Talking of slide in TB numbers , for the first time someone in facebook has come out with actual numbers of brahmins inall states in india and the position and power
they hold.A group of brahmins worked on this report
Some excerpts
Brahmin numbers
! UP -2crores
2 Bihar-98 lakhs
3.MP-42 lakhs
4 Gujarat-60 lakhs
5. maharashtra-45 lakhs
6.karnataka-45 lakhs
7. A.P- 24 lakhs
9. tamilnadu-30lakhs
10-north east -negligible
11. odisha-37 lakhs
12 JandK 2to 4 lakhs left state
Maximum brahmins are in UP and minimum in sikkim
Maximum brahmins employed in west bengal govt.
Max. percentage brahmin population in state -uttarkhand with 20%
Maxm literate brahmins are in kerala and himachal.
Maxm no of produced CM s is rajasthan .
Maxm no of educated brahmins are in UP
All this talk of brahmins dwindling and vanishing is all gas.
Courtesy -facebook Jegan Ptk Ramanujadasan and parameswaran PG
I checked up two relating to population,It is 4% plus for tamilnadu and about 10% for UP. both are plausible.I was taking samples. Population as per wikipedia 2011 census.
As far as loksabha, rajysabha % are concerned, it might be numbers not % .
I do not like to impute motives.
Are brahmins so entrenched still in govt and business. ?
Population may be OK but none of the others...Now you also agree that Lok sabha numbers are not % but sheers numbers...With 50% reservations & FC's include Punjabis, Banias,Rajputs and Kayasthas, the Brahmin pie in education and employment will be max 10 to 15% at best...That is why I said it is circulated by anti Brahmin group with a Brahmin tag to camouflage the intentions...I think we should remove the post as some of us may think that all is good in the community while reality is otherwise..In Chandigarh where I lived for 10 years Brahmins used to work as guards & servants..This data is suspect 100%
Can I expect this from you
Dear vgneji ,
I have edited my posts.
Thanks for yr suggestion.
Dear Shri Vgane,
I know you and many others are alarmed at the rate TB culture is diminishing. I think it is time to have a logical and pragmatic approach. Logical because we cannot totally abandon our culture , pragmatic because we need to move in accordance with times in certain aspects.
We cannot insist on maintaining everything in its pristine form. There should be honing also. The globe is becoming a science and technology driven place. We need to understand that the drivers of these such as the western powers would never give up this way of progress. They genuinely believe in it. The influence of such powers being strong and widespread let us be realistic about the future course of path for the TB community.
I would siuggest the following:
1. We need to stop being casteist We need to truly believe in our philosophy that everybody is inherently divine and stop looking down upon other castes
2.We need to adopt a broader outlook than the varna system which is separating people according to their levels of spirituality.
The finer divisions which the varna system used could give way to just two divisions being spiritual and materialistic considering the current scenario with no presumptions of superiority or inferiority.
3. No birth based spirituality. Spirituality should be seen as something which at least half of the population can imbibe naturally. We need to embrace all those who are inclined to follow spiritual values. The remaining in my belief have a different dna and at best will comply only in behaviour.
4. Initiatives should be undertaken to spread awareness of spirituality and the atmosphere to practice it. TBs can play a major role in this regard given their background.
5. All those who are embraced under the spiritual groups should have the same privileges granted to brahmins and should be considered as one community.
By doing the above and may be more which other members may suggest we can be true to the values and yet be practical.
Is there someway brahmins get included in dravidian parties political discourse?Thank you so much Krishji..I have edited my comments in post 29...As far as numbers are concerned we are dwindling in TN because of a divisive agenda followed by Dravidian parties!!
Is there someway brahmins get included in dravidian parties political discourse?
Bjp can aid the process of acceptance of brahmins in dravidian community.
This isolation of brahmins is not there in any other state in india.
An ideology which started with equality of all castes has ended up as a movement of hatred and isolation of brahmin community by the dravidian political class.The
social movement of dravidians was an attempt to set right the caste prejudice and marginalisation of other socially backward caste.
The solution for dravidians is to be more inclusive and accept the brahmins as an essential part of their own existence.Their brains and hard work are being utilised by
other states, countries of west. They can contribute to culture such as music ,theatre and films.
Politicians have debased the dravidian agenda for enrichment of their own clan .
Brahmins can also contribute to tamil nationalism and have some feelings for tamils in eelam , singapore and malaysia , These are looking for support for
maintaining their identity in their countries.It is true that brahmins are in small numbers there. But unless brahmins consider themselves as tamils and have some
feelings for tamil language and literature and not treat sanskrit as their tongue alone since some scriptures are in that language.All this will aid in their better
acceptance in tamil community in tamil nadu.
8.We need to protect our Agraharams that have lost the sheen & fallen prey to Brahmin migration..We need to buy atleast 1 house in our Agraharam and nurture it..If possible let us modernize the houses with good facilities ..We should take our children & grand children to our Agraharams..Like TKSji said we need to make them eat on Banyan leaf, participate in Brahmin functions & learn slokas
But unless brahmins consider themselves as tamils and have some
feelings for tamil language and literature and not treat sanskrit as their tongue alone since some scriptures are in that language.All this will aid in their better
acceptance in tamil community in tamil nadu.
Dear Ganesh,............
8.We need to protect our Agraharams that have lost the sheen & fallen prey to Brahmin migration..We need to buy atleast 1 house in our Agraharam and nurture it..If possible let us modernize the houses with good facilities ..We should take our children & grand children to our Agraharams..Like TKSji said we need to make them eat on Banyan leaf, participate in Brahmin functions & learn slokas ........
9. We need to get our girls married by 22/23 years and boys by 25/27 years
In the last discussions on the state of TB community "A Tamil Brahmin dilemma" started by Shri Krish44 we just saw the TB numbers..On a sample of 257 marriages in the last 10 years 26.1% are marrying IC & IR ..More than every forth guy is marrying outside the community (we had left out Iyer/Iyengar/Madhwa/Telugu Brahmin/Namboodiri inter mixing out of purview )
TKS did give some wonderful suggestions in his post....But the thread got diluted & as usual the discussions went astray...In order to get a wider response & bring back focus I am starting a separate thread..
On a personal one to one a member gave some revolutionary ideas which I would like the member to share himself
A few that I have thought are summarized below:
1. The most vulnerable areas in terms of culture dilution, IC & IR are outside TN especially, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi …The community is in large number but is not cohesive and is directionless…It is a free for all and this has to be arrested.
2. We need to protect our turf in TN too be it Chennai, Trichy, Kumbakonam or Madurai
1. We need to imbibe our Brahmin culture, traditions and customs from the age of 8. Let us inculcate study of Tamil & Sanskrit for our youngsters
2. Let us study in colleges that do not bear an iota of ill will towards Brahmins and instead respect our culture & traditions..If they are private colleges so be it..Let us spend our money in PSBB's & Sastra's rather than Don bosco's
3.. As shared earlier we need to support couples to have atleast 3 kids if we have to survive extinction. The rich people have to support the poor and lower middle class to ensure that the kids have proper education
4. Those couples without kids should adopt those with more than 3 kids
5. Childless TB couples should go in for IVF or other forms including surrogacy
6. With the spread of information at lightning speed we need to coach and guide our adolescents and young adult brethren so that they do not sway on wrong path. To be facilitated by mentors
7. In order to curtail the IC & IR marriages which have come as a death knell to our community we need to identify our community members from the age of 16 /18 years to mould them as responsible community members. We can classify their needs as traditional, modern & liberal and based on that we can create opportunities for dating. This will ensure that our members do not cross the community borders & step into alien tradition or culture. This will be facilitated by seniors who will guide them till they shoulder the responsibility of marriage
8.We need to protect our Agraharams that have lost the sheen & fallen prey to Brahmin migration..We need to buy atleast 1 house in our Agraharam and nurture it..If possible let us modernize the houses with good facilities ..We should take our children & grand children to our Agraharams..Like TKSji said we need to make them eat on Banyan leaf, participate in Brahmin functions & learn slokas
9. We need to get our girls married by 22/23 years and boys by 25/27 years
10. Our target has to be youth in all our actions who have to be guided to successful familyhood & parenthood
Rightaway..Let us not brook any delay in this
JJ Amma is Brahmin by birth !
Dear Ganesh,
Agraharam life will never be the same, if you modernize the houses with good facilities. Children and grandchildren make very
short visits to the parents and they will not like the agrahAram life! I have 'enjoyed' agrahAram life soon after my wedding and
had a tough time following their protocols! I have written my experiences, in our forum, long back.
BTW, I think you meant banana leaf and NOT banyan leaf!![]()
I am giving a contra point to each of the points enumerated by you. My idea is NOT to oppose your views, but to present the other side of the coin and for causing brain-storming to come up with a suitable solution.
Are you being realistic here?
A child should have completed 5 years 10 months before being admitted to first standard in most states, let us take it as 6 years.
So a young man or a young woman would be 16 years by the time he/she completes 10th standard... would be 18 years by the time he/she completes plus 2 education and would be 21 by the time he/she completes a basic degree course.
So a girl can accomplish at best a graduation by the time she is 22/23 years as you want. Even a basic teacher's training of B. Ed would make her age to be approx 25 years.
The best this age requirement for marriage would enable them to be managing clerical tables in most organisations and departments. Would you be happy with this..?
Have you wondered why a predonimant section of TB population belong to this run of the mill milleu of clerks and glorified clerks as Section Officers etc.? It is because most of parents did the same to us. They sure did the best what they thought is the best for us, but as later life events proved, it is just not enough.
Because of massive expansion in IT, banking and insurance sector, many reached higher positions in their career like officers, managers, divisional managers, and even general managers. But that scope has dwindled quite a lot.
As far as boys are concerned, by the time they are 25/27, they would have a basic engineering or medical degree certificate. Would that be enough?
How many successful cases of higher education achievements, post marriage, have you come across as against people abandoning their education because of burden of family responsibility?
1. We need to imbibe our Brahmin culture, traditions and customs from the age of 8. Let us inculcate study of Tamil & Sanskrit for our youngsters