SIR - the kaliaignaa always confuses brahminim with other religions. unlike inother religions, where all sects have only one god, in hinduism and even in brahminism each sect has a different god. even allowing a saiva brahmin as a priest in vaishnava brahmin temples and vice versa will be a blatant violation of the sacred agamas. when even brahmins are not allowed into temples of each other sect as priests, making non brahmins and anti brahmins as priest in brahmin temples, betrays the ignorance and illiteracy of the kalaignaa in matters like this.
Many sects share the same god.Srirangam vishnu,tirpupathi balaji,palani muruka all these gods are istadevatha of people across many sects and castes.No single caste can claim ownership of these deities and argue that they own these deities.who owns tanjore shiva temple?saiva vellalar or saiva pillai?The king who built that temple built it for all hindus and all castes.
When all hindus can go to all temples,it is ludicrous to claim that one sect owns a god.It is even more worse to claim that only one caste has the right to do pooja in a temple owned by government.
All sects and castes share same holy book-vedas.So it is ludicruous to claim that each jathi belongs to a different religion.
If each caste is a different religion,then people of other castes cannot come to temples,let alone become priests.If you argue that each jathi is a different religion,you cannot claim that they can visit all temples,but cannot become priests.
n mosques only muslims can become priest. in church, only christians can become priests, this is because in these religiions all sects have same god. the same logic will not apply to hinduism because, here each and every sect has a god, a custom and practice peculiar to its own sect. Temples are not identified by who built it , but by what customs they are following. any hindu can enter any temple for worshipping. but the temples should be controlled only by the sect whose customs the temple is following. similarly, no sect should impose its own customs or interfere in the running of temple of other sects.
This is the order of manu,which the country no more follows.Bhramin only should do poojas,ksathriya only should become king..such laws are outlawed.We have become a secular nation and laws of land take precedence over everything else.
can a shopowner who sells a saree to a woman say' you are wearing the saree of my shop. so i have a right to touch you'. similarly for anti brahmins to try to impose and interfere in rituals of brahmin temples on the pretext that these temples belong to all hindus, is as vulgar as the shopowners logic. of course anyhindu can enter any temple. the dispute is who should control and what rituals the temple should follow.
Temple can follow any ritual.Question is whether other castes have right to become preist in temples or not.
If temple laws are anti-constitutional,discriminatory and propogate untouchability they can be scrapped by law.
All the top three gods are brahmins- the creator brahma, the protector vishnu and the destroyer siva. even rama and krishna are avataars of these brahmin gods. remember lord rama worshipped lord shiva in rameswaram. so if you are a hindu,you have to tolerate brahminism -even if you do not respect or accept brahminism. when even brahmins do not allow persons of other brahminical sects to become priests in their temples, how can anti brahmins &non brahmins be allowed?
Bhramins now dont have the power to
allow or disallow. That era is gone for good.Now nobody is holier than the rest.All are equals.Rule of law is above religious laws.
the laws of brahmins are so sacred , it is not like dravida naadu which dmk once clamoured and suddenly dropped for political reasons.
Age of bhramins making laws is over.Those laws are superseded by indian constitution.Manudharma has been replaced by indian constitution.
of course, only as a gratitude to non brahmins who built these temples, non brahmins are allowed to worship in the se temples and rightly so. remember, brahmins have never tried to impose their practices or interfere in rituals on non brahmin temples anywhere in the world. so nonbrahmins should also not interfere in rituals of brahmin temples.
Now you talk as if bhramins own these temples.
These temples are owned by government and people and only as a gratitude they allow the people who do poojas there to poojas.
An employee cannot claim ownership of owners property.A bus conductor cannot claim ownership to the bus.Bhramins do not own these temples.They belong to government and people.Bhramins were employees and can never become owner of temples.
just like a shopowner selling his shops'saree to a womancustomer cannot claim rights over that woman, just because you fund a temple, you should not tamper withthe customs of that temple.
These temples were
not sold to bhramins.They werent given as donation either.Bhramins were appointed as employees to do a service and they cannot claim that they own the temple.Even if a station master sits ina railway station for generations he or his family doesnt own the railway station.It always belongs to government.