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Hemamalini's bold action to thwart unethical misuse

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reply to # 121.

YOU may visually SHOUT sky high and sing the

praise and glory of Muniyamma. But you will

sadly fail to make dent in me! :frusty:

The days of Danaal Thangavelu may be gone and

'that' VELU may be replaced by Vadivelu now.

Does it make Thangavelu cheaper by any means?

The handsome heroes of the yesterdays have

been replaced by hunks /hulks or bearded

fellows. I stopped watching movies since I can't

stand such faces.

So let Muniyamma replace and steal (?) the glory

of K.B. Sunderambal! :rolleyes:

The beauty of a person lies in the eyes of the

beholder. The sweetness of a music lies in the

ears of the listeners. Certainly my ears are

designed differently from yours! :ear:

I love all languages.They allow me to read/ write

more, communicate with varied people and get

my thoughts across. If people want to ride horses

in 'Gundu chatti' - they can go ahead.

Certainly I will not be one among them.
The location has been let out unwillingly and unknowingly.

Uncontrolled anger may make a person blow a FUSE and endanger his life. So learn to control your raw, helpless anger. :mmph:

Anger is a sign and acceptance of weakness. :whoo:

The angrier you are...the weaker and more helpless you become! :sick:

If anger can get through the P.C. and hit me like this,
I sympathize the people who are forced to live in the same premises, by the cruel hands of FATE. :tsk:
#51. மூன்று வகை மனிதர்கள்!

உலகின் அனைத்துப் பொருட்களிலும்
உண்டு மூன்று வெவ்வேறு வகைகள்;
உத்தமம் எனவும், மத்தியமம் எனவும்,
உருப்படா அதமம் எனவும் மூவகைகள்.

தேனைத் தவிர எதையுமே உண்ணாத
தேனீக்கள் உன்னதமான உத்தம வகை;
தேன் கிடைக்காவிடில் இறக்குமேயன்றி,
தேடிச் செல்லா அவை வேறு உணவை!

தேனை உண்ட பின்னும், தேடிச் சென்று
தெருவில் இருக்கும் கழிவுகளையும்
பேதம் இன்றி உண்ணும் வெறும் ஈக்கள்
பெயர் பெரும் மத்தியம வகை என்று!

சாணப் புழுக்கள் என்ற ஒரு வகையோ
சாணத்திலே பிறந்து, வளர்ந்து, வாழ்பவை.
தேனில் இட்டால் உடனே மடிந்து போகும்,
சாணத்திலே ஊறும் அவ்வகைப் புழுக்கள்.

நாம் காணும் மனிதரும் மூவகையினர்.
நல்லதை மட்டுமே நாடிச் செல்பவர்;
நல்லதையும், அல்லதையும் நாடுபவர்;
அல்லதை மட்டுமே என்றும் நாடுபவர்.

ஆறு அறிவும், அரிய மனிதப் பிறவியும்
அடைந்தும், அவற்றை வீணாக்கலாமா?
நல்லதையே நாடி, நன்மைகளே செய்து,
நல்லதையே எண்ணி நலம் பெறுவோம்.

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.

Everything in the world can be divided into three types – the Uththamam, the Madhymam and the Adhamam. Men can also be divided into these three types.

The honey bees spend their entire lives looking for nectar. They will settle for nothing less than the best – the nectar. If they can not find enough nectar, they would rather die than eat anything else. These form the Uththamam among the various insects.

The house fly will drink honey. It will also go and eat the garbage strewn on the road. It has no discretion between the good and the bad and will accept anything it finds. It forms the Madhyamam among the insects.

The maggots found in the rotting cow-dung can survive only there! If offered honey, they will die! These form the Adhamam among the insects.

Men are also of these three types. Those who like the honey bee always go in search of the best are the Uththmam. Those who accept the good and the bad without any discretion are the Madhyamam and the men who always go in pursuit of the bad things are the Adhamam.

Human life is a precious gift of God. We should not waste it in lowly things and pursuits. We should always aim for the good things which will help us both in worldly matters and spiritual matters.
[h=1]#20. நாற்றமும், நறுமணமும்![/h]
அடிக்கும் அலைகடலில் படகேறி,
பிடித்து வந்த மீன்களை எல்லாம்,
எடுத்துச் சென்று அலைந்து திரிந்து,
கொடுப்பார் செம்படவப் பெண்டிர்.

இருண்டு, கறுத்து, உறுமும் வானமும்,
திரண்டு பொழியும் மேகமும் கண்டு,
இருக்க நல்ல இடம் தேடி ஓடியவர்க்கு,
இருக்க இடம் தந்தான் ஒரு பூக்காரன்!

மல்லிகை, முல்லை, ரோஜா மலர் என,
மணக்கும் பூ வகைகளை வைத்திருந்த,
அறையினை அளித்தான் அவர்களுக்கு;
அறையில் அமர்ந்தனர் அப்பெண்கள்.

“என்ன நாற்றம் தாங்கவில்லையே!”
என்று முதலில் ஒருத்தி கூற, “ஆமாம்,
எனக்கும் மூச்சு முட்டுகிறது பூ நாற்றம்!”
என்று மற்றவர்களும் கூறலாயினர்.

உள்ளவர்களில் அறிவு மிகுந்த பெண்
உள்ளத்தில் உதித்தது ஒரு எண்ணம்;
மீன் கூடையை எடுத்து முகர்ந்தால்,
மீன் வாசனையில் பூ நாற்றம் போகும்!

அனைவரும் தம் தம் மீன் கூடைகளை,
ஆசையுடன் எடுத்து முகர்ந்து கொண்டு,
மழையும் நின்று மழை மேகங்களும்,
மறையும் வரையில் காத்து இருந்தனர்.

மணமும், நாற்றமும் அவர் அவர்களின் ,
மனத்தை பொறுத்ததே அறிந்திடுவோம்!
பழகிய நாற்றமும் நறுமணமே ஆகும்;
பழகாத நறுமணமும் நாற்றமே ஆகும்!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.


The fishermen lead a hard and risky life! They dare the rough waves of the raging sea and bring back their catch of fish. Their women-folk carry the fish in their baskets, and go round selling them, house to house.

One day it rained heavily while the women were out selling their fish. They had to seek protection from the slashing and drenching rain. A good natured flower vendor gave them a place in his hut, to wait till the rain stopped. It was the room where he had stored all his flowers like jasmines and roses.

The ladies who were not used to the fragrance of the flowers felt the smell weird and suffocating. One bright girl in that group suggested that they can smell their basket of fish to keep off the odor of the flowers.

All the others promptly agreed and they spent their time smelling their fish baskets with deep affection, until the rain stopped. They thanked the flower vendor and left for their homes.

Apparently there is no good smell or bad smell in the world. The bad smell which is familiar to us becomes a good smell and the unfamiliar good smell becomes a bad smell. So it seems!
[h=1]#30. இதுவா சுவர்க்கம்?[/h]
தினமும் பூமிக்கு இறங்கி வரும் இரு
திவ்வியமான அன்னப் பறவைகள்;
வருவது சுவர்க்கத்திலிருந்து – வலம்
வருவதோ ஓர் அழகிய நீர் நிலையை.

அன்னப் பறவைகளுக்கு உண்டு ஒரு
அன்பான நண்பன், அந்நீர் நிலையில்.
வண்ணங்கள் பல கொண்ட வாத்து, பால்
வண்ண அன்னங்களின் ஒரு தோழன்!

விவரமான அந்த வாத்து, அன்னங்களிடம்
விவரமாகக் கேட்டுக் கேட்டு அறியும்,
அற்புதமான அந்த சுவர்க்கத்தில் உள்ள
அற்புத அதிசயங்கள் அனைத்தையும்.

ஒரு நாள் அந்த அன்னங்கள் வாத்துத்
தோழனையும் தம்முடன் வரும்படி
விரும்பிப் பலமுறை அழைக்கவே,
தோழனும் மகிழ்ந்து உடன் சென்றது.

எத்தனை எத்தனை அதிசயங்கள்;
எத்தனை எத்தனை அற்புதங்கள்!
நான்கு தந்தம் கொண்ட ஐராவதம்;
நாம் கேட்டதைத் தரும் கற்பக மரம்!

அமுதம், அப்சரசுகள், தேவர்கள்,
அமுதமயமான இன்னிசை, நடனம்;
எங்கு நோக்கினும் மகிழ்ச்சிக் கடல்!
எங்கு நோக்கினும் ஒளி வெள்ளம்!

“எங்கள் சுவர்க்கம் உனக்குப் பிடித்தா?
எல்லாம் சுற்றி வந்தோமே!” என்று
வினவிய வெள்ளை அன்னங்களிடம்
வினோத விடை பகர்ந்தது வாத்து!

“இது என்ன பெரிய சுவர்க்கம்?
இங்கு ஒரு புழுவும்கூட இல்லை;
ஒரு பூச்சியும் இல்லை; நான் அளையச்
சேறு, சகதி எதுவும் இங்கே இல்லை!”

அமுதமும், ஐராவதமும் இருந்தாலும்,
அது தேடியதோ புழுவும், பூச்சியுமே!
சேறும், சகதியும் இல்லாததும்கூட ஒரு
பெரும் குறையே அதன் பார்வையிலே!

மனிதருள்ளும் இரு வகையினர் உண்டு!
இனிய நிறைவுகள் காணுவர் ஒரு சாரர்;
மன நிறைவு என்று ஒன்று உண்டு
எனவும் அறியாதவர் மறு சாரர்.

நிறைகளையே காண்பவர் எங்கும்
நிறைந்த மனத்தோடு மகிழ்வார்;
குறைகளையே பட்டியல் இடுபவரோ,
குறைகளைத் தேடி அல்லல்படுவார்!

நிறைகளையே எப்போதும் தேடுவோம்;
குறைகளைக் காண்பதை விடுவோம்!
நிறைகளையே கண்டால் என்றும் இன்பமே;
குறைகளையே கண்டால் என்றும் துயரமே!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.


Two snow white swans would fly down from the Heaven to the earth every night. They would swim around and play in a lake. They had a good friend who was a multi colored duck. They would describe to him the wonders of the Heaven they lived in.

One day the swans took the duck along with them to show him the wonders and glories of the Heaven. It was indeed an unusual place! Iravatham the four tusked elephant of Indra, the Kaplaga Vruksham that could grant you anything your heart desired, the nectar, the Apsras, the divine music and captivating dances. The whole place was a sea of joy and light.

The swans asked the duck, “How do you like our Heaven?” The duck then gave the strangest possible reply.

“Is this the Heaven you boast so much about? I did not find a single worm to eat nor did i find any slush to waddle in!”

Heaven had everything good and desirable and yet all the duck could think of was mud and worms.

We have two types of persons among us. Those who always look for the good things in life, find them and remain happy and contented. The other type of fellows always look for the defects and deficiencies in everything and remain dissatisfied and unhappy.

Let us learn to look at the positive side of everything and live happily.

Source of these poems and translations is my blog <visalramani.wordpress.com>
Where are we going ..... from Hema malini .......

This thread is all about Hema's action and considering her personal life
as revealed by a learned member whether what she did is a show or
whether she is really concerned with ethics.
Proves time and again that learning has nothing to do with

practical (day to day) wisdom!

Where are we going ..... from Hema malini .......

This thread is all about Hema's action and considering her personal life
revealed by a learned member whether what she did is a show or
whether she is really concerned with ethics.
There is a popular saying in Tamil which can be translated

as, "Show me your friends and I will tell all about you!"

I think we are perfectly justified in stating that,

"Tell me whom you admire and I will tell all about you!"
Mrs RR, is Paravai Muniamma the same person as Kollangudi Karuppayi? Why did you all feel bad for KK also receiving the award, I am unable to understand, may be I am missing some ground realities :) ...
1. K K was the first ELDERLY lady to sing folk songs in Tamil cinema. P M entered the Tamil film industry only in 2003.

2. Our Guru Prof. Dr. S. R was a great musician and musicologist and the Tamil Nadu state government recognized

his achievements very late! He has received the most prestigious 'Sangeetha KalAnidhi' title from the Music

Academy, Chennai. K K got the title by singing a few folk songs! We were upset by the late recognition of our Guru and

not BECAUSE K K got it! Hope I am clear, now!


here is my take on the genres of musics of tamil nadu.

Every society has various forms of music to express itself in a finer form.

The folk music and dances are colourful, and involves group participation and cheer. The same communities have a different form of music, often termed ‘classical’, and which usually transcends communities and spans a multitude of communities.

For example, the bhangra is primarily a Punjabi farmer group dance, where as the Hindustani classical can span from the borders of Afghanistan to burma border. It is essentially a music of the courts of north india. the punjabis might pay obeisance to hindustani classical but when they hear a bhangra, everyone of them jumps up and turns the lightbulb.

sad to say, tambrams do not treat our folk music with the same respect that they have built for carnatic music, as a rule. and broadly generalizing.

Similarly tamil nadu from Chidambaram spawned bharatanatyam and the accompanying music, which we now know as carnatic music. It is as tamil as one can get. And would have remained tamil based, had not the trimoorthies changed the course towards Sanskrit and telugu. I don’t know about previous generations, but starting from the 1960s, every tambram household female had to undergo a course in carnatic music + instrument.

This increasingly became a ‘must have’ certificate in the marriage market. Along with this popularization, I feel, came a sense of elitism and exclusivity, whereby carnatic music came to be identified with tambrams only much to the agony of pillais, naidus mudaliars and such, who in the past have contributed as much if not more to the enrichment of this class of music, but were increasingly shunned by the newly upwardly mobile establishment.

The music academy of madras is THE epitome of this Brahmin domination. The membership overwhelmingly is Brahmin, as is all the decision making folks. The title ‘sangeeta kalanidhi’ is much coveted, and behind its awarding is as much politicking as for a nobel prize in literature. Ie not everyone is on par with MS or Ariyakudi, and still have been a recipient of one.

for some it came very late in life, like papanasam sivan, who was destitute and could not afford to pay for a taxi, and stood in the rain in the bus stop opposite the music academy, holding the coveted ‘sangita kalanidhi’. Noe of the tvs, hindu or simpson elite or their chelas ever thought of giving this man a ride.

The tamil folk music has been the disliked and mocked step child of the carnitcos. at best it can be termed as been 'benignly ignored'. Whereas the carnatic music thanks to the staffing of AIR, not only encouraged the music, but also guaranteed financial security through grading and full time employment.

even hindustani music does not get this amount of patronage from air.

Therukoothu, Karagam, kudhiraattam, oppaari, villuppaatttu and many such folk genre, hence languished and in fact were dying due to lack of patronage. Surprisingly even the dravdian reformation did not contribute muchly to the revival of folk arts, the way it should have, in my opinion.

these are no better or no worse than carnatic music. all have tamil roots and seeped in the soil of tamil nadu.

Rather belatedly the tamil nadu government has recognized the importance of the various music genre, and haave included in its accolades the music of the masses of the villages. And fittingly so. It is the right thing to do.

I think there is no shame in someone who is versed in oppaari being given as much recognition as someone in carnatic music.

Atleast a tamil could understand the oppaari and feel with it, where as something in telugu or Sanskrit, is beyond comprehension of many folks like me, who do not understand and who equate it Koran chant of the muslims or latin chant of the Christians. Divine? Maybe. But not life. Not of life. That is how I see it.

One might want to ask karuppaayi how she felt about her late recognition? Who knows? Folks practising the folk arts have every reason to feel deprived of their entitlement, because their champions did not man the key positions of all india radio when it was started.

My own wish is to make tamil the primary language of carnatic music concerts. Anything that could be sung in telugu or Sanskrit, could be done as well in tamil. We have a huge history of music right from the sangom age.

It is a shame that all such is ignored, or given a ‘bit’ chance in today’s concerts, even though I was told that artists like sudha or jayashree, sing a few more tamil songs than the men. i feel atleast 75% of a katcheri should be in tamil.

Barring that, I would rather buy a ticket to a karuppayi concert any day to anything organized at music academy.

Thank you.
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"உன் நண்பனை எனக்குக் காட்டு!
நான் உன்னைப் பற்றிக் கூறுகின்றேன்."

I have seen this saying often.
So I called it as a popular Tamil saying.
It might have originated the way you say.
But I certainly was not aware of it.
Now I know they are the words of Jesus Christ.
Thank you and with warm regards,
Mrs. V. R.

It is not the Popular saying in Tamil.Christians used to say that it is the word of Jesus.
1. One might want to ask karuppaayi how she felt about her late recognition? ........

2. Barring that, I would rather buy a ticket to a karuppayi concert any day to anything organized at music academy.

Dear Sir,

1. K K was not recognized late.... She hardly sang a few songs in the Tamil movies and got it!! I wrote about the

late recognition of a great person like my Guru.

2. I am confident that Music academy will never arrange such a concert(??!) So, please do not worry about buying tickets!

Good publicity for the dream girl, 135 posts and 163 likes......l about !
Publicity for the dream girl? I do not think so, Sir! Her personal life is under postmortem............
Publicity was given in bright pink boldest fonts, along with her smiling countenance for another senior 'star' of today!! :faint:
We were upset by the late recognition of our Guru and not BECAUSE K K got it! Hope I am clear, now!
Dear Mrs. RR, thank you for the clarification, I appreciate it. My confusion was, Mrs VR said your Guru refused to accept the honor because it was given to Muniyamma also, and you clarified your guru did accept the honor, and here comes the confusion, you mentioned KK as the co-receiver. This particular discrepancy is still not clarified.

While I enjoy Carnatic music, I am not a connoisseur and I enjoy lot of other genres as well. So, to put down something we don't like, is, IMO, childish and immature, that is all.

Dear Sir,

1. K K was not recognized late.... She hardly sang a few songs in the Tamil movies and got it!! I wrote about the

late recognition of a great person like my Guru.

2. I am confident that Music academy will never arrange such a concert(??!) So, please do not worry about buying tickets!



i think, there was a life for KK beyond tamil movies. once upon a time, people used to think that the sabhas in chennai were the beginning and end of culture as they saw fit.

there is the whole of tamil nadu, and in the various districts are practised, arts and dramas, which are completely oblivious to the shavian middle class 'values'. the world of tamil dramas beyond the urban areas, is another rich tradition, that many of us may not be aware. these are more to awake social awareness and the best of the best of those is 'ratha kanneer'.

i would hesitate to make a statement like 'KK was not recognized late'.. so much of knowledge expressed there, the type of knowledge and attitude that i cringe. an adoration of a guru, should it come to this?

moreover Music Academy, MA. i do not know how one can be so pristine in their opinions of that politics ridden organization. in the interest of confidentality, i will stop here.

too bad!!

ps.. i am unable to comprehend your comic characters. i would presume they are meant to be insulting and i thank you for the complements.
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I don't remember whether K K got the KalaimAmani award the same year or a little earlier than my Guru.

As I wrote in an earlier post, P M made her debut in Tamil cinema only in 2003. And our Guru was in heavenly

abode by then. He left us in the year 1988. :angel:
ps.. i am unable to comprehend your comic characters. i would presume they are meant to be insulting and i thank you for the complements.
Oh! Sorry Sir! I thought 'lalala' meant music! Does it have so many hidden meanings? Really sorry.

Thanks to Biswa for enlightening me. I will not post any smileys when I reply to your post, here after.

Oh! Sorry Sir! I thought 'lalala' meant music! Does it have so many hidden meanings? Really sorry.

Thanks to Biswa for enlightening me. I will not post any smileys when I reply to your post, here after.


Hmm, I guess you did not notice the hands clapped over the years when singing "La la la la". This is what kids do these days when they don't want to listen to their parents.

I think you should use more smilies with similar intent. Such as :flame:
Yes! The rural rustic singer got publicity in bold pink tall letters! :doh:

Publicity for the dream girl? I do not think so, Sir! Her personal life is under postmortem............
Publicity was given in bright pink boldest fonts, along with her smiling countenance for another senior 'star' of today!! :faint:
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