Uncle Yams , i chuckled when i read that of your text in 'bold' (!) am i putting my size seventeen foot in to my mouth?
Dear Shiv and Brahin: What's the difference between "belief" Vs "Belief of Super-Natural God"?
Let me clarify my use of the word "belief" -
For a second assume a visitor - another Scientist - coming to my Lab and ask "Doc, please tell me your Working Hypothesis on the Acquisition of Short and Long Term Memory".
I start like this "I believe that short term memory does not involve new protein synthesis, while the long term memory requires gene expression and new protein synthesis".
Here the context is my belief in my Working Hypothesis. The visiting Scientist will immediately know what I am talking about.
Coming back to what I wrote to dear MVS:
As an Athiest I don't have the belief in the Super-Natural Power, while Believers believe in this SNP. I am sure he understood what I exactly meant by that.
In no way, this contradicts my position on Theism, period. I have written exhaustively on this topic.
Some people pointed out and said, " Y, as a Naturalist you believe in Nature and Nature's Awesome Power. For many of us, that's God".
My answer has been consistently, if God of Abraham or God of Vedas & Puranas = Nature, I am in agreement. But, then, where is the NEED for all the Aaraadhana, Praise, Prayers, Poojas and Bhajans to that Nature!??
For Nature which acts by its own set of principles (laws of biology, medicine, physics, chemistry, astronomy etc etc) WILL NEVER pay any attention whatsoever to the hapless cries of humans!
More later...

ps. Please check your dictionary: "believe" verb is used in many different context, as is "belief". For example, sayings like "I believe that the fugitive has left the town", "I don't believe Houston Texans have the talent to win the Championship this year" etc. "belief" is just the noun of "believe". Clearly here we are not talking about Belief in the Super Natural God! Lol.
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