We find that people who live in poor conditions are also happy. They do not know anything about philosophy.
But still they laugh and smile and enjoy life to the possible extent. The definition of 'happiness' is this:
'Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions, ranging
from contentment to intense joy.' IMHO, envy - resentful desire of something possessed by another or others -
is the prime reason for unhappiness!
Anybody who seeks happiness has already lost it.
While awake we run after the world and worldly things. When we sleep we get detached completely from the external world; go into ourselves and reside in our Atman - enjoying the bliss (steeped in ignorance.) That is what rejuvenates us while we sleep. We get everything from Atman and spend it again in running after the world. In other words we find bliss in Atman in [COLOR=#DA7911 !important]deep sleep[/COLOR]. But sine we are unaware if it, we seek it again, while awake, in the outside world.
Dear Zebra,
Please read this:
Now I am going to frame my question a little elaborately. Please answer me straight without bringing into the reckoning the advaitam, non-advaitam etc.,
1.While awake we run after the world and worldly things. -Whom does this we represent?
2.When we sleep we get detached completely from the external world; go into ourselves and reside in our Atman - enjoying the bliss-How do we go into ourselves? Before that where were we? And again who is this "we"?
As a free thinking individual I look at this this way:
We have an issue here. We are trying to understand what happens when we are in deep sleep.
The available facts are 1) that we do not know what happens in this world when we are in that state 2) On getting up we feel rejuvenated and happy.3) when a mosquito bites we are able to come back, swat it and then go back to that state of bliss. This means we are always there and we do not go away any where or into any other state of a being.
( I have used the term we here in an understandable sense that is it represents you and me. If you are particular about it you can say we represents the souls of you and me contained in the respective bodies. So there is no confusion, it is presumed on solid reason)
It is also an available fact that there is an entity called God. We believe in that.(If you are an atheist and do not believe in God, you have come to the wrong place. Please hit the appropriate keys on your keyboard and get out from here as you are wasting your time here)
If taking all these facts into account if I say that we the souls get nearest to the God in all of us (God resides in all of us as antaratman. Is it not so?) when we are asleep will it be far off the mark?That is why we were blissful then and infer that fact afterwards when we move away from Him when we are awake. This appears to be a simpler and straight reasoning. Why complicate the situation?ஏரார் முயலிருக்க காக்கைப்பின் போவதேன்? or கனியிருப்ப காய் கவர்வதேன்?
My this presentation has nothing to do with any established ism. If it appears to have anything it is just a coincidence. I am a free individual. I think on my own and constantly look for validation from other thinking souls.
Dear Narayanan Sir,........ I only wish that my father was alive too to share my joys and sorrows. May be what you said is true only for material possessions......
Does this include only worldly possessions or even knowledge gathered???
The reason why we are blissful in deep sleep is that we are away from illusion of the physical world. In deep sleep where there are no dreams we are even away from the illusion of mental world and hence are blissful.
The word Mithya is not illusion or false. It just means it is unreal.
The only thing that is real is Brahmam, as it remains same in all three time periods. The past, present and future.
Who is aware of the three states?
Dear Sravna,
Thank you for your time. You have said:
I think it is just that we are away from the physical world's activities while in deep sleep. I do not understand why you call it all an illusion. Neither the physical world nor the feelings of the mental world are illusion. They are real. It is very difficult to accept that you are an illusion, that what you have put on this computer screen is an illusion, that the computer itself is an illusion,that the electricity which runs the computer is an illusion (when the power fails, my computer blinks, feebly grunts kee kee kee and goes off). These are all real. They are not illusions or mere projections of my mind. To say these are my minds projection without any substrate on which they exist would be equivalent to saying that I am under the influence of a psychotropic substance, which is not the situation.
There is another reason too. I do not consider the physical world and mental world as illusory and less blissful or tortuous. Only the pleasure and the bliss I feel here is of a different kind. Fortunately and by God's grace my physical world gives me a pleasant experience and I am happy. So I continue to live in this situation. While asleep, I do enjoy the bliss(as realised after the event or shall I say the non-event) of a different kind.
Why should we complicate things saying that life is illusory or the world is illusory? Why not accept that everything is real and move on?
dream is an edited memory (past/present/future) sequence. Period. a simple MATHS problem can provide more happiness than speculating why a dream came on a night which has gone.
People think happiness comes with an MRP on it. Like the only way to swim is to swim, if you want happiness, you just have to be happy.True! We seek ONLY
what we do not have
(or think that we do not have).
So when we are at a particular level of reality we can't help feeling that is the reality. That is why we call it a reality though from a higher level it is just non-existent.
Dear Sravna,
This is what you have said:
To me reality is reality and there are no different levels in it. The moment you bring in levels you are speaking a language which I do not understand because I do not know what is the level at which you are and what is the level at which I am. If as you appear to say, we are at different levels in understanding the reality, it may be impossible to carry out a transaction/exchange meaningfully. Because you have brought in the name of Sankara, I believe you are speaking from the standpoint of a certain ism. May be if you unlearn what you have picked up, you will come down to my ordinary level and we may understand each other better. But that is very difficult for many people. So let us both go our different ways and think, ruminate and finally realise in course of time.