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Self respect movement

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nara
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namaste everyone.

Here is the link that gives the source of EVR's hatred for the Tamizh language:

Dear brother Saidevo, M. Venkatesan is not a credible source with regard to EVR. If EVR hated Tamil language why would those for whom Tamil is nothing short of their own mother adore him?

Those with an Hindutva agenda can always find someone to criticize EVR. That is alright, it is all political. But EVR's legacy is not defined by the likes of M.Venkatesan, but by impartial academics. Take a look at what they say and you will a get true picture of what the man stood for and achieved.

1. et tu Mrs. RR? :) just kidding,........

2. EVR was certainly anti-Brahmin, but, if his written words, his actions, and what others who have researched his life say, are to be believed, he was not anti-Brahmin on a personal level. ......
1. You know very well Prof. Sir that friends have diametrically opposite views, sometimes!

2. Very true! Otherwise, he would not have visited my dad for treatment, when he got sick during his tour to our village Anaimalai! :)
namaste Nara.

Why should you criticize Venkatesan (as not a credible source and that EVR's legacy is not defined 'by the likes of M.Venkatesan') when you are urging members here to look at ideas instead of trying to belittle authors (or other members)? Did you read MV's book, where he introduces himself as a dalit and yet would seek to criticize EVR and expose the man's other side?

In the reference I have provided, MV quotes EVR's own words from two published collection of EVR's thoughts. Do you have any other source to show that EVR praised Tamils and Tamil language in contrary to the reference MV's has provided? Why should you try to label those who seek to criticize EVR as having Hindutva agenda?

I don't think that anyone who is passionate about Tamizh admires EVR for his skills of Tamizh language. Is there any work of EVR that adds value to the legacy of the language and culture? Note that EVR criticizes TiruvaLLuvar himself, who is among your all-time greats.

EVR's rational/literary/social legacy would indeed be decided 'by the likes of M.Venkatesan' and other discerning people in the populace. The academics adding their own slants to English translations cannot hide the hatred that permeates his original Tamizh writing in the name of reform.

Post #23 for reference:

I did not want to respond in this thread anymore. But as the downpour of, you know what, is continuing and as my many friends here in this forum are keeping silent without even a murmur of a protest, I thought I will have to continue with my replies.

Even among them I only wish they have a more nuanced understanding of this great social reformer who released the so called Shudras and Panchamas from the yoke of self-imposed inferiority

Shudras may be but certainly not panchamans. Go and ask any panchaman in Tamilnadu and he will say his hero is Ambedkar and certainly not EVR, the shudra chieftain and ikon of Pillais, Naidus and Mudalis.

This betrays a level of unawareness of Tamil culture. Anti-brahmin sentiments are expressed as far back as Manimekalai by Seethalai Sathanar. Before that was the rule of Kalapirars, a time when Brahmins did not have any influence to bother about, much like the present time.

Please give here what Cheeththalai Chathanar said against brahmins. Kalappiras destroyed everything that was tamil (this includes the culture and heritage of tamils). By deduction it gives us the truth that Brahmins were harassed by kalappiras for the good they did to the tamil society. Please prove the contrary here if you can.

we have the followers of Tamil Saiva Sddhanta, a whole host of them virulently anti-brahmin. Among them were Marai Malai Adigal, V. Kanagasapabathy Pillai, K.N. Sivaraja Pillai, P. Sundaram Pillai, and many others. All of these people were as much against Brahminism and the Brahmins for whom their ism is sacrosanct, as EVR was.

The followers of Saiva Sidhdhanta(SS) had a different axe to grind and it has nothing to do with the brahmins for their being brahmins or the mysterious, nebulous and slippery “brahminism” of yours. SS does not recognize part of the vedas and in its place recognise only their own old religious texts. It is all about the interpretation of the ultimate truth-the way it is done in vedas is not acceptable to SSidhanties. But the Pillais and Mudaliyars of the period you are quoting converted these differences in perception about the ultimate reality into casteist struggle. Don’t you notice that all of them were either pillais or mudaliyars only. And now please answer my these two questions connected with your contention here: 1) Even in the current decade these same pillais are in the forefront in preserving their caste purity by building walls around their residential area to prevent panchamans from polluting them. This happened in Uthappuram in Tanjore District of Tamilnadu. So SS following pillais hatred for brahmins had nothing to do with their concern for human rights or the so called self respect of the down trodden sections of the society. 2) There are at least three or four Saiva matoms like Thiruppananthaal matom, Thiru aavaduthurai Adheenam, Madurai adheenam, Dharmapuram Adheenam etc with considerable following among the pillais and mudaliyars who call themselves shudras (pretences of victim hood?). What did they do and what are they doing to promote the welfare of panchamans and their human rights vis a vis the shudras? These matoms own large properties including high yielding plantations on the western ghats and prime properties in the cities of Tamilnadu. Are you aware that the matathipathi of these matoms have to be invariably from the saivapillai caste? I have not come across any thing said anywhere by the marai malai, kanagasabapathi, sivaraja, sundaram etc. pillais against the practice of untouchability by Shudras practised against the panchamans. If you have this data please let us know here. This gives us the conclusion that these pillais and Mudaliyars(like Bharathidasan) were very ballistic against brahmins while they were completely silent (conspiratorial) when it came to talking about the untouchability and atrocities practised by shudras against panchamans in the villages of Tamilnadu. This naturally leads to the final conclusion that I have been driving at, that the casteism is an evil of Hindu society, in the birth and practice of which the entire hindu society had the responsibility and not selectively brahmins alone.

Let me cite a small comment made by one these Saiva Siddantha followers about EVR:
"I participate in both Saiva Siddhata meetings abd Self-respect meetings. .... I have my ideological disagreements with Periyar, ... Periyar was born to oppose the selfish gang which has enslaved Tamil language and the Tamil people. If Periyar had not come on the scene, we'd have been the most derogatory state, calling ourselves "shudras" without any shame. -- A Varadananjayya Pillai (1949)
Source: Dravidian Movement and Saivites, A.R. Venkatachalapathy, Economic and Political Weekly, April 1995.
Your point is not acceptable for these reasons: 1) You are not quoting anything from unassailable source. It is after all from a person whose writings were known for their partisan content. 2) “Selfish gang that enslaved Tamil language and Tamil people” can not include people like Dr. U.V. Swaminathan or the innumerable poets who have done yeomen service to the language. This will be acceptable to you if you are not sold on any ism. Carefully note the words “shudras”. There is no scope to conclude that brahmins and shudras only form the Tamil population.
EVR was not one to invent anti-Brahminism, he just gave voice to the latent feelings among the masses for a long period of time.

I am only saying that these masses in his scheme of things did not include panchamans-the dalits of today. Please let me know where he has spoken about the atrocities committed on the panchamans who worked as landless labourers in the fields of the so called “shudras” (the post will become lengthy if I start quoting what EVR wrote in his mouth-piece about the Kilvenmony incident). They were the people who bore the brunt of casteist atrocities. You may dismiss as “pretences to victimhood” (these are your words quoted from elsewhere) if I list them here because in your world panchamans and their sufferings at the hands of shudras do not exist at all.

I agree, the Tamil people are decent folks. They accepted the Brahmins as one among them only to be trodden upon as "Shudras" by them.

The trodding upon was not done as much by brahmins as by the land-owning middle castes and it is the panchamans who were trodded upon. Even today this is the situation. Please read the thread in this forum “Cry The Beloved Country-March 2012” to understand what trodding upon means and then reply if you want. Or is it your case that panchamans who form 20% of Tamil population are not tamils at all?

The oppressors don't have the right to approve who is acceptable and who is not.
Who is oppressed and who is the oppressor needs to be determined first. Please do that and then continue with your arguments.

all I can do is to request you not to reject EVR outright because of his virulent anti-Brahmin stand. Take a look at his motivations, what he did, what he achieved, and what he represents to most of the Tamil people

Hitler too had his motivations. His Mein Kompf can not be faulted for its content if you go into his motivations to write it. His complaints against Jews and the venom he spat against them resonated with what was a small grievance in the minds of a section of young germans of that time. So we have to show understanding towards Hitler and not reject him outright?

The rest is up to history. BTW, contrary to what you predict, EVR will be remembered as a shining light of modernity and rationalism after many of the acharayas, rishis, maharishis, and godmen/godwomen are long forgotten.

Yes, well said. The dung heap of history also is part of history and we know where we have Hitler today despite similar fond sentiments expressed by Goerings and Goebbels of that time.

As far as I know this EVR person would have never ever dared to garland any Non Hindu form of divinity the same way he did with the Lord Rama idol.

Most such revolutionist only dare wag their tails with Hindus cos they know only a Hindu will not decapitate such an offender.


After all Manava Seva isnt something alien to our Hindu culture.
The problem starts when people start thinking one is superior to the other.
One can still maintain his/her identity without feeling superior.

Smt. Renuka ji,

In our Hindu scriptures it will be possible to find at least a few references to any and every noble thing as also almost all bad and undesirable things which of course will be shown as having been put down/annihilated/exterminated by God himself or his/her avataar.
Same holds good for this highfaluting "Manava Seva", imho.

Daanam or gifting has been extolled in our Puranas but invariably the daanam brings merit only when given to a "Brahmana"; the status of a dAnam to a SUdra or Pancama is not clear. Similarly, paeans have been paid about certain welfare activities like digging temple ponds, wells for use of brahmins, Choultries (again, only for the dwijas or the three higher castes - there is no mention about choultries for SUdras and Pancamas, probably because these groups were strictly forbidden from coming anywhere near a high caste person or their temples) and so on. If anyone of you take the trouble of reading some of the Puranas, it will become evident that gifts to Brahmanas is the only thing emphasized.

I am very reluctantly forced to write these lines because I do not want to be untrue to my conscience.

Thus, our Hindu religion was of certain privileged groups, by those groups and for the same privileged groups only; the large majority comprising the SUdras, pancamas etc., were out of the picture completely and they did not have any love lost for the Hindu religion. That imo is the reason why hindu religion has become "spineless", unlike Islam or Christianity.

Let us accept our shortcomings and spare people like EVR who possibly wanted to give a "shock therapy" to the entrenched groups within hindu religion of his times.
One more excerpt from the speech EVR gave to a teacher's conference in Polur on April 24, 1927. A copy of this speech is available at this site.

வண்ணான், அம்பட்டன், தச்சன், கொல்லன், சக்கிலி, முதலியோர் எப்படித் தங்கள் தொழிலைக் கற்றுத் தேர்ந்திருக்கிறார்களோ, அப்படியே தற்காலம் பி.ஏ., எம்.ஏ., என்ற படித்தவர்கள் என்போர்களும் அந்தப் பாடத்தைக் கற்றவர்களாவார்கள். வண்ணானுக்கு எப்படி சரித்திரப் பாடம் தெரியாதோ, அப்படியே பி.ஏ. படித்தவர்களுக்கு வெளுக்குந்தொழில் தெரியாது. அம்பட்டனுக்கு எப்படி பூகோளப் பாடம் தெரியாதோ, அப்படியே எம்.ஏ. படித்தவனுக்குப் பிறருக்குச் சவரம் செய்யத் தெரியாது. சக்கிலிக்கு எப்படி இலக்கண இலக்கியங்களும், வேத வியாக்கியானங்களும் தெரியாதோ, அப்படியே வித்வான்களுக்கும் சாஸ்திரிகளுக்கும் செருப்பு தைக்கத் தெரியாது.

ஆகவே, வண்ணான், அம்பட்டன், சக்கிலி முதலியோர்களைவிட பி.ஏ., எம்.ஏ., வித்வான், சாஸ்திரி முதலிய பட்டம் பெற்ற்வர்கள் ஒரு விதத்திலும் உயர்ந்தவர்களுமல்லர், அறிவாளிகளுமல்லர், உலகத்திற்கு அனுகூலமானவர்களுமல்லர்.

இவைகளெல்லாம் ஒரு வித்தை அல்லது தொழில்தானே தவிர அறிவாகாது. இவ்வளவும் படித்தவர்கள் முட்டாள்களாகவும், சுயநலக்காரர்களாகவும், சுயமரியாதையற்றவர்களாகவும் இருக்கலாம். இவ்வளவும் படியாதவர்கள் பரோபகாரிகளாகவும், அறிவாளிகளாகவும், சுயமரியாதை உள்ளவர்களாகவும் இருக்கலாம். எனவே, இவைகளல்ல கல்வி என்பது நமக்கு விளங்கவில்லையா?

....Why should you criticize Venkatesan .
No Saidevo, I am not criticizing M.V., all I am pointing out is he is a partisan with an agenda. What he presents is a polemical account of EVR, to show EVR in the worst possible light. This suits you and you are presenting it here, that is fine, no problem. But, MV's words cannot be accepted as the final word on EVR and his love or contempt for Tamil or Tamil people. I am just presenting a different view so that a more complete picture of EVR emerges. You may think this is also politically motivated, for which I would say, I have no political affiliation and I have nothing to gain by defending what EVR stood for.

I also do not view Thiuruvalluvar with unvarnished adoration, I think his treatment of women was downright abominable. I take issue with some of his thoughts on kudi pirappu, etc. However, on the whole I admire Thiruvalluvar for the many wonderful and uplifting thoughts he presented with such exquisite and delightful brevity. EVR also has this view I think as he quotes Thiruvalluvar in his speeches and writings.

EVR rejected the over deification of Tamil itself, and the hoary Tamilian past. He wanted modernity, change. He wanted Tamils to become a modern rational people. He thought this overemphasis on old Tamil culture and its antiquated values like karpu, etc., was holding Tamils back. He expressed these sentiments with his usual flare and people like M.V. are using these over-the-top and jolting statements to paint a distorted picture of EVR.

As I have been saying, I am not here trying to defend every last word EVR said, or to change the mind of anybody. I fully expected oppositions from almost everybody. Some resorting to outlandish and outrageous comments like comparing EVR to Hitler and Nazis was also expected. I was also sure these outrageous comments will find resonance among many members here. All this is fine. I just want to present பெரியாரின் மறுபக்கம் as MV calls it.

Nara said:
EVR was certainly anti-Brahmin, but, if his written words, his actions, and what others who have researched his life say, are to be believed, he was not anti-Brahmin on a personal level.
2. Very true! Otherwise, he would not have visited my dad for treatment, when he got sick during his tour to our village Anaimalai! :)

Whether, on a personal level, EVR was anti-brahmin or not is not really relevant. On a personal level, he could have had friendly relationships ONLY with a handful of brahmins. Even here, such relationships only attest to the greatness (if you will) of the concerned brahmins (your father or Rajaji) and not EVR. EVR derided Rajaji in public meetings whenever he got an opportunity. Rajaji was a great friend. EVR was a traitor as far as his friendship with Rajaji is concerned.
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Suraju06 said:
I did not want to respond in this thread anymore. But as the downpour of, you know what, is continuing and as my many friends here in this forum are keeping silent without even a murmur of a protest, I thought I will have to continue with my replies.

I am reminded of a quote from the movie: Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers.

"What can men do against such reckless hate?"
I am very reluctantly forced to write these lines because I do not want to be untrue to my conscience.

Thus, our Hindu religion was of certain privileged groups, by those groups and for the same privileged groups only; the large majority comprising the SUdras, pancamas etc., were out of the picture completely and they did not have any love lost for the Hindu religion. That imo is the reason why hindu religion has become "spineless", unlike Islam or Christianity.

Let us accept our shortcomings and spare people like EVR who possibly wanted to give a "shock therapy" to the entrenched groups within hindu religion of his times.

Dear Mr. Sarma,

Every brahmin wants to be true to his conscience. There is no objection to that. You have completely missed the issue here. There is no dispute about the fact that we had casteism(not brahminism as that word is a mischief) practised in Hindu religion by our ancestors. The dispute arises when you try fix accountability for that squarely on brahmins alone. Please understand that. EVR gave a shock to brahmins selectively because he had hatred for them. He spared the Thevars, Mudalis, Chettiyars, Reddiyars, Vanniyars, Pillais etc., because he needed storm troopers for his army. It was a dirty trade off.That is the sad fact. There is no use papering over this dirty fact. This is the real marupakkam of EVR.

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I have taken just one sample from post #31 of Mr. Nara:

ஆகவே, வண்ணான், அம்பட்டன், சக்கிலி முதலியோர்களைவிட பி.ஏ., எம்.ஏ., வித்வான், சாஸ்திரி முதலிய பட்டம் பெற்ற்வர்கள் ஒரு விதத்திலும் உயர்ந்தவர்களுமல்லர், அறிவாளிகளுமல்லர், உலகத்திற்கு அனுகூலமானவர்களுமல்லர்.

What a display of ignorance and lack of sense of proportions!! Those who have done post graduation in Science and Engineering have made the task of a barber(Ambattan) easy. It requires science and technological knowledge to understand how the edge of a blade used for shaving looks like under magnification. The serrations on it cause a lot of discomfort to the person when the knife with such micro serrations is applied to the face. Every shave used to be a torture in those days, however sharp the razor may be (sharper the edge, more was the serration). Science and Technology looked at the razor's edge under magnifying lenses and understood the cause of the problem. Then S and T invented methods of metallizing under vacuum to fill up the serratrions. You have now razors available in market which give not only a close shave but also a smooth shave. The engineers and technologists who studied M. Tech and M.Sc did this-not the ambattans who did the shaving for many years(no disrespect to Ambattans here). Would our friend still agree with his Icon that educated people are not useful(oru vithaththilum anukoolamanavarkal illai!!) to the humanity in any way?
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Dear Mr. Sarma,

Every brahmin wants to be true to his conscience. There is no objection to that. You have completely missed the issue here. There is no dispute about the fact that we had casteism(not brahminism as that word is a mischief) practised in Hindu religion by our ancestors. The dispute arises when you try fix accountability for that squarely on brahmins alone. Please understand that. EVR gave a shock to brahmins selectively because he had hatred for them. He spared the Thevars, Mudalis, Chettiyars, Reddiyars, Vanniyars, Pillais etc., because he needed storm troopers for his army. It was a dirty trade off.That is the sad fact. There is no use papering over this dirty fact. This is the real marupakkam of EVR.


Shri Suraju sir,

You will please note that I have not said anything either pro- or anti- EVR, in my said posting. All that I wanted to convey was that the type of smug attitude of people like Smt. Renukaji; making empty, self-congratulatory statements like "After all Manava Seva isnt something alien to our Hindu culture.", etc., and then some others writing "Jalra"-type postings for the same, I felt that it is necessary to tell the truth in an unvarnished way. That was all.

I am unable to agree with your premise that "Every brahmin wants to be true to his conscience.", because I feel this is not something brahmin-specific but human-specific. And, in my life of about 50+ years I have generally found my people (i.e., brahmins) to be more devious and not very straightforward; on the contrary it is among the Muslims of the older generations that I find the greatest value for their spoken word which is as good as a stamped paper agreement. When I discussed this with some Muslim youngsters, they made light of it saying that those old foggies still lived in their imagined past and so on - in short பொழைக்கத்தெரியாத ஆளுங்க!

I was led to conclude that those people were still having "fear of God and God's wrath" whereas our brahmins, having created all the Gods of Hinduism and all its scriptures, have no fear of God, and naturally so, unless their own creation (God) turns out to be a modern Frankenstein !

Even now, I find that our brahmin efforts are only in இவேராவை தார் அடிக்கிறது and boasting about brahminism etc., (e.g., your, 'Every brahmin wants to be true to his conscience.') and not in looking around and understanding how we appear to the rest of the community. That is why I said "let us spare EVR" and get ahead to ensure our survival and betterment.
I have seen dk goons harassing brahmins in late 80's during my college days. brahmin students were ridiculed and made fun of. some of them left college. These goons will conduct meeting right opposite a traditional Sri Ramar Mutt in Tanjore and will use all their rotten language. They will choose the same place every year to pursue their hate. one can imagine the plight of the people inside the mutt. i had seen these things personally. will they dare do that before other religious places.
when some one damaged the bust of evr naicker in srirangam( it is right opposite the sri ranganathaswamy temple), these dk goons attacked brahmins, ransacking their houses in vallam area near thanjavur and a Lakshmi Narasimmar temple there. this is a sample. Their hate mongering had the patronage of the dmk and on their own, they are an insignificant pack of scoundrels who are hatemongers towards brahmins. I am surprised that in a tamilbrahmin forum, this epitome of selective hatred is talked about.
I am unable to agree with your premise that "Every brahmin wants to be true to his conscience.", because I feel this is not something brahmin-specific but human-specific.

I think Sarma missed Suraju's point. Sarma boasted that he writes true to his conscience creating an impression that other's here don't, which led to Suraju's retort.

And, in my life of about 50+ years I have generally found my people (i.e., brahmins) to be more devious and not very straightforward;

Perhaps, one can also find the highest percentage of SL (self-loathing) people among the same community.

was led to conclude that those people were still having "fear of God and God's wrath" whereas our brahmins, having created all the Gods of Hinduism and all its scriptures, have no fear of God, and naturally so, unless their own creation (God) turns out to be a modern Frankenstein !

The problem is a brahmin is constantly criticized for his faith. It is much more difficult for a brahmin to remain a god-believer than others because he is forced to carry the burden of atrocities carried out in the name of religion even by non-brahmins. [That was the main point of Suraju's post, which of, course, was conveniently given a miss.]

An atheist cannot peddle his wares in any other forum full of "god-fearing" people and yet claim he is being "stoned to death".
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You will please note that I have not said anything either pro- or anti- EVR, in my said posting. All that I wanted to convey was that the type of smug attitude of people like Smt. Renukaji; making empty, self-congratulatory statements like "After all Manava Seva isnt something alien to our Hindu culture.", etc., and then some others writing "Jalra"-type postings for the same, I felt that it is necessary to tell the truth in an unvarnished way. That was all.

Dear Sarmaji,

I really wonder what is your problem in life?

This is the 2nd time I am seeing you are commenting as you like on what I write that too to a 3rd party.

What yaar??Why dont you adopt a Neeruku Ner attitude and deal with me directly?
Any problem? You are afraid or what?

I feel like laughing when I see all indirect dealings here.
Be Brave to face onslaught directly.
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Mr. Sharma you may be well read person, but you are embodiment of the person (smug attitude) you yourself despise. You criticize Saraju, Renuka, and others who are well liked and write thoughtful pieces. Instead of attacking people, you can present your views. I for one do read your post and like some of the points you make.
Rip Van Winkle just woke up. Self Respect Movement? Yes he said it is time Brahmins started the movement without hurting others.
The DK people have erected a stone inscribing the words "Kadavul Illai"... at the Junction of Cross-cut Road and Jail Road in Coimbatore North very near Vinayakar Temple/Sannadhi. Thankfully the stone by Naicker had not been removed till I saw it last. இல்லை என்று முழங்கினால் தான் இருப்பது தெரியவரும்.
Dear Sarma,

Your post #37 for reference:

All that I wanted to convey was that the type of smug attitude of people like Smt. Renukaji; making empty, self-congratulatory statements like "After all Manava Seva isnt something alien to our Hindu culture.", etc., and then some others writing "Jalra"-type postings for the same, I felt that it is necessary to tell the truth in an unvarnished way. That was all.

I do not understand as to what was objectionable in the post of Renuka. You can be a little more specific.

I am unable to agree with your premise that "Every brahmin wants to be true to his conscience.", because I feel this is not something brahmin-specific but human-specific. And, in my life of about 50+ years I have generally found my people (i.e., brahmins) to be more devious and not very straightforward; on the contrary it is among the Muslims of the older generations that I find the greatest value for their spoken word which is as good as a stamped paper agreement. When I discussed this with some Muslim youngsters, they made light of it saying that those old foggies still lived in their imagined past and so on - in short பொழைக்கத்தெரியாத ஆளுங்க!

Our views are greatly influenced by the experiences. It is unfortunate that in your circle of acquaintances you have come across only devious brahmins. But I have come across many good ones from brahmin community just as I have quite a few good muslim friends and class mates with whom I am still in touch. I think you should reflect on your statement that good moral behavior is just human specific. That may help you acquire good brahmin friends also.

I was led to conclude that those people were still having "fear of God and God's wrath" whereas our brahmins, having created all the Gods of Hinduism and all its scriptures, have no fear of God, and naturally so, unless their own creation (God) turns out to be a modern Frankenstein !

I am sorry to say this. It appears you have a poor understanding of Hinduism, its scriptures and God. That being the situation I have nothing to argue with you..

Even now, I find that our brahmin efforts are only in இவேராவை தார் அடிக்கிறது and boasting about brahminism etc., (e.g., your, 'Every brahmin wants to be true to his conscience.') and not in looking around and understanding how we appear to the rest of the community. That is why I said "let us spare EVR" and get ahead to ensure our survival and betterment

I was not boasting about brahmins when I said that. Because you had said you wanted to be true to your conscience as different from other brahmins who post here criticism of EVR I had to say that. Having made that clear I have this question to you: Who said that survival and betterment of brahmins will be in jeopardy if we do not spare EVR and EVR fans? Is it a veiled threat?

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I have seen dk goons harassing brahmins in late 80's during my college days. brahmin students were ridiculed and made fun of. some of them left college. These goons will conduct meeting right opposite a traditional Sri Ramar Mutt in Tanjore and will use all their rotten language. They will choose the same place every year to pursue their hate. one can imagine the plight of the people inside the mutt. i had seen these things personally. will they dare do that before other religious places.
when some one damaged the bust of evr naicker in srirangam( it is right opposite the sri ranganathaswamy temple), these dk goons attacked brahmins, ransacking their houses in vallam area near thanjavur and a Lakshmi Narasimmar temple there. this is a sample. Their hate mongering had the patronage of the dmk and on their own, they are an insignificant pack of scoundrels who are hatemongers towards brahmins. I am surprised that in a tamilbrahmin forum, this epitome of selective hatred is talked about.

Shri Vembu sir,

Let me tell you at the very beginning that I have no experience or first hand acquaintance of either EVR or his DK. But by the 1980's, if the DK "goons" were still active in the way you describe in Tanjore, I will reckon either that the Party created by EVR was so strong and relevant (despite Annadurai quitting and forming DMK which was not in league with DK, MGR forming his AIADMK ,etc.,) even then. What I will like to know is how and why was DK still relevant?

As to damaging EVR's statue and the DK "goons" (according to your terminology) retaliating with their attacks on brahmins, their houses, temple, etc., it looks to me that the brahmins were a supine community which did not have youngsters capable of giving the DK goons back in their own coin, or, this brahmin community still attracted dislike from the rest of the people of that area.

We, as brahmins, must first think whether there was any laxity on the part of our community in continuing to be a target of extreme dislike; if we do not find anything lacking or wrong on our part, we must actively promote a group of able-bodied youth who will safeguard our caste-interests.

But, as I stated in my previous post, it is most likely that none from our brahmin caste will come forward for this; alas! that is what brahmin community in general is.
Dear Mr. Sarma,

if the DK "goons" were still active in the way you describe in Tanjore, I will reckon either that the Party created by EVR was so strong and relevant (despite Annadurai quitting and forming DMK which was not in league with DK, MGR forming his AIADMK ,etc.,) even then. What I will like to know is how and why was DK still relevant?

I am told by my German friend that Nazis are still active in Berlin and Munich. So they are relevant today in Germany. Skinheads and KKK are active in US cities and so they too are very relevant. Same way DK goons are relevant in TN. Long live DK.

கால பைரவன்;130343 said:
I think Sarma missed Suraju's point. Sarma boasted that he writes true to his conscience creating an impression that other's here don't, which led to Suraju's retort.

Shri KB sir,

May I humbly say that I was not at all boasting; on the contrary, as a rather conservative and somewhat orthodox brahmanan, I found it somewhat difficult to write certain things which did not show our caste in good light. Suraju's was imho not a retort but an expression of his feeling of brahmin exclusivity/superiority or both. If he meant only to retort, he could very well have written "Each person wants to be true to his conscience." or something similar, and in general terms.

Your posting looks like that of a comrade-in-arms of Shri suraju!

Perhaps, one can also find the highest percentage of SL (self-loathing) people among the same community.

I know people who hate themselves. It could be a psychological illness and cuts across caste, religion, country and so on. It is perhaps like "Depression".

The problem is a brahmin is constantly criticized for his faith. It is much more difficult for a brahmin to remain a god-believer than others because he is forced to carry the burden of atrocities carried out in the name of religion even by non-brahmins. [That was the main point of Suraju's post, which of, course, was conveniently given a miss.]

An atheist cannot peddle his wares in any other forum full of "god-fearing" people and yet claim he is being "stoned to death".

I disagree that brahins are criticized for their faith, because, if you mean religious faith, today large numbers of other caste hindus also have faith in the same faith. And brahmins are not forced to carry any guilt feelings for whatever has happened in the historical past. It is only when a brahmin/a group of brahmins try to dish out any of their old weapons from their armoury, that the other castes will retaliate probably with a strength which the brahmin community will find to be too strong for itself.

Since this has nothing to do with Manava Seva and the other relevant points in the thread of arguments, I did not say anything on this usual chorus (like, "as I am suffering from fever & headache..." in our school leave letters).

FYKI I am not at all an atheist but a brahmanan tending towards the orthodox side.
EVR has already found an indelible place in the history of social reform in India. One would be hard pressed to find a single serious study of social movements in modern India that does not discuss EVR's contributions, no other Tamil reformer shares this status.

In this post I would like to present some of EVR's views on women from the article titled "Women's Question in the Dravidian Movement c. 1925-1948", by Anandhi S. Bharadwaj that appeared in the journal Social Scientist, Vol. 19, No. 5/6 (May - Jun., 1991), pp. 24-41.

Addressing the South Indian Reform Conference in 1928, he (EVR) said,'. .. I have gradually lost faith in social reform. For one who believes in radical change, self-respect, equality and progress, the alternative (to the present situation) is not mere reform; but radical reconstructive work which would destroy the traditional structures.

... he was not content with taking up such conventional themes of women's emancipation like widow-remarriage and women's education which, even if successful, did not undermine the existing structure of patriarchy; but he raised questions relating to basic pillars of patriarchy, like the monogamous family and the norms of chastity prescribed for and enforced upon women.... He argued, women's education should have the aim of providing employment for women and thus making them economically independent.

"The essential philosophy of marriage has been to insist on women's slavery..... until women are liberated from such marriages and from men, our country cannot attain independence."

Despite his disapproval of marriage as an institution he approved a certain kind of marriage which transcended the traditional and socially-accepted norms for women. ... He also opposed arranged marriages and advocated that men and women should choose their partners at their own free will.

One of the important activities of the Self Respect Movement which challenged the traditional Hindu marriages and introduced radical changes in them was the conducting of self respect marriages.....between 1929 and 1932 there were about 8000 self respect marriages were conducted.

he noted, 'The self-proclaimed liberators of women, the Dravidian intellectuals, have kept their daughters, sisters and mothers as mere decorative pieces at home.' He openly condemned the Justice Party ministry, despite his general support to it, for its attitude towards women's question and its failure to effectively implement the anti-child marriage act. Periyar demanded the resignation of A.P. Patro and other Justice Party ministers from the party as the failed to enact any legislation to improve the conditions of women.

In speeches delivered at various places in 1935 he argued, 'Divorce is a protective instrument in the hands of many oppressed women.

...he noted: 'The imposition of 'patrivratha' qualities on women has destroyed their independence and free-thinking and made them unquestioning slaves to men who are supposed to demonstrate undue faith over chastity.' He also attacked classical Tamil literary texts such as Silapatikaram and Thirukural for preaching chastity as a necessary quality for women.

The Tamil language, in his opinion, was 'barbaric', as it did not have 'respectable words for women.' Delivering a speech at Tirupattur in 1946, Periyar strongly criticised Tamil literature for describing women's bodily features at length and ignoring their intellectual faculties. He argued that unless women oppose such a projection of their image in the literature, neither literary traditions nor their own status would change.

Arguing that women should have the right to decide to have children, he differentiated his position from the other advocates of birth-control by focussing attention on women's choice: 'There is a basic difference between our insistence on birth-control and other's notion of birth-control. . . They have only thought of family and national welfare through birth-control. But we are only concerned about women's health and women's independence through birth-control.'

Periyar passionately believed that women's emancipation would be possible only by the efforts of women. ... The proceedings of the women's conferences, were fully conducted by women activists and it demanded, inter alia, compulsory education for girls upto the age of 16, effective and immediate implementation of anti-child marriage and divorce acts, equal property right for women, implementation of Devadasi Bill to prevent young girls from being initiated as prostitutes etc.

The practice of having a separate women's conference along with every major self respect conference became a permanent feature of the movement in the subsequent years. ....women were not 'ghettoised' within the movement. Often the much honoured role of delivering the inaugural addresses of conferences fell on the shoulders of women activists.

It was the conference of the Progressive Women's Association, held in Madras in 1938 that bestowed the honorific title Periyar (The Great One) on E.V. Ramasamy 'for his unparalleled activism to transform the South Indian Society.'
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May I humbly say that I was not at all boasting!
I take your word on it. It is upto you whether you want to provide the same benefit to Suraju.
I disagree that brahins are criticized for their faith, because, if you mean religious faith, today large numbers of other caste hindus also have faith in the same faith
You are assuming that people cannot be hypocrites :-)
A brahmin is not allowed to separate his faith from casteism whereas that is not the case with NBs who may have faith in the same faith.
FYKI I am not at all an atheist but a brahmanan tending towards the orthodox side.
Ok! I did not mean you are an atheist. What I meant was an atheist, in the Indian/Tamil Nadu scenario, can/ does target only brahmins. It is true for the DK movement. It is true for the atheists of this forum.
And brahmins are not forced to carry any guilt feelings for whatever has happened in the historical past.
I strongly disagree. Even a causal reader of this forum would not have such false notions.
It is only when a brahmin/a group of brahmins try to dish out any of their old weapons from their armoury, that the other castes will retaliate probably with a strength which the brahmin community will find to be too strong for itself.
The attack on brahmins on various places after EVR statue was desecrated disproves your point.
You lamented in your earlier post that brahmins do not stand up to the DK goons. That is because they are forced to first overcome the hurdles posed by their own brethern. That I see is the main problem.

First of all, the theory i.e. anti brahmin/brahminism of EVR, (which cannot be proved right), is just a weapon to keep himself (EVR) afloat on the ever flowing political water of Tamil Nadu. He was living on the strength of his boasting himself as an atheistic. He used to address all his followers as "venkaya pasangala", i.e. human beings having nothing inside their heads.

The DK movememnt now is like a creeper which can live only with a support like DMK who are deriving their own political mileage from the DK people.

EVR spotted a soft area in brahmins who are against retaliation type of things. He could not practice the same type of fanaticism against christians or Muslims where he was sure to get a retaliatory action against him and by no time he would have landed behind bars.

EVR was against brahmins because brahmins were very shrewd and intelligent and the other communities could not match their IQ. At that time all the Govt. officers were brahmins and it irked him a lot. He started crying that brahmins are suppressing other communities. Actually, there was no such suppression. To bring the level playing field, Govt. started giving special concessions for other communities to educate themselves.

The conclusion was that EVR was doing all the atrocities against brahmins to thrive himself. He was a selfish fellow and all his followers were just 'blind followers'.

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