Dear Bala sir and PJ sir,
I wont be able to post in Sai thread from 7th august till 12th August so keep posting in this thread till I am back.
Bala sir..when you copy and paste the Sai Inspires..try to copy Baba's pic too and paste it along with the quotation for the day.
Just right click and highlight the whole pic and quote and the left click and copy and paste and you will get the image like how I paste it daily.
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Parents and teachers must see that children learn good habits and attitudes in their formative years. What is read from books must be contemplated upon and reflected upon in silence and quietness. This is a very good exercise in intellectual development and in the acquisition of mental peace. The instinct to quarrel and fight over any and all misunderstandings must be regulated and sublimated. You should not cause children to suffer mental anguish or physical pain! Children also should not enjoy the infliction of pain on any being. They must be brought up with a sense of responsibility. They should be taught not to take delight in showing off their dress, ornaments, status or wealth before the less fortunate. They must be taught from early on, habits of personal cleanliness and most importantly, the habit of prayer at regular hours. [SIZE=-1]- Divine Discourse, Sep 3, 1958.[/SIZE] |
Walk the path shown to you by the Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Bhagavatha and other scriptures. Proceed along that path, unmindful of halts and handicaps, approvals or disapproval of kith and kin, of praise or blame from society. What exactly is praise or blame? They are words - just sound waves coming from across the air; waves that strike your ear. Let them strike only the outer ear, do not welcome them in. Grace is won by suffering alone. The Lord incarnates in the world when unrighteousness becomes rampant. Therefore adharma (unrighteousness) has to be suffered so that each one may have the joy of welcoming the Lord and experiencing His Presence. [SIZE=-1]- Divine Discourse, Oct 9, 1964.[/SIZE] |