In most of the weddings, one simple fact gets overlooked by almost everybody. That is, during every wedding, groom is the hero and the bride is the heroine. Since it is the ceremony of their union, a wedding should be conducted in the way the bride and groom like to have it. In most of the weddings, if the elders of the groom and the bride are richer and more influential than the 'Vadhyar', then the wedding takes place as the 'elders' desire; if the 'vadhyar' is more influential, then the 'vadhyar' set the rules and bully others to follow.
If the rituals are not forced, then we may say they are done in good humor...lucky few may even have that! If we are to enjoy watching the wedding photographs at a later date, then it should have taken place as we desire it to take place. I don't think we can 'enjoy' watching our going through meaningless rituals. (How many of us 'viewed' Arundhathi star in the bright morning daylight?).
Very well said! I was about to type something along those lines!
I remember couple of my girl friends saying that they do not like to look at their marriage photos and video since it brings back all the bad memories of how the parents and elders of the boy's side bullied the girl's parents and their relatives.
Also one of the girl told that she took out her anger on her husband about how he stood close mouthed and acted like a dummy during a certain incident where her parents were insulted, as soon as she entered the first night room!! It was only after the boy apologised profoundly and sincerely that the first night took place!