve their education/skills etc. Though these forlks belive in God and practice spirituality as they could, they are very much on their toes to work laboriously day and night and doing their best for their survival and that of their family members.
No, these people are not lazy, closing their eyes and doing nothing... they huff and puff everyday to make a living..but please see the mechanics of being poverty in most of India91%:
Most are born themselves into poverty.. the typical family has 3-5 children, more girls than boys, mostly. You ask them "Why to have your first child, when you don't have a job?" The typical answer is "Oh, that... Bhahavan giveth, and I taketh" "Naama enna saiya mudiyum?" Most of them don't use contraceptives, like the Catholics, and are not keen on sound family planning, which they say is "Against the Spirit of Believing in the Almighty God".
When you have a dependent wife and 5 children, how could you feed and cloth them, even if you work 10 h a day with your poor education and skills?
Because of poverty at home, school children drop out of school very early, and only 15% of our population ever entered high school, and less than half of it ever passed the HS... leaving a vast population w/o adequate basic education. In my view, all of this is because of large family size for which the basic view is in the Belief of GOD and the theology flows from it.
I have been to almost all the major cities/metros in India and have seem plenty of times as how people suffering in the Gates of Hell of Poverty are running from pillar to post, day and night to make money and survive.
You are just considering the status of abject poverty to substantiate your claims and saying that belief in God and spirituality among these poorest folks is FATALISTIC. You are refusing to accept that these folks are not blind folded that all pervading GOD will take care of them and they can just relax and survive without efforts.
Please accept the basic view of these India91%: "All activities are Pre-Ordained... Thalai Yezhuthu... Nothing can be changed by anybody"
Is this not FATALISM?
I would like to know your opinion on the below which I feel you have ignored to answer specifically. I am copy pasting it from my previous post, in bold -
Do you think poor people who pray God with all their devotion, spending some money in temple poojas and at home, from whatever they could earn with out any sense of realizing the grace of God? Without realizing and feeling that they could some how pull on their family with some wage earning opportunity out of blue?
"As an Atheist, I must say that the Non-Existent God has no GRACE. There are 2.5 billion people who are Non-Believers, Non-Worshipers in the world are living a happier and more comfortable life everyday...they don't worry about the "Grace of God"!
But, a Theist will hope one day "The Grace of God" will come to them.... for most Hindus, if not in this life, a better life is waiting in the OTHER LIFE... ( alas, which will NEVER EVER come, IMO).
This is the Essence of FATALISM that we are arguing about...

ps. Not only on the economic life of India91%, Gods, Ghosts, Spirits, Religions and Caste Hierarchy have wrecked India in another way too: It has divided the Society so deeply, it has become very weak and incoherent. I will elaborate about it with a historical perspective later....

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