Raji Ram
Active member
You :welcome: everyone to participate and then say that the thread is creaking!! Y ??........ The present thread is creaking like my poor old knees
due to over loading
You :welcome: everyone to participate and then say that the thread is creaking!! Y ??........ The present thread is creaking like my poor old knees
due to over loading
god creates everyone equal but some are more glorious.
you :welcome: Everyone to participate and then say that the thread is creaking!! Y ??
Have I not warned you that this forum is a MAYA and you should not neglect your health for the sake of 100% participation?
சுவர் இருந்தால்தான் சித்திரம் வரையலாம்! Take care dear Sis!!![]()
So you just want to continue to neglect your health??It may be maya but it is better than drinks and drugs people use
to drown their problems (due to ill-health or otherwise)!
So you just want to continue to neglect your health??
Drink drinks drinks. Drinks drink man. - James Bond.Have you heard of this?
"Do not try to drown your problems in drinks.
They sure know how to swim and survive!"!
This can happen only in Great Britain.
Abdulla Cigarette the brand leader at that time put an advertisement in London Tube " No Smoking, not even Abdulla". The fact is smoking is not allowed in London Tube.
Abdulla Cigarettes used an illustration of a smiling Scottish soldier with his arm in a sling happily smoking one of their products in an advertisement that appeared early in 1918 in leading News papers & Magazines. To his right was a poem of four stanzas entitled ‘Cheero!’ extolling the virtues of Abdulla cigarettes while in hospital, as the last verse proclaims:
If there’s anyone who wonders what to send us Boys in Blue,
We’re “dead nuts” upon Abdullas – and there always seems too few!
Applications of Abdullas soothe and cheer and give us heart,
And a wonderful improvement soon appears on every chart –
For there’s not a Lad in Hospital who isn’t wild to get
At a beautiful big boxful of Abdulla’s Cigarette.
Oh. Yes, they are most popular cigarettes in UK at one time, that their Advertisements and Posters are Vintage collectors' item today. Here is another Abdulla Cigarettes advertisement from the February 1, 1939 issue of Punch magazine.A very effective pro-smoking campaign! :smokin: