OK I will start with the last item case study first.
Case study 1
One tamil brahmin girl from an economically weak family wanted to marry a school mate a muslim boy.
Well educated both.She was a working girl and well employed. She approached her parents who knew the boy and his parents.
They did not agree to the match .
When the extended family got involved, some wanted to prevent the marriage.
However it was pointed out to them that they are not capable to find a brahmin match nor have the financial strength to help the girls parents, they withdrew.
They got married with blessings of both parents.
For their own security the couple after marriage emigrated to canada and are happy there.
Both keep their own religion and children are muslim as father is muslim.
Could any of them done something different.?
Why the children follow Islam? This is happening in film world also. Why did the mother not insist the children to follow her religion? Hindus, in general, and women, in particular, lack courage and of course discipline.