Dear Smt HH Ji,
Thanks for the link, indeed he has mentioned. Anyway, that does not change mine.
I wonder if castes can be linked to varna at all. Can you please tell me why do you think a priest should be called a brahmin?
Certainly!. He can not be called father or imam. Sorry.. just kidding.
I am not a frequent temple goer, I go sometimes to sit and enjoy the strange smell and calmness. I don't know you may think differently, I have been to temple and spent some time without saying hello to the god which has more followers. I am allergetic to crowd. I am contemplating, I should feel guilty or not. And I also feel sometimes, can i lead a life of a Gurukkal, for me it looks very tough. So I wont be able to takeup if an offer comes my way.
No, they do not need 'brahmins' to call off untouchability. They want to be a part of the hindu society. And they want the right to pursue spiritual studies in hindu shastras, which some 'brahmins' are opposing.
In my personal opinion, i understand the plight of those. I have lived very close to them and observed. I think about my father who finished HS, joined a job, working without taking his head up against odds, and took VRS once we came up. He never knew what a Brahman priest should know, he was no scholar, no community help, no advantage of the brand, no reservation help. But his 40 years work gave us a back saving life and a put us on the catapult.
For Harijans, Instead of pressuring to get to know veda, through matts, Now Govt helps, and there is a wide awareness, instead of shouting for everything, if they get educated and do a govt job continuously, their next gen will be in a much better position to mingle. If they really show their generosity to help their other members, without help of anybody, they can be in a good position within two generations. This is very much possible, if they dont become prey to the political and pagutharivu & podhunala thondu kalin trap.
My father had to sacrifice 60 years (including after shocks of the job) and it was all it took to change our positions. I have nothing more to say about Dalits plight, as I don't think the modern society is so rigid. Like forign NGO's or missionaries, we should not take the happening in a remote village as a index for the entire Tamilnadu. This younger gen, without fighting should get educated and join a job, thats all it takes.
And that hindusim can reverse, only by admitting them to vedic education in schools run by matts.
Let them study first then let them decide, if they want to study veda or study oracle. When it comes to that position we can look upto Matam or any org which will make them a priest.
People will continue to treat the 'dalits' as 'dalits' as long as they are not admitted into the hindu point blaming the 'non-brahmins' now, instead of looking at the scriptures from where it all began..
They have to first rebel calling them Dalit instead of Harijan first, but keepers of Dalits and missionaries, and so many anti hindus will not even let them change their name.
But sir, the scriptures were produced by people who cud write in sanskrit, and the only ones following dharmashastras in the present times are brahmins...that is where it all begins from. No point obfuscating, playing the blame game, or turning a blind eye.
There are few brahmanas who may follow dharmasastras. In Brahmin itself there are two, one is priest class and other Job-Workers. While Job-Worker brahmins does the work outside, priests tookup the post of priest inside temple.They are not many proportionately. Harijans have to live in a society where there are not only brahmins and others are also there. Hence for their welfare they should have a smooth merging with other communities too, thats more important.
i have always felt that Srilankan Tamils are far more cultured than Indians. Which probably is why the majority resisted and rejected untouchability and caste rubbish
Though 50% of the tamils are of one caste, still they have caste rubbishes very well alive and kicking. That too without a helping hand of brahmana. Even though they migrated 2 BC. Historians suggests they brought all the hindu structures (similar to buddah) along with them

. But many people here discount the ethnic tamils (dont like the division), would like to maintain that all came from mohenjadaro.
I think its better to look at our own country first, the state that we live in, instead of comparing with other countries.
When you have a good model, we can compare and implement the good things, thats why our ACM, & Ministers often visit to singapore and other countries. I think its no harm.