In other words Shri.Yamaka has a notion of an ideal being in mind. It indeed suggests that he prefers such idealism. But denies that such a being can exist. So we can say that only at the pragmatic level he is an atheist but heart of hearts he too is a theist and given the right experience he will begin to see God.
Dear Sravna:
For want of time, I did not read all the posts here. I am answering here for this post:
1. I don't understand all the Forces of Nature as yet. Perhaps, other specialists/scientists know MORE about it..
As a Neuroscientist myself, I don't understand billion things going on in our brain, the seat of mind and all the discussions that we have here.
But, in course of time, we will understand EVERYTHING, because the PROCESS if inquiry is proceeding relentlessly.
2. I am a simple Atheist. Not an "ideal being". As dear Nara says, when we were all born, we were Atheists... I have gone back to the Original Self, discarding what my parents force-fed me in the name of Theism in my childhood.
3. When I say "PPB is a bribery or a quid pro quo", that's how most Believers think, including my parents, relatives and others. In fact, as a child/teenager, when I prayed five times a day, that's what I thought I was doing. Asking for favors for all the Aaradana of God I did. I thought when I said "Allahu Akbar", I am praising the Lord, and in return I expected my prayers will be granted.
As an adult, I quit being a Theist. Consequently, I have never felt the NEED to pray any God for anything in the past 41 years. God Concept has no meaning to me, hence I am a self proclaimed Atheist.
Yes, I am a pragmatic man, looking for simple logical explanation for all my activities.
4. Somewhere you said that you suffered a lot in life, implying therefore, you became a Theist. And, you posit that if I suffer in life I will become a Theist.
Most probably NOT. Tomorrow, if I get a paralytic stroke and I become immobile, I don't think I will immediately become a Theist.
Rather, I will focus on why I got a paralytic stroke, and what could have avoided it, and so forth.
5. As people have said before, Life is a Journey... I am having lots of fun, and enjoy it as an Atheist.
Some people say "Oh, Yamaka is a lucky rascal. He got what he wanted... But others are not that lucky!"
In my life, I feel LUCK did not play any major role... what I have is what I earned because of hard work, good planning and execution and a healthy attitude.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Innum varum...