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When we entered in to the Terminal 1 we approached an enquiry counter and ask them to help us to get the Washington DC gate, where we have to transmit to an another flight. They guided to the other side of that magnificent wing, where we had a queue, before the counter. The officer asked me to put the hand luggage in to a plastic tray and the luggages are scanned.

The tray was placed on the conveyer belt. We had received the tray on the other side of the scanning machine, only after the process was completed. Then, we were taken to the first floor by the staff. We travelled in the tube train to the first floor, where , we took the Washington flight.

The flight had been scheduled at 13 h to departure. We have waited for four hours to start. We had nice coffee in $8 instead of 2€. After that we laid on the lobby chairs to take rest.

Germany, the country which had great losses in the Second World War as under the wrong governance of Hitler, a dictator, now has become really advanced in today’s European world where the changes are more frequent with growing technology, global changes etc. This gave great surprise to me!

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Not necessarily an error. I have travelled from bangalore too pune (direct flight) via hyderabad and ahmedabad with halts in both cities. And london to newyork via canada with a long halt there. World trade centre effect.

Thank for the comment. I have corrected the error...
நம்ம ஊரு

வெள்ளைய விட்டாம் பாணம்
துளைக்குது பாரு வானம்
எண்ணி முடிக்கும் நேரம்
துள்ளி ஓடுது காதம்

கடலு மேலே கப்பலு
பரங்கி போட்ட லெட்டரு
படிச்சு பாரு மேட்டரு
வெச்சாம் பாரு ஹீட்டரு

பறக்க விட்டான் ராக்கெட்டு
அடிச்சாம் பாரு ஜாக்ப்பாட்டு
சொல்லி புட்டேன் மேட்டரு
தொட்டுக்க நீயும் பட்டரு

கையடக்க கால்குலேட்டேறு
மடிச்சு வச்சா கம்ப்பியூட்டறு
சீமான் அவன் கோளாறு
ஓடுதுயையா பாலாறு

மாடி பஸு ஓடுது
கோடி பண சேருது
தேடி ஓடி நாடுது
தேச மெங்கும் தேடுது

வேட்டிய இப்போ மடிச்சுக்கட்டு
போகவேணும் ஜல்லிக்கட்டு
ஓடுது பாரு சினிமா
ஒக்காந்து பாரு நக்மா

ஆண்டிப்பட்டி கோட்டை
நீ பண்ணிப்பாரு சேட்டை
மதுரையிலே மச்சு ஊடு
மாமா மக படுஜோரு

பொழுது போனா ஊடு
போக வேணும் ஊரு
சுட்டு வச்ச வருக்கி
சுத்தி போட்டா மினிக்கி
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United states of america travelogue

continue from #278...

We waited 5 hours in the Frankfurt airport lobby for the connecting flight to Washington DC. Meantime, I relaxed in the chair with the memories of the Berlin wall, which fell in the year 1989, has not only gestured in Germany history, but this should be in the world history too.

The following lines, where I have scratched in the book namely ‘’The fall of the Berlin wall’’ is necessary to quote at this time. ‘’ …On the 9th of November, 1989, the Border separating Western from Eastern Germany was effectively opened. The following days were most unusual for the whole of Germany - considering the usual German ways, one could almost speak of anarchy: Shops stayed open as long as they wanted (the usual, mandatory closing time was 6:30pm in 1989), a GDR passport served as a free ticket for public transport, and in general there were more exceptions than rules in those days.

Of course, Berlin was in the focal point of these changes. The Fall of the Berlin Wall, which will always be used as a symbol for the end of the Cold War, made the "West" available in the middle of the "East", resulting in widespread chaos…’’

I am in almost recollecting anarchy of an olden history of Germany, where suffered a lot in the WWII, under the dictatorship of the Führer Adolf Hitler! As mentioned in my previous session, the country had great losses in the Second World War, under the wrong governance of the dictator Hitler, now, really advanced in today’s European world where the changes are more frequent with growing technology, global changes etc. This gave great surprise to me!

One, who analyzed the growth of this country, after the WW II, certainly puzzles that how this country alone made an economy miracle?

Unfortunately, for the past few years this country worried about its melting economy. This was understood that Germany economics were scrambled due to the over debts, where borrowed from the Asian countries, like China and so on. For, the past few years this Euro-Zone nation could not able to submit the comfortable budgets. Leading newspapers of the US has also quoted this problem. Some of them flashes ‘’Is German continue the Euro-Zone’’? However, the German states-men were confident that they of would have sustainable growth in the economy.



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United states of america travelogue

continue from #281

As scheduled at 13 h we have entered in to the flight LH418. We have seat 48D and 48E were confirmed as in already. The huge Lufthansa flight started to fly with the carrying of the numerous Germans along with few Indians like us. Most of the peoples came to US for spending their vacations.

The Lufthansa flight boarded with numerous Germans along with few others and departure to US as scheduled. The flight crossed Atlantic and landed Washington DC at 15.45 h. The airport was packed with travelers. There are many counters to checking the passports. All the counters had a long queue. Where, an officer persuaded all the passports. Then, get the finger prints. After, that he questioned me, is any blood relations in US? We replied, yes. My son is. Enquires had been completed and we received our passports.

With, hurriedly we moved away from the counter to get the luggage. We waited for ours luggage, where the entire luggage has been going on the conveyer belts. We find out the ribbon tagged luggage at last and loaded on the trolleys. Then we exited from the hall gate. My son invited both. Bit later he came with the coffee cup. We had our first nice coffee in U.S.
United states of america travelogue

continue from#281...

From, the airport, we have picked up by the car. We headed to his home in Camp Hill. We had got his home after the 3 hours driving. My granddaughter and daughter-in-law gave warm welcome. We have experienced the 51 degree Fahrenheit at Camp Hill just like the Ooty, Yercaud or Kodaikanal.

U.S. Roads:

The federal government maintained the high way roads. The village and town roads are named as the exit roads, probably maintained by the counties. All the exit roads are linked with the main federal high way roads. The exit roads are given by separate numbers and the arrow marks. These, exits are connected the towns. Whenever the high way travelers want to take rest they can use the exit roads. Exit roads get them to the nearby towns. The, roads are alienated by the white and yellow dual lines. The users should not cross the yellow line. Whenever, needs arise to deviate, they should use the white lines.

All roads are seemed much cleaned and well maintained. The signal lights are placed in the important junctions. The speed limits are cautioned by the side way boards. The drivers adopted the traffic rules in strictly. When happened to see the stop signal boards, the vehicular immediately slow down their speed whether it could be traffic or not.

The roads are sided by the pine trees and this would catch the glimpse of the travelers. We have reached the Camp Hill, after two and half hours driving. We take rest on that day. Next day we went to Hershey Park.

United states of americca travelouge

continue from#283...Hershey Park is an attractive one to the children’s. It is a private one owned to the Hershey chocolate manufactures. This greenly sprawled lush area situated nearer to the Mechanicsburg. We saw 3 D documentary pictures about the chocolate manufacturing in their theatre. There is a ride with the effecting of the chocolate manufacturing process. With the free cost we tasted some fine chocolates.

Next day we went to Adam Ricci Park situated in the Harrisburg community. The park has many play things to attract the children. The Camp Hill borough people remitted their taxes to theses attractions. The park is well-maintained and very useful to the local peoples for spending their times leisurely with their kids.

Next day we went to New Jersey. This is the state which one having a long drive from our residence. Roughly take 3 hours driving. We, used the exits on the side way and refreshed with coffee, juice and some pizzas in a small sized café. We reached SVT (Sri Venkateswara Temple)
Life and principles of gowthama bhuta

Gowthama Bhuda born in Lumbanik , near Kabilavasthu in 566 BCE. His, parents baptized him Sidhartha. His parents King Sudhotharnar and Queen Mayadhevi ruled the Sakkiya kingdom, where its capital Kabilavasthu. Kabilavasthu is the border of Nepal. Father Sudharthanar passed away in the seventh day of Budha birth. Then he was brought up by his aunty Brajavathi. He married Yasodhara and got a son named as Raghul. After some time he hesitated the palatial life. He lost his ataraxia. He thinks about the sorrows of human beings, where in the Universal life. Here he analyzed vigorously about sorrows in the Universal life, here after what will be the result of these soreness. He wants to eradicate this soreness. Not only this, also has adopted as a motto in his life to eradicate these elements. He stripped the luxurious life and adopted renunciation to find the truth. After the long struggle, whereas the age of 36, he fined the perception while in the meditation under the Banyan tree and attained the nirvana.

The term Buddha means "Awakened" or those who finds the circle of light. Sutha Pithagam the text in Pali language has recited the policies of the Bhudism. The first aim of Bhudism is to depurate from the soreness and mental agony. The egotism is the main reason for the sorrow. Only abolishing the bait should be gives us the great bliss and mental relief. Avoid evilness and do well. This deed will abolish the lures.

Four Highly Truths:

1. Soreness: Life is adversity one. Life is covered with poverty, ill, hoar and demise. The life is not easily quit away and this has embraced soreness. These evils follow throughout the life.

2. Origin of the sorrow: Evanescent pleasure is the reason to the soreness. The reason for the sorrow is leading the life with selfishness for making the Joyce only to them.

3. Eradicate the bait: Unless eradicates the baits, the sorrow should not.

4. (Atta Seelam) The Eight ways: This is the way to abolish the sorrow. If we adopted these ways we can easily eradicate the sorrow.

Without, showing an interest in various life styles, eradicate all the baits and also eradicate the root causes for making these baits, in the life, has the only remedy, to abolish these sorrows, as stated in the Bhuta’s homily.

Midway: This way makes Insight, prudence, lore, peace, nirvana. There are eight policies in this way. This is called as Atta Seelam or Eight Routes.

Atta Seelam or Eight Routes:

1. Good faith: Having, the faith on the four ways.

2. Well cognitive: Decided to dispense the household life, suppression the angry and don’t the badness to others.

3. Fair tongues: Don’t speak useless, harsh and deceitful words.

4. Good deeds: No cruelty on others, thefts and without slippery from the good deeds.

5. Good life: Lead the beggary life.

6. Good endeavors: Dismissal of the badness to develop the noble.

7. Testimonial: Awareness from the evanescent pleasure and the soreness.

8. Transcendental meditation: Collectively thinking to achieve the goal.

Within the simple terms, Approach, Bhutas advices with confidence and follows the recites as said in morale and conglomerate the mind to attain the heaven as ever lost.

His advices are enlightening the truth with the new philosophy and eradicate all the faiths about the God, spirit and invariable authenticity as ruled in the Hinduism at then. It is not an exaggeration that He only proclaimed the different ideologies at first about the Universe, life and rumination.
Travelog u.s.a.

Continue from #284
We went to Sabsi Mundy owned by a Gujarati family, a big supermarket, has engaged sales in the Indian house hold things.
We bought some vegetables. We have to witness many Indians in New Jersey. There, in N J many Indians owned houses and shops.
Some of them, for age long, settled permanently. Without any difficult, people settled for generations, could be identified easily.

After, finished the shopping we started to PA. We had coke on the way.
We have arrived CH and take the rest. Next we planned to go Baltimore Murugan Temple.

Maryland State situated nearer to the Washington Dulles airport, where the flight had taxied earlier, from India.
After, 2 hours’ drive in the Federal road we deviated to catch the Baltimore exit.
This would take an hour to arrive Baltimore.
In the sunny morning we, entered into the Baltimore beautiful city perhaps, slightly higher 3 to 4 degree furan heat than Pennsylvania.

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Continue from # 286

The Baltimore Murugan temple, looks like a palace, built on the massive steps and enlightens its magnificent views.
There was a hall connected with the Lord Murugan's sanctum which could be getting after several steps from the ground floor.
The Lord Murugan, has been a niche in the standing posture, with the Valli- Deivanai and performed his blessings to their devotees.

Like the South Palzhani hill, this temple also having massive steps with elevated views. Perhaps, this has been hard to reach the main sanctum.
Even, the main deity is Lord Murugan, there were Vaishnavite Gods and Goddess also niche by the side of the main deities in the separate sanctums.
Because of this practice, the trust board has intruded to appoint both Saivites and Vaishnavites sages without any discriminate to perform the ritual works.

Though the Lord Murugan has been the main deity, the Vaishnavite God, Goddess also has enshrined, in the temple.
So, we can able to see the both of Vaishnavite and Saiviate sages in to the temple for performing pujas as I, already said.
Here, after completing the rounds we were getting down to lunch.
Tampa(Florida) School
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Continue from # 287

Bit latter we started to the Shiva-Vishnu temple which is a famous one in Baltimore.
This temple is only five to ten minutes’ drive from the Murugan temple.
This, the white colored temple has been constructed in the horizontal position.
Some sages and devotees perform regular pajans in the temple.
With the reasonable cost, we can get the food items from the cafeteria.
This has been run by the temple authorities.

Here, after in the evening, we have started to home.
In the evening, while on leading to the home, we have experienced heavy rain.
However, this was not so hard to drive. We reached home safely.

We planned to go Florida, where many attractive are such as Disney Epcot, Sea World and so on.
Florida is 900 miles away from Philadelphia. We reserved tickets in Air Tran.
The Air Tran is one of the biggest services in the U.S.
This company fled over 5000 flights, learn that most of them was pressed within inland service only.
Admired with 5000 flights been rounded daily on U.S. Air Tran flights can be easily identified with the blue in half.

Tampa Airport (Florida)
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Travelog u.s.a.

One, drizzled morning, the Baltimore airport was packed with tourists. We, waited in the lobby for the arrivals of the Tampa flight, as scheduled at 10 am. In, the meantime, we had coffee. After that we had queued, before the checking point, where, our belongings were scanned. The officer scrutinized my air bag and found my shaving kit, along with the shaving cream. He would not let it to the flight as this was in the liquid format. So I have to give up the box. Here after we boarded and took our seats.

I just deflect on others while adjusting my seat belt, where I saw the native people were busy with their works. The man seated next to me was in his lap top seriously with the glimpsing of the exit frequently. The man seated next to me was in his lap top seriously with the glimpsing of the exit frequently. Apparently, I glanced on the magazines in the seat bags and watched my wrist watch frequently, just like that man. As, scheduled 10 am the flight was takeoff and taxied at Tampa airport at 2 pm. We have picked up by my brother to his home and finished lunch.

IMG_0152[1].webp IMG_0159[1].webp Florida Tampa Shiva Vishnu Temple
Next day we went to Shiva Vishnu temple in Tampa. The temple’s lea gives pleasant atmosphere. There is a pipal tree with the Pillaiyar, resembling our India. The climate is just like the tropical countries causes to growing these kinds of plants in Florida.

The next day we have planned to visit the clear water beach where had 2 hours driving from the Tampa city. Clear water Beach is home of pristine white sand beaches, clear gulf waters, warm sunshine, and plenty of hospitality. This gives thrilling to drive on the sea side, an awesome one. I have admired when seeing the sand is in white color, where, at first while seeing this, I, had thought that this is as perse of salt. However, I would realized in latter, while, walking on the shore that the sand was naturally in white.

Clear Water Beach, Tampa.

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The car show was an enjoyable one in Tampa. We, can revel in various models, where, had maintained with great care. Sunday morning cars were arrowed primitively in a mall. We can watch the possessors standing by the side of their commemoratives, having smugly comments.

In, Tampa we visited an Elementary Scholl. A creative method adopted in School education system. The next day, we visited sea world where is in Orlando. We saw various types of fishes, mammals were sheltered in the fiber showcases and allowed to viable with its own atmosphere.
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[h=6]added a new photo.[/h] Tampa Car Show
Next, Monday we planned to visit Orlando, Disney Epcot. My son reserved two entrance tickets with $ 180 on online and the same were copied and printed. We reached Orlando after 2 hour driving. We have received the entrance tickets in the counter here after we have to wait on a line. Bit latter we entered in to the soaring pavilion where an excitements with realistic. We have buckled with seats where in front of the huge screen. The movie rolled down with high mountains, plains and skyscrapers’ and icy mountains. Whenever, watching the movie seated on the convulsion chairs with the 3D glasses the effects were in realistically.

Each and every show takes 45 mints. Then we moved to the another pavilion. Everybody knows about the Hollywood movie, Terminator or it could see by somebodies. Here, the actors’ reversal a seen where they had captivated in the original. The hero chased and shoots the villain in to the tunnel raids on his motor bike was performed realistic manners.See More

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Disney Epcot Orlando

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In Disney Epcot Orlando Dolphin Show

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Disney Epcot Orlando...
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Next we moved to the Men in Black movie pavilion, a Hollywood movie where produced by the Universal Pictures. Amazingly, the scene where captivated as in the same original Terminator movie. Here, after we had seen the Mummy pavilion.

We, had a thrilling ride experience in to the cave, where there a frighten moving witches, hordes dancing skeletons in the hazy lights with the terrible stereo phonic sound effects, would be realized what we had experienced actually in theaters.

The Disaster corridor is a remarkable one. They have revealed a scene in the stage where in realistic, what we had experienced in the real movie. They have also revealed a scene in the stage where in realistic, what we had experienced in the real movie. Type-casted with the audience where would be in the swimming postures had edited in the last scene. Whenever, projected this, could be seems where, the audience also participated in the movie.

The dolphin show is a more splendid one should be grasping the mind not only through the ads, though this will be at the person. Dancing to the music, swimming, jumping, twisting, and laughing all are admirable receiving great responses from the audiences. The show with the humor of the pirate story makes laughs and enjoyable. The joker interacted with the audience and played funny things where makes such a great laugh.




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[h=6]Though, the whales were ferocious mammals in general, may be critical to train up but, this gives surprise that these too have trained up well. The whale show had banned for several months, ironically, a lady trainer had killed by the whale namely Shamu, during the training hours. Fortunately, we had a chance to see this Shamu show. Then we finished the lunch with some bread rolls, curd rice and coke. Next we have entered in to the countries side, where there many countries galleries were in the circle. Because, the time is so short we have to give up some, and have to speed up other galleries like Norway, Mexico, China, Canada, U.S.A. France, eventually, there may be in numerous. In Norway corridor, they have exhibited the paintings where the brief history of their sea voyages in olden days. The Mexico corridor was decorated as like veritable as in the olden days of Mexico.

[/h] China Gallery

[h=6][/h] Mexico Gallery
[h=6][/h] Lake View in Disney Epcot
[h=6][/h] Canada Gallery
In Norway corridor, they have exhibited the paintings where, the brief history about the sea voyages in olden days.
On the other hand, the Mexico corridor has decorated as in earlier days. We have to know about the Mexican culture, life style, food habits in this corridor.
China corridor is enthusiastic with viding 3 D screens. The highlighted China wall got glimpses to the audiences.
We, can purchase the monuments of house hold articles, toys, dressing materials were reflecting their heritages.
Next, we entered in to the Canada corridor, the actual icy temperature of that country where maintained.
This is the last one for which had seen in that Epcot countries.

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We walked through the exit gates where the fireworks will to do. The sun sets where the fireworks started in the dark on a lake. About 45 minutes there were awesome colorful crackers busted in the sky. The show ended after busted the wonderful crackers, flickering rockets and so on. We rushed to the parking lot, where the car was parked and started to Tampa. added a new photo. added a new photo. added a new photo.
மழைக்கால மேகங்கள் சுமந்த
குளிர் மழை நீரோ
இல்லை கார்முகில் பெற்ற
குளிர்த் தென்றல் நீயோ
தொடுவானம் தூரம் இல்லை
தொடர்ந்து வா என்னுடன்
குளிர்த் தென்றல் தீண்டியதால்
கரு சுமந்த ஒருமேகம்
கருமேகம் ஆனதோ இன்று
நினைவுகளை சுமந்து இங்கு
இன்று கருத்தரித்தாய் நீயும்
காதல் குழந்தை ஒன்றை
பெற்றுக் கொடு அன்பே!

Legendry Of Lakes

The lakes are also a prodigy where, the world’s creations. Where, the water has flowed in to the cavitation or in delves would causes to makes lakes. Hard billed soil where, the back-water has stored, the rear sides of the dam lands are suitable to the lakes. Plate tectonics, melting of the ice are the only reason for the formations of lakes. Plateaued will causes to the formations of the lakes, considerably makes large and deep lakes may be formed if it has been in disorders. The Rift valley where, divided the two continents Asia and Africa is the causes to formations of the scatted lakes. Because of this instance the Dead Sea and the Nayasa Lake are formed. The melting rock-strewn ices rubbed and clean the surfaces and makes delves. With, this the melting hoarfrosts deposits the sediments as the cacumen. Because of these activities the natural lakes had created. The magnificent lakes of the North America and the Alpine lakes of Europe had formed in this way. The Husain Lake would get the pride where, it has help to renovate the city, Hyderabad as a tourist spot.

With Regards

Sivashanmugam Yadav
513 Grant Dr Camp hill Harrisburg PA U.S.A.
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நெட் குறும்பு

அட நீங்க ஒன்னு !தமிழ்நாட்டில் கரன்ட்டுன்னு ஒன்னு இருக்கறதே மறந்துபோச்சு ...
தமிழ்நாட்டில் எப்பவுமே கரண்ட் கிடையாது!
பெருசா 2012 வட மாநிலத்தில் மட்டும் கரண்ட் பாதிப்புன்னு பொலம்பறீங்க!

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Travelog u.s.a.

    [FONT=&quot]The Gifford Pinchot state park, situated in the York County is one of the biggest state parks in Pennsylvania.
    The park acts as a bank for the mighty Susquehanna River of Pennsylvania.
    We reached the park after 45 minutes’ drive from home.
    The up hills and downs hills, sceneries with a chill weather reminded an ambience of a hill station.
    We arrived at 10 am in a cold morning for a pleasant view of the park.
    We had parked our Odyssey van in the lot and searched for a picnic table.
    After securing a table, we unloaded the picnic belongings including the disposal grill oven where which my son bought online.
    We enjoyed the pleasant day with a delicious grill prepared in the park.[/FONT]

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