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Remove the Caste based Reservation System

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People here have wisely avoided so far to blame brahmins for the ills of casteism. I wait for that.


i think it has become a habit for non-brahmins to blame brahmins for anything and everything.

why should brahmins be blamed for casteism? did brahmins promote casteism?

was it not the dravidian parties competing with each other in flaming the fires of casteism to garner votes and grab power?

brahmins have become a scapegoat for everyone.

naanga undu engal velai undu endru irokkom. engalai en pazhi solrel!
Caste based reservation system is used for attracting voters of a particular community to vote for a Caste based political party.

Even Dr B R Ambedkar wanted Political Reservation for SC/ST only for a period of ten years, but the political class extended this for 70 years. The reason is either the Government could not elevate the SC/STs by reservation alone or the benefits do not permeate to all communities under the category.

Mandal Commission Report,( based on which OBC Reservation was introduced), apart from Reservation, gives a lot of other followup steps to be taken. The following extract from an interview with S S Gill, then Secretary of Mandal Commission given to Outlook Magazine will be of interest to understand more on this subject:

"During its discussions the Commission was fully aware that reservations were only a palliative, and 27 per cent reservation in educational institutions and government jobs was only one of several recommendations. Briefly, the other important recommendations were: the radical alteration in production relations through progressive land reforms; special educational facilities to upgrade the cultural environment of the students, with special emphasis on vocational training; separate coaching facilities for students aspiring to enter technical and professional institutions; creation of adequate facilities for improving the skills of village artisans; subsidised loans for setting up small-scale industries; the setting up of a separate chain of financial and technical bodies to assist OBC entrepreneurs.

None of these measures were even casually examined by the government, and then prime minister V.P. Singh adopted the facile and populist route of issuing a one-para order conferring the boon of 27 per cent reservation on OBCs. To this day no serious effort has been made to lay the foundations of structures to enable the deprived classes which will compete with the non-reserved categories on an equal footing."

(Full interview ia available in http://www.outlookindia.com/article/what-mandal-really-wanted/230916)

The problem does not end here. In Karnataka 199 Castes are grouped under the Central list of Other Backward Class. Apart from these many sub-castes are shown under each Caste. Similarly the Tamil Nadu list shows 181 Castes apart from sub-castes. It is common-sense to understand that with the limited vacancies available in Government Jobs and seats in Educational Institutions , it may not be possible to uplift all the people belong to these Castes by Reservation alone. The parameters for selection should be some thing more than Caste criteria.

Time has come to relook the entire Reservation Policy afresh.

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What you & I ,think is immaterial. In the name of social justice, the castes in strength in the
society would corner away all the benefits, in a situation of democracy.

That is why caste based regional parties demand the early release of the details of caste based senses. What is stored in the bandora's box .... nobody could guess.

Eagles are flying around in the sky.

But one thing sure, not anything in favour of Brahs.

I thought you really meant something with your query about the concept of social justice... the threads are precisely to discuss what people like you and me think on the topics.

Perhaps you may be aware that in Indian Corporate Law, there is a concept called protection of Minority Interest. Democracy should not be construed to mean mobocracy. Democracy is only a process of electing the government, and does not necessarily mandate that only the majority should be privileged. Justice should be for all.
So, how or when would you accept that our country, India, would be able to deliver a landmark achievement in science? Do you, with the above reasoning, think that it would never happen?

Notwithstanding your response to the above, I will draw your attention to the fact that both "during the 5000 or so years when the high castes were enjoying all the benefits,", and the current period, where we tend to think that "is it not justice that the lower castes which got a very bad treatment for thousands of years in India, get a preference for at least a few hundred years?", the noteworthy point is that our society is bogged down by a system of discrimination - one was social and the other is political. I am only trying to point out that both these scenarios cannot be called as a level playing field.

If justice is to be meted out then it should be delivered by a process that allows the underprivileged to get literate/educated, and not place them in plum jobs that are critical to the overall integrity and growth of a nation.

It is another discussion as to determine the real underprivileged (lower castes, if you say) of our society who may need a form of justice.

I think it will take another 100 years, at the least, for any real demand from a majority of the population to arise, for reviewing the caste-based reservation system.

I agree that our society was, and is, bogged down by a system of discrimination; the high-caste dominance was religious-social, but the present reservation is not a complete mirror image of this high-caste dominance right from birth through death and beyond, into the pitruloka! (The Sudras have no obligation to do Tarpana, Sraaddha, etc.) What the present reservation system does is to bestow government jobs and admission to govt. colleges to the reserved castes. In the society, even now the high-caste people officiate as temple priests and thus mediate between all the people and the gods!

"Plum jobs" have never been critical to the integrity and growth of the nation. If you analyze the growth before Independence and after Independence, till the reservations really changed the caste profile of the plum jobs (top government jobs) it will be seen that it was also lack-lustre like today's. Besides, we must remember that even the high caste officials were very corrupt; only that in those days the press and the media were very different and powerless, and the social networks were absent. Hence the corruption at high levels went undetected. (We should have had Shri Kunjuppu to tell us how corrupt brahmin officials were!)
Time has come to relook the entire Reservation Policy afresh.

And only a BJP govt will do this because it is the only political party espousing this view. They much get 2/3rd majority in both houses to even raise this issue. That good day will happen.
And only a BJP govt will do this because it is the only political party espousing this view. They much get 2/3rd majority in both houses to even raise this issue. That good day will happen.

BJP or any other party will never even dare to do anything. Of course Modi may blurt out thoughtlessly and get into a "chakkar" later on, just as he has now done himself in OROP. Hinduism is not monolithic and, if BJP removes reservation, lotus will fade away in most places where the reserved castes dominate. That'll then be BJP, RIP!

Note: The Patels of Gujarat have publicly warned yesterday that if they are not gievn OBC status, the Lotus will never again blossom in Gujarat. And we saw a cowering Modi on TV screen pleading for "Shaantata"!
Opinions on the reservation system can vary or even be contrarian. But it is here to stay for a long long time, I think. I am a "high caste" person and I oppose the cribbing about reservation system. I knew the position of my children and was prepared, in case it became necessary, to see them as vadhyar or cook or in some small self-employed kind of occupation. They also realised it correctly, I feel, and all of them have settled down abroad; so, as you put it, neither myself nor my progeny is impacted by reservation. I will not ask my children to come back home and their children will grow up in those countries as just "aam aadmis" there. I feel those who are impacted by reservation and those who have children whose future can be so impacted, should honestly discuss with their children and choose one of the alternatives — migrate abroad where there is no reservation against you, or, be satisfied with one of the non-traditional routes. (After all the paraiahs, pulayas, thottis etc., did not have even any such choice for thousands of years.)

Dear Sangom Sir,

Why are you abhorring the ancient system? Why are you putting up a show of social grandstanding now! For whom? For pulling down fellow Brahmins so that they can go down the drain? What sort of social justice is when the meritorious are denied admission on the basis of caste?Even now Brahmins have moved away from those vocations where reservations have acted as a death knell for them..Example Medicine, Legal, Pure Sciences..In jobs they have moved away from IAS, IPS & IFS..And those who take the leftover marry outside the caste, religion and race! As such the community is in doldrums with no State support! Without any mass extermination or planned holocaust, Brahmins are disappearing in numbers!

Why are you allowing yourself to play to the crowd and not standing for our community..You do not even want to put up a modicum of fight and instead allowed yourself to be trampled meekly!
Caste based reservation system is used for attracting voters of a particular community to vote for a Caste based political party.

Even Dr B R Ambedkar wanted Political Reservation for SC/ST only for a period of ten years, but the political class extended this for 70 years. The reason is either the Government could not elevate the SC/STs by reservation alone or the benefits do not permeate to all communities under the category.

Mandal Commission Report,( based on which OBC Reservation was introduced), apart from Reservation, gives a lot of other followup steps to be taken. The following extract from an interview with S S Gill, then Secretary of Mandal Commission given to Outlook Magazine will be of interest to understand more on this subject:

"During its discussions the Commission was fully aware that reservations were only a palliative, and 27 per cent reservation in educational institutions and government jobs was only one of several recommendations. Briefly, the other important recommendations were: the radical alteration in production relations through progressive land reforms; special educational facilities to upgrade the cultural environment of the students, with special emphasis on vocational training; separate coaching facilities for students aspiring to enter technical and professional institutions; creation of adequate facilities for improving the skills of village artisans; subsidised loans for setting up small-scale industries; the setting up of a separate chain of financial and technical bodies to assist OBC entrepreneurs.

None of these measures were even casually examined by the government, and then prime minister V.P. Singh adopted the facile and populist route of issuing a one-para order conferring the boon of 27 per cent reservation on OBCs. To this day no serious effort has been made to lay the foundations of structures to enable the deprived classes which will compete with the non-reserved categories on an equal footing."

(Full interview ia available in http://www.outlookindia.com/article/what-mandal-really-wanted/230916)

The problem does not end here. In Karnataka 199 Castes are grouped under the Central list of Other Backward Class. Apart from these many sub-castes are shown under each Caste. Similarly the Tamil Nadu list shows 181 Castes apart from sub-castes. It is common-sense to understand that with the limited vacancies available in Government Jobs and seats in Educational Institutions , it may not be possible to uplift all the people belong to these Castes by Reservation alone. The parameters for selection should be some thing more than Caste criteria.

Time has come to relook the entire Reservation Policy afresh.


In TN we have Reddiars who are advanced politically, economically & socially are considered as OBC...Many Chettiars are OBC...Except for Brahmins every one is enjoying the reservation benefits...

We are now witnessing a full fledged caste war in Gujarat...Not sure what will it lead to..Hope Modi has got the guts to remove the menace of reservation
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I thought you really meant something with your query about the concept of social justice... the threads are precisely to discuss what people like you and me think on the topics.
Perhaps you may be aware that in Indian Corporate Law, there is a concept called protection of Minority Interest. Democracy should not be construed to mean mobocracy. Democracy is only a process of electing the government, and does not necessarily mandate that only the majority should be privileged. Justice should be for all.

It is very nice to read.

But what happened in Tamilnadu when the lawyer Sri. Vijayan went to Supreme Court challenging the 69% reservation in Tamilnaadu, saying that it is against the basic provisions of the constitution.
He was beaten almost to death and thrown on the road, in Chennai

All it happened during the AIADMK period.Neither the Govt, nor any of the opposition. parties sympathised for him.

Now in India, the d
emocracy is run as " mobocracy " only.

could ventilate in the forum, have heated arguments with the brethren in the forum get the accumulated boiling steam zzzz...out....... what else we could do?

I presume but could not confirm that almost majority in the forum are against the reservation system in one way or other. Somebody are in agitated mood some are in frustrated / dejected /... mood...

That is all.
Dear Sangom Sir,

Why are you abhorring the ancient system? Why are you putting up a show of social grandstanding now! For whom? For pulling down fellow Brahmins so that they can go down the drain? What sort of social justice is when the meritorious are denied admission on the basis of caste?Even now Brahmins have moved away from those vocations where reservations have acted as a death knell for them..Example Medicine, Legal, Pure Sciences..In jobs they have moved away from IAS, IPS & IFS..And those who take the leftover marry outside the caste, religion and race! As such the community is in doldrums with no State support! Without any mass extermination or planned holocaust, Brahmins are disappearing in numbers!

Why are you allowing yourself to play to the crowd and not standing for our community..You do not even want to put up a modicum of fight and instead allowed yourself to be trampled meekly!

Shri Ganesh ji,

According to me, this forum and discussions here, are not occasions to "stand up for our community" just without any real basis or cause. Even if tomorrow the GOI convenes a meeting with representatives of all types of brahmins in India to discuss whether the reservation benefits can be extended to them, and even if all the brahmin representatives "stand up" for the community, do you honestly feel that our such "standing up for the community" will deliver any favourable result? I am 100% sure it will not.

In this forum I think it is better to express one's opinion/view honestly, since one of the most cardinal requirement of brahmins is to "speak the truth" and our scripture shouts "satyameva jayate na anritam". It may well be that the benefits enjoyed by the higher castes has come to a final irrevocable end and the remaining brahmins have to fend their way in whatever the new atmosphere may happen to be. And it is a "community with no state support" is evidence enough that all our chest thumping about intellect, integrity, etc., are hollow and we were "shining" not intrinsically but by capturing the support of whoever ruled. Brahmins are already less than 1 or 2 % of the total population, and it might happen that the community itself disappears, like the dodo. But all these cannot be stopped merely by half a dozen brahmin enthusiasts writing cribbing posts, supposedly "standing up for the community" here. It will be like the proverbial cock claiming that the sun rises because of its crowing!

I am not playing to the crowd nor grandstanding. I believe what I say is the truth. Only, other people refuse to see the writing on the wall; instead, they prefer closing their eyes and trying to pretend that it (the Mene Mene) is not there. This is my humble opinion.
BJP or any other party will never even dare to do anything. Of course Modi may blurt out thoughtlessly and get into a "chakkar" later on, just as he has now done himself in OROP. Hinduism is not monolithic and, if BJP removes reservation, lotus will fade away in most places where the reserved castes dominate. That'll then be BJP, RIP!

Note: The Patels of Gujarat have publicly warned yesterday that if they are not gievn OBC status, the Lotus will never again blossom in Gujarat. And we saw a cowering Modi on TV screen pleading for "Shaantata"!

i agreed....now OROP is another head ache for govt...its not easy to resolve....ready for 7th pay commission...
I support Sangom ji's post about being "aam admi" abroad. I have seen that NRIs typically do not mention their caste since it does not fetch them any advantage (or disadvantage).

This leads me to believe that those who mention caste are always seeking some unfair advantage beyond their individual abilities.

Caste is already obsolete among NRIs, in metro cities and among the educated elite. As the role of govt shrinks it will become obsolete elsewhere as well.
Reform of the current 'caste based quota' system need not be the issue of Brahmins or other so called upper castes.

The economic issue creates a scarcity system wanting people to claim some break by any means. If the economy were to improve significantly, many caste identity will just remain an identity, Period.

Power is centered around those with money but these power brokers cheat the system by corrupt means leveraging every possible loop holes including caste based quotas.

Quotas debilitates an economy by driving away merit while breeding corruption.

The entitled ones feel they are entitled and become dependent. Human spirit is not fully utilized in overall advancement of the whole society.
The one who is not receiving any benefits by the quota system feels like a victim and become losers. Their only chance if they have a will is to run away. That does not help an economy to advance.

There is a solution however. It has to do with leveraging natural order which favors diversity.

In USA, many corporations while against quota are all for diversity of the work force which is seen as a tremendous strength. There is affirmative action only to reach out for talent wherever it may be.

The reason Microsoft and Google ended up hiring Indian born US citizens because the Indian-ness had nothing to do with their decisions. The overall corporate culture favors diversity not because they are nice at heart but because diversity is indeed a strength.

Let me share a personal experience. In the early 1990s I was visiting Madras (chennai now) and to satisfy a pest of a relative I bought an expensive camera for him. As he was handling it, it fell down and stopped working. It was first of its kind of camera from Cannon with pretty slick electronics. At the suggestion we went to a market to see if it can be repaired (and I was dreading the prospect of taking it back to get it serviced and then bringing it back).

We went to a market (Moore market?) and found a small dingy shop. Inside there was this little kid about 16 or 17, may be a bit older. It was clear that the kid did not have any formal education. This kid opened the camera parts, did some Indian Magic and made it work. I know he was getting exploited and perhaps from a village.

I had renewed respect for ordinary citizens in India from the now termed unstructured society.

If government and corporations were to reach out affirmatively to increase a diverse work force, keeping merit as the only guideline India will prosper significantly even in the midst of feudal religious beliefs.

The definition of merit itself will need a overhaul keeping in mind that 'educated idiots' should not get unfair advantage.

I think India should unite to get rid of the quota system. Government and corporate leadership should be taught how they can improve economically by embracing diversity so they do this for selfish reasons.
Opinions on the reservation system can vary or even be contrarian. But it is here to stay for a long long time, I think.. <snip>

Of course, opinions vary; opinions differ on almost all the topics discussed here. There is nothing special about a discussion on reservation system. But to characterize a contrarian opinion as cribbing reveals a certain intolerance and to suggest that people who do so lack conscience betrays a fanatical mindset. The equanimity which is repeatedly claimed is not visible here.

Rest of the post contains the usual straw-man arguments. No one claimed that the brahmins should resign themselves to fate as a result of quotas. I am happy for your children who have worked hard to reach a position where they are not impacted by sectarianism seen in India in the form of reservations.
There are more mobile sale/repair/service shops than pan/cigarettes shops in any commercial street. Mobiles are repaired with ease and charm.

There is a flourishing market for used/refurbished phones, and many, irrespective of social class, carry big screen mobiles.

We went to a market (Moore market?) and found a small dingy shop. Inside there was this little kid about 16 or 17, may be a bit older. It was clear that the kid did not have any formal education. This kid opened the camera parts, did some Indian Magic and made it work. I know he was getting exploited and perhaps from a village.
This is a good thought and valuable suggestion. But I feel no political party in India will try to do this for fear of loss of votes in elections.
So this may remain as a pleasant dream only!
instead of keeping caste based quota, should be based on income based quota. using this quota rich getting richer poor getting poorer. since Independence they have spent lot of amount as giving free, but some there is no development. during my collage days with the scholarship they take home yearly 5-10k i have seen both married parties stays in individual hostel and study. this must be scraped.
கால பைரவன்;314303 said:
...But to characterize a contrarian opinion as cribbing reveals a certain intolerance and to suggest that people who do so lack conscience betrays a fanatical mindset. The equanimity which is repeatedly claimed is not visible here.

Almost any person in India knows well that the numerically insignificant brahmins, who cannot influence even one parliamentary seat anywhere, can never ever make any change to the reservation system. If, therefore, somebody has a delutional idea that by merely saying, repeatedly, in a Forum like this, to the effect that the reservation system does harm the coming up of people with merit, integrity, etc., and thus causes backwardness of the country, will be a hilarious item. That's all. Pointing this out is not a fanatical mindset, but taking objection to such "pointing out" denotes a narrow and fanatical mindset which does not tolerate the contrarian view.

Rest of the post contains the usual straw-man arguments. No one claimed that the brahmins should resign themselves to fate as a result of quotas. I am happy for your children who have worked hard to reach a position where they are not impacted by sectarianism seen in India in the form of reservations.
I don't know why the straw-man of a straw man argument is being brought up. Instead of continually crying horse about how & why the reservation system is unjust, anti-merit and so on, I said we brahmins should look to the way forward. If by chance any of our children are unable to tide over the reservation obstacle, we must be prepared to accept that they take up any self-employed opportunity, instead of always eyeing engineering and medical under merit quota.
Sri Sangom Sir,

Shri Ganesh ji,

According to me, this forum and discussions here, are not occasions to "stand up for our community" just without any real basis or cause. Even if tomorrow the GOI convenes a meeting with representatives of all types of brahmins in India to discuss whether the reservation benefits can be extended to them, and even if all the brahmin representatives "stand up" for the community, do you honestly feel that our such "standing up for the community" will deliver any favourable result? I am 100% sure it will not.

It would be difficult to dispute with this paragraph. But this point was hardly the thrust of your previous posts in this thread..

You were hammering away at the 5000 years of intellectual and economic deprivations of the so called 90% of the lower strata of the society by the so-called higher castes. And you had advanced the same to be the reason for introduction reservation in some fields.

Many of your contentions are on shaky foundation. But you seem to be convinced of their soundness. My post is just to give my point of view for the readers for what they are worth.

1. That 5000 years of subordination is a supreme exaggeration. The timeline of vedic civilization starts from around 1500 BC, and in Rg veda there is hardly any mention of caste, save for puruSa-sUktam which being a later interpolation, has been argued for by you.

2. The traces of caste distinctions appear in yajurveda which has been approximately dated to 1000 BC.

3. The brahminism including its caste segregation was given a death knell by the rise of Buddhism in 500 BC and Buddhism being adopted as a state religion from the period of AsokA.

4. The revival of hinduism is seen from somewhere around 500 AD.

So this 5000 years of continuous caste based segregation lacks evidence.

5. The Government of India, at least on the face of it, doesnt accept your theory that 90% of the population being permanently subjugated by higher castes. The GOI provided for only 15% reservation to scheduled castes and 7.5% for scheduled tribes and this percentage was arrived at by taking into account the proportion of population of these castes and tribes in the whole population of the country.

6. The Government of India also does not subscribe to your theory that reservations by themselves will bring out the "Diamonds in the sky" belonging to the lower strata of the society. In fact, the following Centres/Institutes of Higher Learning is free of any Reservation themes:

Institutions kept out of the purview of reservation

The following institutions have been kept out of the purview of Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act, 2006:,[SUP][53][/SUP][SUP][54][/SUP]

  1. Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai and its ten constituent units, namely:
    1. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay
    2. Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam
    3. Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
    4. Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar
    5. Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata
    6. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata;
    7. Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar
    8. Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
    9. Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad
    10. Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai
  2. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
  3. North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, Shillong
  4. Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
  5. Space Physics Laboratory, Thiruvananthapuram
  6. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun
  7. Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra


7. The issue of reservation is in fact older than the independence itself and wikipedia gives Jyotiba Phule demanding reservations for backward classes way back in 1882 and Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj of Maratha dynasty implementing such scheme way back in 1901.

8. While talking about reservations, you conveniently club non-forward class/caste along with dalits etc. While you miss no chance to point out Krishna as an ordinary petty king and not Lord Sri Krishna as many Hindus believe, you have no qualms in supporting the reservations enjoyed by the Yadu dynasty. Why should a king, a ruler, and his dynastic members need a reservation as a level playing field in free India is hard to comprehend.

9. Nalanda and Taxila being the centres of Higher learning way back in 5th century BC have been reported by many and these learning institutes of higher learning or Universities had many foreign students and local students. One does not find any mention of higher class, lower class, indigenous or foreign students etc therein.

10. The very fact that some academic institutions are left out of this reservation theme only goes to show that the intention of the government is that "largesse" of the government should be shared by the whole population in equal measure and does not have the high ideals of correcting the 5000 year old syndrome.

11. It was hard to miss your glee in noting the absence of Sri Kunjuppu who would recount tales and tales of how corrupt brahmin officials were, as if their mere existence in the past in itself should disentitle brahmins in voicing their views of their being denied (whether such a view is just or unjust) in this forum. It is another matter that Sri Kunjuppa became scarce in this forum after Ozone, another member (now not participating) put some hard questions to Sri kunjuppu and Kunjuppu has found no means to address it inspite of lapse of 4 years.

12. Reservation as a theme will survive only as long as shortage and affordability exist. We do not find any one *cribbing* about admission to primary schools or not having landline telephone connections (as in the not so distant past). The main reason is that people can find them or their substitutes in affordable range. The State had monopolized education and the strings have loosened only in the past decade and it is just a matter of time before this reservation in admission noise will subside at least in higher education. Now facilities are available and people will find means to make it affordable.

13. I would think you are out of sync with reality to be harbouring the notion that for 100s of years (if not for 5000 years) that Reservations are here to stay as a permanent fixture.
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More than 68 years have passed since we received independence. i am not sure when reservations based on caste were introduced but at least 60 years would have passed.

till now no so-called backward caste have progressed because of reservations. reservation has not served its purpose. if a caste group or community have not been able to capitalize on reservations provided to them and if they have not progressed/prospered for 60 years in spite of reservations, even if 600 years pass they will not progress because of reservations, they will not benefit. they will still be fighting for reservations.

whatever equality they want/dream to achieve through reservations, they will not achieve as long as they desire to be termed as backward and desire to belong to so-called backward class, just for the sake of utilizing the reservation. the benefits of reservation has not reached the targeted group.

yet the political parties will not give up on caste-based reservation system because that is the plank on which they fight elections and try to woo voters. even our cm who is from brahmin background would dare not scrape the system for fear of losing power. politicians want to hold on to power at any cost and as long as their desire for power remains, they would not forsake the reservation system.
Almost any person in India knows well that the numerically insignificant brahmins, who cannot influence even one parliamentary seat anywhere, can never ever make any change to the reservation system. If, therefore, somebody has a delutional idea that by merely saying, repeatedly, in a Forum like this, to the effect that the reservation system does harm the coming up of people with merit, integrity, etc., and thus causes backwardness of the country, will be a hilarious item. That's all. Pointing this out is not a fanatical mindset, but taking objection to such "pointing out" denotes a narrow and fanatical mindset which does not tolerate the contrarian view.

If anything it is the above post which is hilarious. There is a whole forum dedicated to discuss political (current) affairs and the member himself being an active participant. So all along while discussing such matters it didn't dawn upon him that the brahmins are a super minority who could not exert any influence on any of the matters discussed there but the moment one talks about reservation system all sorts of reasons ranging from inconsequential to inconscientious being given to shut people up which displays high intolerance. This is the truth; merely returning the accusation as you did does not prove anything.
Sri KB - Hope you continue to be active contributor. I like reading your posts when my interests intersect with the topic of discussion.
You have a unique capacity to cut through a lot of detracting details and get to the heart of the matter and express your points/counter points with facts using minimal words (unlike me :-) )
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