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How and when will India become a truely developed nation?

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i have been to china. i have seen the future there.. to paraphrise an old quote i forget by whom, about the now defunct soviet union.

one has only to go to beijing airport, to step into a country, where everything is being changed on such a vast scale. 1.2 billion humans are being herded into the 21st century, somewhat ruthless, but definitely with a sense of purpose.

here are two articles about china from today's new york times.


the above article, just lists the areas where the total number of unit sales in china surpasses that of the u.s.a. the public would be surprised.

the next article is about how the petrol consumption is actually flat while auto sales increased by 24%. it is indeed amazing, that while the west sort of drags its feet towards carbon emissioins, china, even though is the largest culprit in the area of global warming, thanks to its authoritarian regimes, able to quickly turn around and implement actions that are among the greenest inthe world today.


many a times i wonder if india had gone communist, or authoritarian, we could have emulated china. indeed in my teens, the military option was one of my pet causes for a while.

sadly, i think any authoritarianism would have failed badly in india. we would have emulated pakistan, and probably ended up with even bigger bank balances in switzerland than the current situation.

the chinese society is an irreligious society. confucian values are a way of life, i think, much like buddha. not much is talked about god.
even the buddhists there are not overtly religious.

which is why, this absence of religion, was a fertile ground for conversion to christianity in the early part of the 20th century. ofcourse all this stopped when mao won, and christianity is as much kept under the thumb, as is islam.

democracy, and we have to thank nehru for nurturing it, and God for letting live long enough to nurture it, is i am afraid the only form of government fit for india's variety of castes, creed and religions.

i have a new boss. he is a muslim from agra. we compared notes, not on religion, but cultural aspects, and how different we in the south, are different from the northerners. he was gentle enough to amaze publicly, about the vast diversity and richness of indian culture - true unity in diversity. this from a u.p. muslim, expressed in a western environment, makes me very humble and proud.

i think, if our form of government is any measure of success morally, we have achieved it. jai hind?
i could not help producing verbatim, this small ditty in the article referred to below about the current economic situation in greece.

As he sat in a cafe with friends in the chic Kolonaki area on a recent afternoon, Antonis, 33, who disclosed only his first name, proudly announced that he refused to pay taxes.

“Why should I pay?” he asked with a grin. “I don’t care about my government; I don’t care about my country,” he added.

He conceded, however, that he did care about soccer and women.

Such views, while not always so vehement, are common in Greece, where the government is widely seen as corrupt, regardless of who is in power.

Few people expect much from the state — except highly coveted public sector jobs. Today, one in four Greek workers is employed by the state, a result of decades of public hiring to stave off social unrest.

i recommend the reader to visit the website, just to see the picture of the piled up garbage. i have not seen such in chennai anytime.

India seems to be achieving better gender equality as compared USA.

Women CEOs: India Inc beats US hands down - India Business - Biz - The Times of India

Achieving gender equality will definitely take India to greater heights.

All the best


i agree. it appears to me, that at one end of the society, our educated and upward mobile women are able to break the glass ceiling. even better, this is being accepted by the males.

i think though, this is confined to professional areas only. and that too in senior management.

the same folks, when they come home, maybe the gender roles may not be so much emancipated in a majority of the cases.

i think in the west, by and large, the women are emancipated. going up the corporate leader, till recently, was based, in my opinion, on the 'old boy network' and not necessarily on merit. it took a lot of effort for the women to crack that network. now they too have the 'old girl network'.

networking appears to be the key word in all corporate worlds.

i also feel, that the indian professional woman, atleast in the initial stages, came from the upper middle class, which were among the first to emancipate their girls and treat them equally as boys. as a result, for these, networking was eased by the daddys and uncles.

in the west, the emancipation was broad based. and hence more difficult to for upward mobility for the women. nowadays, though, i think, it has come to be on par, and within a generation, we should see as many women CEOs and men. :) all for the best.
Sri Kunjuppu ji,

Take the case of ICICI Bank. It was very aggressive in lending like its US counter parts and got into problems when the global financial crisis cropped up.

As per plan Shiri Kamath also retired as full time Managing Director and CEO. The new MD and CEO Ms.Chanda Kochhar had a very tough task last year when she took over. There were continuous withdrawal of deposits as the bank lost its bulk customers. But this Jodhpur lady managed it remarkably well and the bank is back to normal without any government support. The bank shares nose dived from Rs.1500 to Rs.300 within a year and again picked up to approx. Rs.1000 now.

ICICIBANK.NS: Basic Chart for ICICI BANK LTD. - Yahoo! Finance India - Share Prices, Charts, News and more

She is considered as one of the best lady chief executives in the country and manages a finacial conglomerate which is size wise next only to Government owned State Bank of India.

She is a gold medalist from Cost Accountants Institute and MBA from Jamanlal Bajaj Management Institute. Before this assignment, she was mainly responsible for transforming ICICI from a development financial institution catering only to few big corporates to full fledged bank catering to all customers. I am sure she will be able to make it into a full fledged global bank as she has more than a decade of service.

Ladies are doing wonderful job in Indian Corporate Management.

All the best
credibility factor for this article


this came in today's hinduonline.


while on first read, i was happy, within minutes, i re-read and found that it was a view felt by indian senior managers.

which is why, i tend to query this level of confidence rating.

managers in the west, and also i think china, tend to understate their achievements. particularly when addressing the distant future, with so many unknowns, they are more modest in their claims.

it is in this context, that i am skeptical of this claim, that india will be #1 economically by 2030 which is only 20 years away.

china started in 19881, and with an even more goal oriented vision driven ruthless effort, still is far away from being certified #1 judging by the lifestyle of its majority citizens.

we have, i think, i don't know, how many people still on poverty level meaning cannot afford food or new clothing or living in the streets or slums.

why this jingoistic claim?
.....it is in this context, that i am skeptical of this claim, that india will be #1 economically by 2030 which is only 20 years away


why this jingoistic claim?


By 2030 I think India will overtake China and become #1, #1 in population.

For the common man, whether India shines or whether it is a super power or #1 in GDP, it really does not matter. How many of the structures of oppression have we brought down, how many lowly workers are treated as a social equal, how many women are able to lead an independent life and even be a unwed single mothers without getting labeled as loose, these are the measures that really matter.

We have quite some responses trickling in, some of them informative but.....Just like how it happens in many or most public discussions for a common cause, we seem to have lost steam and direction. Hope someone would help take this discussion towards an amicable solution path.

My motive is simple....points that we share here should help each individual contribute towards the common cause.

Any takers?

I saw this movie Paa...some food for thought on the socio-political front for a developed and corruption (less) India.

as the initiator of this thread, please feel free to interject and guide the topic to your desired end.

i do not think, that staying away and watching the post will get you there.

a little active involvement, is probably needed. this could be responding to members' posts, and occassional updates from journals and newspapers.

i do not think, it is upto the publilc to maintain 'steam and direction', and i do not think the public has the capacity to do so. it is at the initiative of the thread owner.

hope this helps. thanks.

We have quite some responses trickling in, some of them informative but.....Just like how it happens in many or most public discussions for a common cause, we seem to have lost steam and direction. Hope someone would help take this discussion towards an amicable solution path.

My motive is simple....points that we share here should help each individual contribute towards the common cause.

Any takers?

I saw this movie Paa...some food for thought on the socio-political front for a developed and corruption (less) India.
Prof.Nara is absolutely right. There is a long long way to go to achieve real freedom and equality for the citizens of the country irrespective of caste, creed and gender. It is a vain claim to attain developed nation tag without bringing about equality and freedom. Venkat
let 's say --development--mental and physical development of a nation
mental--being good,do not harm any....and many Hindu philosophical preachings v have attained,but just being good is not enough--v must move ahead ,so v must be responsible too
[being good--is personal/individual of course as a country too],being responsible is thinking [holistic] big or thinking of others ,of a nation....

''being responsible is lacking with Indians''--hence trouble in having good /all round development in India
this is to say many --good development is nullified by other irresponsible Indians

development of a nation--some western countries[taken historical account]did develop at the cost of other poor nation's wealth,now even environment --this must not taken into account,China making many work without pay/under duress is not development and report is from Govt alone cannot substantiate its claim....[v can learn tactical aspect for development from China]

nation must be developed--both mentally and physically in leadership and not by wealth alone-as this is taken as parameter chiefly --Butan [if correct]taken 'Happiness' as development....so let us many parameter along with wealth for development criteria
another small step --is to form a syndicate of professionals and specialists and help in forming a group and showing a direction --for political,industrial,social ....

as the initiator of this thread, please feel free to interject and guide the topic to your desired end.

i do not think, that staying away and watching the post will get you there.

a little active involvement, is probably needed. this could be responding to members' posts, and occassional updates from journals and newspapers.

i do not think, it is upto the publilc to maintain 'steam and direction', and i do not think the public has the capacity to do so. it is at the initiative of the thread owner.

hope this helps. thanks.

Dear Kunjuppu,

This thread like most, is for everyone to participate. I guess having around 1 in 4 posts on this thread is not like - stay away and watch. And I hope there are so many more people contributing great ideas that I would slip much below 1 in 4 posts. My belief is that initiator need not be a director/provider of solution.

I also believe there will be posts that would not be in line with the topic, but my way is not to put them down, but gently urge them to make a meaningful contribution.

Developing a nation has to be a collective effort. That is my desired end and I guess many would feel the same.

Look forward to some great ideas from you as well.

You might also notice, though I have been an active member in other threads before, have stopped altogether and only focusing on this one right now.

I love to be on the backstage, though in an active way.

thanks with love.
The India that I would love to see (hope at least the next generation gets to see).....I understand this is a lengthy process before achieved.

Peace within
Friendship with neighbors
Food, shelter and healthy living conditions for all

I do not feel a developed India requires to surpass any existing developed nation. But, to achieve the above, we may need to do some things that would eventually take us somewhere in the top 10.

Peace within - Many may think peace would come out of clearing differences in people. I do not think so. Educate people - this will help. Implant one prime quality among good ones - self esteem (not ego). Educated people with self esteem have a lesser chance of stooping to low practices in life. Educate people on how to differentiate between necessities and non-necessities in life.

I would love to see people post their comments on my views above and also write on how they think "Friendship with neighbors and Food, shelter and healthy living conditions for all" can be achieved.
Our politicians will not allow India to be a truly developed nation.

Rajeev Gandhi when was occupying the Prime Minister post made a survey and found out that for every rupee spent by Government of India, only 17 paise reaches the ultimate beneficiary.

Recently Rahul Gandhi made a survey to find out that only 7 paise reaches the beneficiary.

It only proves that any amount of money spent will not reach the needy.

Then how can imagine full development.

It is only a day dream

All the best
Education should include Human Values.Many "educated" today resort to base levels for monetary gain.
I dont have to elaborate but Educare is surely missing in the Education system in the world today.
Having Human Values need not make us take a step backward in life and make us lose our spirit and determination of progress but in fact takes us a few leaps ahead.
For example a non corrupt individual will think of the benefit of everyone and not himself alone.
Society will improve and be more efficient once corruption is weeded out.
Education in Human Values is the best solution to advance any society in the right track.
Peace and Harmony is of utmost important for progress of a nation.
War can only offer temporary solutions.
Peace and Harmony should start at an individual level first.
There should be ceiling of desires.We need to know what is truly needed and what is not needed.Too much desire of anything is bad.Moderation in behaviour need to be cultivated.

When there is Harmony in the Heart,there is Harmony in the Home.
When there is Harmony in the Home,there is Harmony in the Society.
When there is Harmony in the Society, there is Harmony in the Nation.
When there is harmony in the Nation there is Peace in the World.
(Sathya Sai Baba)
Our politicians will not allow India to be a truly developed nation.

Rajeev Gandhi when was occupying the Prime Minister post made a survey and found out that for every rupee spent by Government of India, only 17 paise reaches the ultimate beneficiary.

Recently Rahul Gandhi made a survey to find out that only 7 paise reaches the beneficiary.

It only proves that any amount of money spent will not reach the needy.

Then how can imagine full development.

It is only a day dream

All the best

We can learn a few things from the past.

We need more transparent allocation and delivery methodologies - which categorize the amount of money that will eventually be spent (rightfully) for things related to individual schemes. Saying all/any money spent for managing or distributing or implementing the scheme is incorrect. Normally amount allocated - that is projected to public schemes include money that is rightfully needed for related expenditures also. Of course we recognize some money is siphoned off by anti-social elements.

Every citizen pays taxes in many ways than known directly to them. These taxes are collected so they will be spent for public good. So, unless we decide to stop the government from functioning, this money will need to be collected and eventually spent. So, we just cannot wash our hands away and say, nothing can be done. Relentless effort is required along with a lot of strategic planning.

After all, we at least have roads and railways in major cities and towns, even if not good enough. After all, we at least have education as a system, even if not good enough. After all, we at least have better peace and security than many other countries, even if not good enough. We did not get all these just like that, many people have worked for it for decades.

After all, we at least have the intent to be developed, even if not good enough.

Day dreaming is not bad, if many dream of the same for a constructive common cause. That is exactly the reason why we are discussing this topic here. Your constructive dreams for the nation, in words, posted here, may be someone else's guidance to life and vice versa.
Education should include Human Values.Many "educated" today resort to base levels for monetary gain.
I dont have to elaborate but Educare is surely missing in the Education system in the world today.
Having Human Values need not make us take a step backward in life and make us lose our spirit and determination of progress but in fact takes us a few leaps ahead.
For example a non corrupt individual will think of the benefit of everyone and not himself alone.
Society will improve and be more efficient once corruption is weeded out.
Education in Human Values is the best solution to advance any society in the right track.
Peace and Harmony is of utmost important for progress of a nation.
War can only offer temporary solutions.
Peace and Harmony should start at an individual level first.
There should be ceiling of desires.We need to know what is truly needed and what is not needed.Too much desire of anything is bad.Moderation in behaviour need to be cultivated.

When there is Harmony in the Heart,there is Harmony in the Home.
When there is Harmony in the Home,there is Harmony in the Society.
When there is Harmony in the Society, there is Harmony in the Nation.
When there is harmony in the Nation there is Peace in the World.
(Sathya Sai Baba)

I loved your post and so will many who read it....way to go.
since this group is mostly by TB/B--why not syndicate many professional[although this is a repeat] and start helping at least TB first,then v can go further
there r many potential professionals and like minded who can start Industry/Business like in professional way
the following suggestion may look immature,and i understand many r having very good field experience
[i can involve in 'agri' and 'Food Ind' and take care of
--agric has potential in --organic produce,indian traditional bio pesticides-having potential in India and much after market abroad,]

IT pros can syndicate to create packed software [after having some years of exp in software service]I do not know if this is possible or not--but v must progress from service ind to packed ind having value addition

...Ind and good business not only help India--but greatly help in employment opportunity --where TB and other indians struggle all thru life,
this will create good cascading effect in developing the nation

creating Ind/Bus is somewhere near the top of pyramid of development,hence it is important.....
instead of helping raw materials to b exported and expecting Chinese in developing into a product--is not our fault to utilize the RM and converting into products
this is happening in all raw material and Human potential--v r not converting into finished products--and allowing others to do it,thus losing lot of potential,intellectual prospects

for example--mango pulp is exported to many nations at dirt cheap rate and they in turn r sell-with10-25% finished product at the same price or more to us--who is losing?
Chinese import iron ore [they have more iron deposits than v do]from us and convert into beautiful products of steel --toys to many machinery--and v r still watching ....

this is true with many potential Raw material and Human potential
[true TB/Indians v have some tendency to be worker/slave, helpers [or as a sycophant]like than a creator /potential leader in any field -business,political.......that is occupying top of pyramid]

r v intellectually and economically incapable/incompetent to do the same?
no doubt Industrial policies/govt policies failed--to put tax on RM exports/ban it for use in India,that is why v must take initiative..possible or not..let us see
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v must gear up collectively at some level or the other--individual suppositions can only b a hypocrisy what v r attached to so far,
@ renuka
v TB have probably too much of education--yet many problems without solutions
v must move further --with this educational potential--it is something like acquiring wealth [of education] but could not put into proper use
--v have 3rd largest in S&T--but must have used least ,hence migrate to potential place to live and work abroad

v have a failed state/govt --that 'do not' coordinate with educated persons,
power is with the crooks,if educated is right --he will b in 'wrong place'-since crooks have already occupied 'right places'

so v must opt 'out' of this and develop ourselves and thereby becoming powerful to correct many wrong things right
India must b one of few--place on earth where crooks r given more importance and posted at right place
Dear Siva Ji,
Believe me India is not the only place on earth where crooks are given more importance and posted at right place.
This problem is Global but more pronounced in 3rd world countries.

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Ms.renuka [what is ji = in tamil?..pl let me know,i am not too good in tamil]

I am just a critic for better vision--i understand the problem of India--although it is well /good at near the top of pyramid in political and some S&T....[political stability and unity is good and v r able to send many satellites and moon+....].but when it comes to internet connectivity and communications at BOP[bottom of pyramid--its is not looked into,... it is not trickling down the pyramid--that is why it is felt more/pronounced

....to b contd
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