well today is the first day of autumn (fall we call it here in canada) and also a few years ago, the first day when dr renu set her eyes on this world. so a double reason to celebrate.
fall is my favourite season, for those of us, lucky enough to experience the various seasons. canadian winters are long, summers short, spring almost non existent, but fall is awesome.
overnight the trees turn colour - from the bright green, to red, golden, brown and various shades inbetween. the temperatures are still comfortable, the fields are full of ripening fruits and grains, and little towns celebrate the coming of the harvests and the passing of summer.
the students, both high school and university, are back in their classrooms and chugging beer. the eggs laid in march are now full grown birds, busy consulting their instinct databank, to figure our where to spend the coming winter, and how to navigate there.
the gawking and screaming canada geese, have already grouped, charted their route map to florida and further south, and fine tuned the perfect 'V' formation which would facilitate a fast safe flight glorious in sight, ergonomically brilliant and fantastic to watch. the only blight to this feature, being those gun toting yankee doodles, who with the help of lifelike decoys, live looking pretty female geese made out of plastic and made in china. so, some geese end up being in the dinner table, while the rest frolick in florida sun till the next spring.
so, heres celebrating renu's birthday and coming of fall... just subsitute ilaiyudhir kaalam into the verses sung below..and enjoy the mood of the season