Renuka’s post #13
I drive a car every day. After a while as I age and become curious I wonder “…hey what am I doing? A set rules and procedures to start and run this contraption. Where is my freedom to know what is really happening when this contraption runs carrying me? Am I in command or something else?”
This is when I start to question not the need for the car but the idea behind the IC engine that is at the core of the whole thing. I do not underestimate the knowledge and hard work that has gone into inventing, improving and giving the IC engine. I try to understand and acquire that knowledge so that I better understand this contraption and derive more pleasure driving it.
The “certain groups” referred to are groups in existence. There is no use denying their existence here in this world. Truth does not have to be ashamed of itself. The truth may hurt. But that does not make the truth non-existent. It may be politically convenient and expedient to deny the existence of the truth. But despite all that whitewashing and “brotherhood” and “fraternity” sentiments the gross truth is that there are groups among people with varying degree of endowments from nature. Hinduism is the only religion which boldly recognizes such differences and accept them for what they are and proceeds to frame principles on which the society can live peacefully. If other religions want to whitewash and hide the truth and paint an artificial beauty on top of that let them do that. People who are attracted towards that may go and may even spit on the original painting. That is okay. We can not make people think in any particular way. Thought can only be free. If people want to make a choice between an unpleasant truth and a wishful siesta let them do that. It is after all freedom of individual.
Very true.
Who is bothered! Hindus certainly are not bothered. Others may be. Their talk about the herd, the shepherd and the wayward sheep losing its way etc indicate that. We, Hindus, do not speak in that language.
Judging a human being and looking down upon that being because that being is less endowed with is normal natural human mind’s activity. To compare, to feel proud, to feel pity for, to celebrate the perceived advantages are all natural human mind’s activities. Without that the mind will be dead. The only thing that has to be shunned is using the advantage to put down the less fortunate other human being. I believe that is what is ahimsa. Not the one you have pointed out. If one has to completely be blind to ones natural advantages, achievements, proud moments etc., that would require him to be brain dead-as you have said rightly. Human beings do exist who understand well the nature’s scheme of things as they exist- a sort of a beautiful symphony of colors- that you can not take away any one line with a particular color because the beauty of the whole will be crippled. Such ahimsa can be practiced. An ahimsa in which a tiger is aware of its comparative physical advantages over those of a deer and yet walks away watching a deer playing with its kids because there is space for every one on the earth.
I know your attention span defieciency. Yet I hope you will read this fully. You’re your time.Thanks.
I understand your point but after a while as we age we start to feel..."hey what am I following? A set rules of code and conduct? Where is my absolute freedom to realize the truth my own experiences?"
That is when we start to question the need of an organized religion but that does not mean that we are going astray.
I drive a car every day. After a while as I age and become curious I wonder “…hey what am I doing? A set rules and procedures to start and run this contraption. Where is my freedom to know what is really happening when this contraption runs carrying me? Am I in command or something else?”
This is when I start to question not the need for the car but the idea behind the IC engine that is at the core of the whole thing. I do not underestimate the knowledge and hard work that has gone into inventing, improving and giving the IC engine. I try to understand and acquire that knowledge so that I better understand this contraption and derive more pleasure driving it.
Coming to being friendly with people of other religions..firstly we Hindus need to be user friendly with people of our own religion.When we fail to respect our very own Hindus by having so called religious restrictions for certain group of people..I fail to see why we need to even lament that any Hindu left his/her religion.
The “certain groups” referred to are groups in existence. There is no use denying their existence here in this world. Truth does not have to be ashamed of itself. The truth may hurt. But that does not make the truth non-existent. It may be politically convenient and expedient to deny the existence of the truth. But despite all that whitewashing and “brotherhood” and “fraternity” sentiments the gross truth is that there are groups among people with varying degree of endowments from nature. Hinduism is the only religion which boldly recognizes such differences and accept them for what they are and proceeds to frame principles on which the society can live peacefully. If other religions want to whitewash and hide the truth and paint an artificial beauty on top of that let them do that. People who are attracted towards that may go and may even spit on the original painting. That is okay. We can not make people think in any particular way. Thought can only be free. If people want to make a choice between an unpleasant truth and a wishful siesta let them do that. It is after all freedom of individual.
So since we can never really change the mindset of anyone..the best is life and let whether a person decides to be an Amar,Akbar or Anthony..its truly his choice to deal with.
Very true.
I also notice double standards among us Hindus..when a Hindu converts to another religion..all hell breaks lose..saying Aiyoo Kali Yuga..Dharma is on the decline but when people of other religions embrace Hinduism..that time these people who became Hindus are praised for choosing the right path..realizing Truth likewise some Muslim or Christian might be rejoicing when a Hindu converts ..they would be feeling finally this person has seen the Light!
Who is bothered! Hindus certainly are not bothered. Others may be. Their talk about the herd, the shepherd and the wayward sheep losing its way etc indicate that. We, Hindus, do not speak in that language.
Hindus at times keep bragging about Ahimsa..but Ahimsa is not merely physical also includes mental violence and we also need to ask ourselves"how many times have we mentally judged someone or looked down upon them?"
Judging a human being and looking down upon that being because that being is less endowed with is normal natural human mind’s activity. To compare, to feel proud, to feel pity for, to celebrate the perceived advantages are all natural human mind’s activities. Without that the mind will be dead. The only thing that has to be shunned is using the advantage to put down the less fortunate other human being. I believe that is what is ahimsa. Not the one you have pointed out. If one has to completely be blind to ones natural advantages, achievements, proud moments etc., that would require him to be brain dead-as you have said rightly. Human beings do exist who understand well the nature’s scheme of things as they exist- a sort of a beautiful symphony of colors- that you can not take away any one line with a particular color because the beauty of the whole will be crippled. Such ahimsa can be practiced. An ahimsa in which a tiger is aware of its comparative physical advantages over those of a deer and yet walks away watching a deer playing with its kids because there is space for every one on the earth.
I know your attention span defieciency. Yet I hope you will read this fully. You’re your time.Thanks.