Respectable members,
when I was reading Chi. Ravi's posting, few questions came to my mind. I am not asking these questions at anyone in particular.
1. What is the connection between pre-marital sex and morality? I am not asking about excessive cases here. This is a very general question (lot of westeners connect pre-marital sex to morality too).
2. Why only women are expected to protect their chastity (karpu) so much so that, in a lot of instances the female victim of an assult involving rape decides to choose between facing the society or committing suicide; why the society is more cruel than death towards the female victims of rape?
Thank you.
Survey conducted by The Hindu newspaper revealed that pre marital sex in India is growing particularly in Cities.
The Hindu : Front Page : Pre-marital sex grows, but not awareness
Personally I feel boys and girls have to be treated alike when it come to chastity. Unless both the maintain their virginity, we should not discriminate on gender basis.
All the best