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Dear Renuka,

This is a favorite topic for me from my childhood.

This Pontianak Ghost is really too strange for me. We know "Mohani Pisasu". A Virgir girl if dies with lots of desires, without fructifying them, by way of murder or sucide, may turn out to be "Mohini Pisasu" and haunts Men.

But, Pontianak ghost, shortly known as "Kunti" in Indonesia and Malaysia, is a female infant, died during child birth. It seeks revenge and terrorize villages. This kinda ghost I am coming across for the first time.

Why it is taking revenge and terrifying villages? Is that because of female foeticide?

Are you familiar with any incident where it was found that "Kunti" has haunted some one or some house?

If you know, can you share such incidents with us?
Dear Renuka,

This is a favorite topic for me from my childhood.

This Pontianak Ghost is really too strange for me. We know "Mohani Pisasu". A Virgir girl if dies with lots of desires, without fructifying them, by way of murder or sucide, may turn out to be "Mohini Pisasu" and haunts Men.

But, Pontianak ghost, shortly known as "Kunti" in Indonesia and Malaysia, is a female infant, died during child birth. It seeks revenge and terrorize villages. This kinda ghost I am coming across for the first time.

Why it is taking revenge and terrifying villages? Is that because of female foeticide?

Are you familiar with any incident where it was found that "Kunti" has haunted some one or some house?

If you know, can you share such incidents with us?

Pontianak is not an female infant that dies but a woman who died during childbirth.
Many stories out here about this ghost especially in the villagers and sometimes even hospitals.

Even one of the hospitals I worked in was supposed to have one pontianak hanging around the doctor on call room and I used to be advised by the staff to never be alone in that room.

My hubby never used to believe in ghost and I used to tell him to be in the on call room when he had got over with work cos that time I was also pregnant and it was also very tiring to be on call for 24 to 48 hours.

So my husband didnt know why I asked him to give me company and one day I was sleeping when I had no case and next day my husband told me that he had seen a woman dressed in white with vampire looks and fangs(its was not me in my white coat ..hehhehehe) hovering around me and he saw that and went back to sleep.

I was suprised cos I had dreamt of a pontianak hovering over me too that night.
Further more I had just come back from conducting a delivery and also visited the mortuary that night before I went to sleep.
and I told my hubby why he didnt wake me up and he said he was wondering if a Pontianak really existed and he fell of asleep.

I related this to my staff and they told me .."see we told you..lucky you were not alone"

That was one personal experience I had.

Note: Dear All I am just sharing some Paranormal stuff with everyone and I hope no one thinks this is too much personal info.
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Pontianak is not an female infant that dies but a woman who died during childbirth.
Many stories out here about these ghost especially in the villagers and sometimes even hospitals.

Even one of the hospitals I worked in was supposed to have one pontianak hanging around the doctor on call room and I used to be advised by the staff to never be alone in that room.

My hubby never used to believe in ghost and I used to tell him to be in the on call room when he had got over with work cos that time I was also pregnant and it was also very tiring to be on call for 24 to 48 hours.

So my husband didnt know why I asked him to give me company and one day I was sleeping when I had no case and next day my husband told me that he had seen a woman dressed in white with vampire looks and fangs(its was not me in my white coat ..hehhehehe) hovering around me and he saw that and went back to sleep.

I was suprised cos I had dreamt of a pontianak hovering over me too that nite.
Further more I had just come back from conducting a delivery and also visited the mortuary that night before I went to sleep.
and I told my hubby why he didnt wake me up and he said he was wondering if a Pontianak really existed and he fell of asleep.

I related this to my staff and they told me .."see we told you..lucky you were not alone"

That was one personal experience I had.

Note: Dear All I am just sharing some Paranormal stuff with everyone and I hope no one thinks this is too much personal info.

Ooops!!!!!!!!!! I hurried up reading amidst my work and got it wrong. Since I am too interested in such paranormal incidents, I ended up confusing myself, without giving proper attentiion... :doh:

You are right. Such incidents are many in Hospitals...

In Delhi, before my birth, my mother was in Defence Hospital, in a private ward with her son, for his treatment on acute bronchiolitis. During mid night nurse used to visit for check up and my mother used to be awake at that time. One night, a nurse, whom my mother never seen in that hospital, entered the ward, checked my brother's pulse and left the ward. While leaving my mother asked her name casually and she replied as "Aasha" and left. The next day morning, when another duty nurse visited, my mother asked about "Aasha" to her. The nurse got bit shocked for a moment and told her to be careful but need not to be afraid of.

On further enquiry, the nurse told that, around 6 months before, a lady named Asha, who could not get conceived for long, could get later and was admitted in this hospital for delivery. Unfortunately she died while delivering a dead baby. From that incident, many have seen that lady's spirit wandering in the hospital. She enters pediatric wards and looks at babies. But never ever have done any harm to any one in any way.

My mother than took the maximum efforts to discharge her son in couple of days and got him admitted in another civil hospital.

Once in a government hospital we had an old muslim patient who was paralysed waist down.
One morning he was missing from bed and we were looking for him high and low and finally he was found sprawled in the muslim prayer room but still alive.

We asked him how did he get there since he couldnt walk and there was no wheel chair also used.
He said at night he saw a holy looking man dressed in a white robe come to his room and take him to the prayer room and he walked there himself with that man helping him.
The patient also told us that he was told by that Holy looking man that his end was near and this prayer will be his final prayer.

Sure enough next day the patient died.We always wondered how did he get up and walk that night and who was that holy man?
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Ghost stories have always been a favourite of mine but I'm also terrified of meeting one! Pontianaks are the most scary Malaysian/Indonesian ghosts ever. The good news is they usually are not at all interested in ladies but mostly go for men. So all the men driving alone after midnight beware if a beautiful long haired lady waves for a lift, don't stop because it may just turn out to be a Pontianak!!
Ghost stories have always been a favourite of mine but I'm also terrified of meeting one! Pontianaks are the most scary Malaysian/Indonesian ghosts ever. The good news is they usually are not at all interested in ladies but mostly go for men. So all the men driving alone after midnight beware if a beautiful long haired lady waves for a lift, don't stop because it may just turn out to be a Pontianak!!

Good one Amala..yes you are right enough guys have had this experience.
You should ask soldiers and the things they have seen in the jungle at night is just shocking.
One of my relatives used to be a Major in the army and during his stint there he said at night in the jungle enough of them have seen beautiful woman bathing in the river and calling them to join them.

The soldiers all know these are just spirits trying to lure them.
But come to think of it male spirits dont try to seduce woman..dont know why?
The Hungry Ghost Festival celebrated every year around this time by the Chinese.

How to avoid meeting ghosts

Chinese have the real fantastic "Shraddha" ceremony.The burn flamable replicas of all luxury in fire to reach the ancestor.
They make even replica of handphone,smart phone,lap tops,sports cars etc so that ancestors will have them in Pitr Loka.

Their Hungry Ghost Festival always kinds of coincides with Hindu Pitr Paksh.

I wonder if we also should start giving Pitrs more???(just joking)
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Tomorrow I will paste about TOYOL!!!! The Malaysian Kutti Pisasu...

Kind of a sad state for a ghost..So dont forget to tune in at Horror thread at TB.com!!!
Dear Renuka,

When my mother was in hespital to deliver me, at wee hours of around 3am on 21st January, she was in pain and was semi unconscious. For a moment she noticed a tall Man in shodowy white appearance but clearly presenting his face, near her bed, looking at her and smiling. She could well corgnize him as her Father-in-law, who died when my Dad was 5 years old. The shadowy appearance was very much identical to her deceased FIL. Her most tentative delivery date was 24th January, but I was born on the same day (21st January) morning at 6:45am. Thus, she named me as Krishna Iyer (FIL's name), during naming ceremony, as per the request of her MIL. But as per her wish she registered my name as Ravi.

She and Dad believe slightly that, Mr.Krishna Iyer is born to them as their son and that's why may be I am having many of his qualities...


Dear Renuka,

When my mother was in hespital to deliver me, at wee hours of around 3am on 21st January, she was in pain and was semi unconscious. For a moment she noticed a tall Man in shodowy white appearance but clearly presenting his face, near her bed, looking at her and smiling. She could well corgnize him as her Father-in-law, who died when my Dad was 5 years old. The shadowy appearance was very much identical to her deceased FIL. Her most tentative delivery date was 24th January, but I was born on the same day (21st January) morning at 6:45am. Thus, she named me as Krishna Iyer (FIL's name), during naming ceremony, as per the request of her MIL. But as per her wish she registered my name as Ravi.

She and Dad believe slightly that, Mr.Krishna Iyer is born to them as their son and that's why may be I am having many of his qualities...


May be you are him or he came to bless you.
You know I have never seen my Nana ji cos he died before my mum got married.
But when I was 8 years old,I developed some respiratory allergy and the cause could not be found.

My Nana ji came in my mums dream and told her that the blanket Renu is using is causing her the allergy.
My mum changed my blanket and I was fine after that.
Hi Ravi,

There have been some spiritual/divine incidents that happened in my family relating to SSB and i remember sharing them with Rekka and some others. But i'd rather not post about it. Its not paranormal as far as I'm concerned. It is definitely not ghostly for sure.

On another note when I was 4 I was made to sleep all alone for the first time (training) and i was so scared. When i woke up in the middle of the night i saw a black shadow moving when i sat up but when i lay down it vanishes. So i was doing this sit up, lie down, sit up, lie several times. Then i mustered up all the courage a four year old girl can possibly have and went to the door, where this shadow was coming from. Nothing was there. I ran to my parents room and cuddled with my mum :). Never again have I seen anything paranormal (ghostly). Only divine stuff :). Touchwood.
Hi Ravi,

There have been some spiritual/divine incidents that happened in my family relating to SSB and i remember sharing them with Rekka and some others. But i'd rather not post about it. Its not paranormal as far as I'm concerned. It is definitely not ghostly for sure.

On another note when I was 4 I was made to sleep all alone for the first time (training) and i was so scared. When i woke up in the middle of the night i saw a black shadow moving when i sat up but when i lay down it vanishes. So i was doing this sit up, lie down, sit up, lie several times. Then i mustered up all the courage a four year old girl can possibly have and went to the door, where this shadow was coming from. Nothing was there. I ran to my parents room and cuddled with my mum :). Never again have I seen anything paranormal (ghostly). Only divine stuff :). Touchwood.

Dear Amala,

Thank you for sharing this toddler's paranormal experience :).

Did you ever listen to such stories from Adults in your social circle?
I never believed in God and/or Ghost in my adult life... as I have written before, my post-graduate hostel area was considered to be haunted by howling Ghosts in the night; most students will not walk out after the dusk.

But Yamaka always walked in the Ghost Area dead of night whistling his favorite tune of the day!

Most students came to know of this.. and they were expecting the sudden attack by all the Ghosts of the Area... Yamaka is still alive and kicking... the howling noise was from wind blowing across high tension electric wires close by!!! Lol

I dare say that if you are WEAK then Ghosts and Gods will come on you, just to prove the point! Lol

Take it easy.


ps. The reason could partly be Yamaka has Yama (riding in the Male Buffalo) in him! Lol Can Ghosts attack Yama?
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As a Professional Tourist Car Operator I drove Car on many Mid Nights and Thro Nights alone in case of Drop Off Trips.

I heard many people saying like this but I never Experienced.

When I asked some Experts who experienced such Incidents they say, that as I was born in Sharavana Nakshatra Which is The Nakshatra of Vishnu,and for Thiruvathirai which is the Star of Lord Shiva.

For those who born in these Stars,such EVIL Spirits wont be Visible.

Basically I dont Believe as I am not yet Experienced.
If the mind is weak, if the nerves going to or coming from the north, is afflicted, and heredity factors contributing to the chaos, the result is wild and weird imagination, fed or acquired any time. Mind can imagine so many positive things of life so also it can do all negative things. Astrologers quote many combination or yoga to determine such afflictions. Mind is as big as the universe or the self. AFAIK, the research in the relative fields, like psychology, physiology, neurology,etc. is still in infant stage. A recent report from researchers said the human brain has developed fully or there is not much scope for development. The extremity of the finding does not help the fathoming of the mind of our species; much less of the so called weaker sex! Everything recorded, reported or related are just the figment of imagination, notwithstanding the fact some group of 'intelligent' people adjudged the things to be true who are endowed with brains like you or me.
Many people tell me that one should SEEK Ghosts to experience their presence & appearance!

Accordingly, many new moon days, in stark darkness, I go out to sit on the side of my private pool, and thinking about ghost and paranormal experience. My expectation was suddenly something will come and throw me into the deep end and suffocate me!

Alas.. perhaps the Ghosts knew that even with arms and legs tied, this Yamaka can swim to the shore!

Never a paranormal experience of the Ghosts!

Awaiting one!! Maybe some day.

Wait & See.
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