This is the point, always keep it ambiguous, is it EVR, is it EVR's so called goons, or is it Nara, or is it all of them. If it is the first two, they are not here to defend themselves, so all this amounts to cheapshot. If it is me, then name me, let us talk about it freely. I know there is a visceral hatred for EVR among Brahmins, but, let us try to at least understand why he is so revered by everyone else.....I do not know for sure who all the 'Dons' here are!Regards
I know some of you will point to some opposition to EVR even among NB and dalits and that is a fair point. First, we need to acknowledge those NBs who criticize EVR are a sliver of a miniscule section of Tamil population. Even among them, there are two kinds, (a) politically motivated, e.g. the Hindutva types, and (b) some dalit criticism of EVR not doing enough for them. While we can ignore (a), the criticism of (b) must be taken seriously and we need to examine whether the criticism is valid. My opinion is it is a valid criticism to some extent. But, EVR's comment they quote has a context. I don't want to get into that argument now, but the point is, outside of Brahmins, EVR is respected and revered by almost all. If he was such an evil person as TBs make him out to be, don't you want to know why he is so revered by everyone else? Nobody has this intellectual curiosity? You can still hate him, but why don't you find out why everyone else love him.
Finally, I am also puzzled by this need to bring up EVR even in unrelated discussions, even though the very mention of the three letters was forbidden. Of course I have violated the ban, only because the ban has already been circumvented by many with the use of the term "Big River".