I Hope you are NOT in a hurry!
Both my dad and mom grew gray quite early.
I guess it is hereditary.
My elder son's hair looks like salt and pepper
(More pepper and less salt of course)
when he has a hair wash with a shampoo!
That is the main reason I stopped dying my hair
and my husband followed my example.
We should not try to look younger than our children!
Ilai I am not in a hurry to give up yet.. I feel I should not have started dying my hair but now I do but like I said a nice golden brown, since that was my color during my younger days.. or what you might call a chembattai thalai with red and copper highlights and very light brown eyes.. so I decided to do the same now..

Please tell your son, to use natural based shampoo if he has to.. and also to have a regular oil massage like olden days and if he has to use shampoo, ask him to wash his hair first with kadalai or payatham mavu and use a little shampoo.. at least I try these methods to keep my hair from thinning, it was so bad, but after following all that, it is much better..

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