There are two types of Theists -
Type 1. Go around the temple/mosque/church, invoke the Ishta Deva all the time and live for "the next world" whenever that comes. No blather and no conflicts. A very Sadhu type.
Type 2. Keep Sword, Quick Guns & the like around their waist; whenever a Secular Thinker walks around the corner of the house, just whistle and pull the trigger. Laugh in glee and dance in trance!
Then go and do the Master Pooja & Bhajans in the name of the Almighty and recite the Adventure of the Day...include some exotic mantra written in Sanskrit!
Voila, declare "You Made My Day, Atheee"!
dear yamka and renuka !
after reading the post of you it made me to repeat the word
extremism in any thing is dangerous. your freedom ends where my nose begins
Okay, folks:
It's time to welcome Santa Claus... I am expecting some good "gifts" from him.. I left my chimney clean so that he can come to my place easily w/o dirtying his suit.
I hope you all get good gifts too...
Sharing gifts as a display of our love and affection is the Name of the Game at the time of X-mas...
Oh, forget about what happened at Bethlahem or the Journey of the Magi!
That's for others to worry about!
Happy Santa Day!
LOL!!! God doesnt exists for some but Santa Claus does!!!
I too agree. Every body will say thief, thief and so on. When the thiefDear Bala:
If the Theists truly believe and act "Anbe Sivam", then the world will be a better place.
They say one thing, and do totally opposite of the "Anbe Sivam" is what brings the CONFLICT!
That's the problem here!
dear bala !
you are correct . bur instead of telling shrewd and chanakya ,the apt word will be samayojitham (act acording to situation ). we all know that no use of arguing with a fool /adamant. we should also have a mind set up to accept the positive points of other person
with regards,
Dear guruvayuarappan, since whom this is intended is not clear I get a feeling I am the fool/adamant not to be argued with. Since I get called out as an adamant fool often and people often say say குற்றமுள்ள etc., I am doubly sure I am the intended fool/adamant. Please clarify... we all know that no use of arguing with a fool /adamant.
Dear narayanan, one Nara(yanan) to another, I am sorry to disappoint you, but in as much as your post was vague I couldn't help myself wonder that I must be the one. This is why I think we need to refrain from vague accusation, especially of the harsh kind "fool/adamant". I hope you agree.... even in dream i never thought of you .or any member of this forum . . i am not expecting words like this from a veteran like you ...
dear bala !
you are correct . bur instead of telling shrewd and chanakya ,the apt word will be samayojitham (act acording to situation ). we all know that no use of arguing with a fool /adamant. we should also have a mind set up to accept the positive points of other person
with regards,
The basic question is why should Man be praying to that 'power' however potent and formidable it may be. If a man recognizes the existence of such a power, acknowledges its superiority and lives according to what his given intellect tells him to be the right path, where does the need for humility as a show-piece and [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]prayer[/FONT][/FONT] come in? Are these not devices invented and imposed on people's minds by the religions and priesthood?
It is also incorrect to jump to the conclusion that if someone does not pray to a god, is not showing his humility towards a god openly, etc., that person is by definition having high ego, is unbending, is trying to assert his 'powerless and helpless little ego self' to assert all the time, etc. This scenario fits in well with a tyrant of a god who will not brook anything other than abject or extreme servility; to me this what priesthood, godmen, acharyas, gurujis, etc., look to from their followers/devotees and that god, in case he exists, is innocent of all this mischief.
Most Theists have no cloths!!!! They walk around hoping their nakedness will somehow be masked by their Gods! LOL.
The "non-existent" God just can't see this either! ROFL.
Dear Guru:
What happened to "Anbe Sivam" when you wrote like "arguing with a fool /adamant"?
Most Theists have no cloths!!!! They walk around hoping their nakedness will somehow be masked by their Gods! LOL.
The "non-existent" God just can't see this either! ROFL.
Take care..
ps. Folks, I will be gone for a few days...visiting my daughter in the neighboring town (San Anton) for the X-mas holidays! Happy holidays... forget about the Religion & Gods and be RATIONAL at least during holidays! Not HOLY Days!! Lol.![]()
You make me laugh, Yamaka, louder than your own laughter at all the believers! Read this carefully -- in a world that we never made, for a brief while we come and go, not being the efficient cause of ourselves -- oh yes, we may know for sure the proximate cause of our existence, our parents, but not the efficient cause -- and our lives are shaped by others on whom we are dependent at a tender age and later on, when we become conscious of our identity and position in the world, we try to give a meaning, shape or direction to our life, still without being in absolute control of our lives, we know not where we are headed in this life or after death, for death surely comes to all that is born and yet we strut about for a while on the stage of life saying that 'I am a scientist, engineer, technologist' or whatever other profession or occupation or trade or calling to which we may belong, and then we marry, beget children and believe them to be our own (without insisting on DNA matching or other forms of scientific proof), we raise them, educate them and care for them till they are on their own and want them to be good citizens of the world and of course, we visit them on holidays, as you do, if they do not come visiting us -- why? Why all this? It is nonsensical for an evanescent human being in this world not to be struck by the wonder of this world, this life, these thoughts, these feelings and these manifestation of intellectual prowess and still not be able to fold his hands and pray to whatever 'force' that has created all this wonder and seek guidance through this life, brief as it may be and away from the 'anti-thesis', the devil, all that is bad, dark, evil and the ugly side of life that is also evident in this world, some of our own making and others, not of our making at all! Your own knowledge and experience of the world and this life should give you the necessary wisdom to choose the 'good' (God) from the 'bad' (Devil)! Otherwise, you must acquire the wisdom from others through this gift of language!
You make me laugh, Yamaka, louder than your own laughter at all the believers! Read this carefully -- in a world that we never made, for a brief while we come and go, not being the efficient cause of ourselves -- oh yes, we may know for sure the proximate cause of our existence, our parents, but not the efficient cause -- and our lives are shaped by others on whom we are dependent at a tender age and later on, when we become conscious of our identity and position in the world, we try to give a meaning, shape or direction to our life, still without being in absolute control of our lives, we know not where we are headed in this life or after death, for death surely comes to all that is born and yet we strut about for a while on the stage of life saying that 'I am a scientist, engineer, technologist' or whatever other profession or occupation or trade or calling to which we may belong, and then we marry, beget children and believe them to be our own (without insisting on DNA matching or other forms of scientific proof), we raise them, educate them and care for them till they are on their own and want them to be good citizens of the world and of course, we visit them on holidays, as you do, if they do not come visiting us -- why? Why all this? It is nonsensical for an evanescent human being in this world not to be struck by the wonder of this world, this life, these thoughts, these feelings and these manifestation of intellectual prowess and still not be able to fold his hands and pray to whatever 'force' that has created all this wonder and seek guidance through this life, brief as it may be and away from the 'anti-thesis', the devil, all that is bad, dark, evil and the ugly side of life that is also evident in this world, some of our own making and others, not of our making at all! Your own knowledge and experience of the world and this life should give you the necessary wisdom to choose the 'good' (God) from the 'bad' (Devil)! Otherwise, you must acquire the wisdom from others through this gift of language!
You had me MVS for a while, but lost me with the above. You make an evidence free conclusion that this "force" -- about which you have no definitive knowledge as you use the word "whatever" in front of it, cares about human condition and able to bestow wisdom if we satisfy its ego by some sycophantic praying......, these feelings and these manifestation of intellectual prowess and still not be able to fold his hands and pray to whatever 'force' that has created all this wonder and seek guidance through this life,...
daer sankar !Thank you, Balasubramanian and Guruvayurappan. Even as you compliment me, I am sure that 'Yamaka' is just polishing his reply to post as soon as it is ready! It is like the story told of Buddha and a follower of his who asked him why the people who come to listen to him are not getting 'enlightened' in spite of his many discourses showing the path to a life free from the 'misery of existence' in this world. Buddha advised him to inquire with the people who come to attend his discourses and find out for himself. And soon he found that many people were coming there with some personal problem or the other for which they wanted some solution and not at all to seek 'enlightenment'. It is the same as the barber's story given here at the outset. Unless one 'seeks' wisdom, it is not going to come to him! Likewise unless one 'seeks' God, one is not going to 'realize' God! More likely, in one's wanderings through life, one may stumble upon the 'Devil' himself, be enamored of him and embrace his philosophy and laugh at the 'Godly' beings.