Sow.HH, unlike you I am the least interested about purohit business, who does it or who does not do it etc. In my opinion, in the caste feelings and differences, purohit business is a very small section. Sorry, I am passing this by.
That was just to let you know that sanskritization existed, and that former non-brahmins very well became part of the brahmin community in pre-independent india via the purohit business. And that route still exists...
There is plenty of literature available reg caste and history for those who are interested in looking up such things.
To me, the ideas of purity and exclusivity and ghetto like mentality shown by some folk here sounds mostly ironical and sometimes even comical.
Existence of caste system itself is discrimination. Existence of caste system is the main reason for preventing the tribal guy from becoming a purohit. If anybody can become anything, then there would not have been any prevention for one particular group from conducting few particular jobs.
Say for example, in a casteless society, any one can choose to do any job. The end of the day, every thing depends upon ones perseverence and hard work, is it not? That's why I say, caste system itself is the base for discriminations.
Caste system in the past was not rigid ....
If it was then indo-scythians (so called barbarians) absorbed into hindusim as shudras wud have remained as they were....but historically men of indo-scythic origin have become rishis like kanva, parasurama, jamadagni, atreya, bharadwaja, vatsa (who was also called shudra-putra in panchavimsha brahman 14.6.6 of samaveda and in whose line comes srivatsa), etc. Source for Vatsa, addressed as a shudra-putra:
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, Arial Unicode MS Standard]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, Arial Unicode MS Standard](PB 14.6.6) vatsaś ca vai medhātithiś ca kāṇvāv āstāṃ taṃ vatsaṃ medhātithir ākrośad abrāhmaṇo 'si śūdrāputra iti so 'bravīd ṛtenāgniṃ vyayāva yataro nau brahmīyān iti vātsena vatso vyain maidhātithena medhātithis tasya na loma ca nauṣat tad vāva sa tarhy akāmayata kāmasani sāma vātsaṃ kāmam evaitenāvarundhe[/FONT][/FONT] |
The puranic period resulted in geneological dynasty tables to aid creation of a social hierarchy called caste, helped by dharmashastras to enforce it...and that's the system (of sorts) we see today....and yep meddling, interpolations, wilfully twisted interpretions, etc seems to have existed to rigidify the system all along the way...
Yet its hard to say if caste was ever was as rigid in the past as it became in late colonial india (when caste started being studied as a "system" by the british) -- that's the time when people started creating caste associations to lay claims.
It was also the time ppl adopted practices of the 'upper' castes like vegetarianism to sanskritize themselves into 'higher' castes.
Plenty of opportunities seem to have existed for smart individuals or groups of them to sanskritize themselves and successfully lay varna claims.......and methinks certain interpolations actually might have happened in the colonial period, not in the puranic period...
Anyways all these things are for those interested in studying such things...its just history, and it does not interest many ppl....
but from what i understand so far, am not sure its possible to say that existence of the caste system itself is discriminatory....its the rigidity, which came to be practiced by people, that made it discriminatory....please note, in all of the above mentioning caste, it refers to occupation, not varna....there is nothing called brahmin-caste really, brahmin is only varna....
Sow.HH, you have not addressed my general question - if one can change caste when reverting to Hinduism, then why can't a brahmin change religion and revert back to Hinduism taking up S/T caste and the benefits attached to that csate? If Adivasi's can revert to Brahmin caste, why can't a brahmin revert to Hinduism to S/T caste? Thanks.
methinks you are kidding..
i dont;t think any brahmin is interested in taking up ST caste status .....imo, its all abt the image, as i have realised it to be (as it also happens to be with other 'castes' or other ppl)....
yeah sure, everything in hindusim evolved from tribal practices to a "developed form" over time - so we are all adivasis essentially --
whose ancestors in the mesolithic period were hunters, turned farmers in the neolithic period, and much later created what we call civilizations (though the doubt remains - are we truly civilized as we presume ourselves to be -- esp while holding on to tribal instincts / tribal identities inside our mind and assuming that tribals we see outside are uncultured or uncivilized).
Raghy, i replied to this post since you had addressed it to me. i will be refraining from posting here anymore so just letting you know that i will not be replying in case you post anything further addressed to me..
Best Wishes and God Bless.