Let us ponder on the Anomalous Expansion of water and its largely unsung blessings!
Solids expand on heating till they reach their melting point. After that they use up the heat energy provided for melting. Once the whole substance has melted down, it again starts expanding till its boiling point is reached.
This true of all the solids and liquids except our dear friend water and that too in a specific range viz zero to four degree C.
Water contracts when cooled and expands when heated. But when water reaches 4 degree C, it starts expanding when cooled, till it reaches zero C !
In other words its volume increases and its density decreases in that range 4 C to 0 C. Water at 4 C always has the minimum volume and maximum density- whether cooled from higher temperatures or heated from lower temperatures!
This is labeled as the Anomalous Expansion of Water.
At the first sight you will tend to ask,"So what is the big deal-whether it contracts or expands?"
My friend! This anomaly makes a world of difference or a sea of difference!
Water at 4 C being the heaviest, settles down at the bottom of the lake, ocean, or sea. As the top layers get cooled they go down too. Thus there will be water at 4 C in the bottom of all water bodies-despite the outside temperature below zero C.
In cooler regions all the water may reach 4 C and further cooling makes the lighter layer on the top freeze first.
If the sub zero temperature persists, more and more ice will be formed and the layer of ice thickens. But the entire water will never get frozen!
The advantage...
All the living organisms in the sea will have a place to live, feed and breed under the thick ice cap.They will never end up being frozen alive.:dance:
Isn't it wonderful how God (Nature) makes anomalous changes to keep alive His (Its) creations?! :hail: :angel:
Solids expand on heating till they reach their melting point. After that they use up the heat energy provided for melting. Once the whole substance has melted down, it again starts expanding till its boiling point is reached.
This true of all the solids and liquids except our dear friend water and that too in a specific range viz zero to four degree C.
Water contracts when cooled and expands when heated. But when water reaches 4 degree C, it starts expanding when cooled, till it reaches zero C !
In other words its volume increases and its density decreases in that range 4 C to 0 C. Water at 4 C always has the minimum volume and maximum density- whether cooled from higher temperatures or heated from lower temperatures!
This is labeled as the Anomalous Expansion of Water.
At the first sight you will tend to ask,"So what is the big deal-whether it contracts or expands?"
My friend! This anomaly makes a world of difference or a sea of difference!
Water at 4 C being the heaviest, settles down at the bottom of the lake, ocean, or sea. As the top layers get cooled they go down too. Thus there will be water at 4 C in the bottom of all water bodies-despite the outside temperature below zero C.
In cooler regions all the water may reach 4 C and further cooling makes the lighter layer on the top freeze first.
If the sub zero temperature persists, more and more ice will be formed and the layer of ice thickens. But the entire water will never get frozen!
The advantage...

All the living organisms in the sea will have a place to live, feed and breed under the thick ice cap.They will never end up being frozen alive.:dance:
Isn't it wonderful how God (Nature) makes anomalous changes to keep alive His (Its) creations?! :hail: :angel:
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