sirs- unlike most other communities, bramins do not bury, but burn the bodies of dead. this is environmentally and ecologically friendly practice, as this does not consume space. late poet kannadasan says in his 'arthamulla indhumadham' that orthodox hindus have a practice of not burning, but burying the bodies of persons who do not die a natural death. this is interesting. a person who dies of suicide, accident or other doubtful circumstances, is buried and not burned as usual , because may be
the body could be needed for performing some tests.
in older days, there were many restrictions on widows. but these were applicable only for old age widows and not younger ones. unfortunately, as time passed, these distinctions disappeared and even young widows were subject to same restrictions as older ones.
the body could be needed for performing some tests.
in older days, there were many restrictions on widows. but these were applicable only for old age widows and not younger ones. unfortunately, as time passed, these distinctions disappeared and even young widows were subject to same restrictions as older ones.