Frits Staal and other historians such as Priyatosh Banerjee have dealt with the subject of creating elaborate yagnas -- this happened during the period of composition of the brahmanas (texts). That is, these rituals were created in kuru-panchala region during a specific period of time. They did not exist before that. The way rituals are performed do change with time. Once upon a time animals were sacrificed in yagnas, now they are not. Even simple rituals like punyahavachanam are not really constant, today any fruit readily available is used to represent the navagrahas.
Read Frits Staal carefully. He has traced the origins of the yajnas to prevedic period and has given a convincing reason for his conclusion.
You are also wrong regarding the composition of brahmanas. The brahmana texts are codification of the then existing rituals and inclusion of some philosophical insights howsoever primitive they may appear to be to us today . The rituals do not exist because of brahmana texts but it is the other way round. The seeds of aSwa medha yajna are in Rg veda (not according to me, but according to Witzel and Dumonte) which is much earlier to the kuru panchala times.
But I know you are not going to change your opinion so i leave it at that. You are entitled to your opinion but I do not accept it.
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