Ramachander said:Dear Friend,
All these practices are a matter of faith and not logic.Our Agama sasthras say that a particular community should do pooja.We have faith in these sasthras.Similar to this is
a.The mariamma temples , the poojari belongs to another caste
c.WE remove our shirt while doing religious duties
d.We cover our heads while entering Gurudwara
and so on
Let us respect our faith.Ramachander
goundamani said:Dear Ramachandar,
Is a muslim free to follow his faith of jihad?Or is a hindu woman free to follow her faith in sathi,child marriages,and preventing widow remarriages?
Any faith can be followed as long as it is not affecting others,or discriminating others unfairly.If anybody changes his poonol according to shastras inside his house or marries a woman of his caste they all cannot be prevented by anybody.
But we cannot impose our faith on others.How can I tell to somebody who belongs to other caste that "you are not allowed to do poojas,because it is my faith?".Our faith should be in our heart.It should not come out in public affecting or discriminatring others.
If somebody prevents dalits from entering temples citing same agamas and shastras is it fair?If somebody follows untouchability citing agamas and shastras is it fair?
Blind faith will destroy our society.Blind faith can be followed in private,but it cannot be imposed on another person.
In a democracy nobody has any rights to say "you should not do a lawful profession,because it is my faith".
lsmani33 said:Hi Sarathy,
I am a new member, soon to be transfered back to Chennai from US. I am happy to see like minded people who is trying to arrive at a solution. I would like to contribute to this. I will be in Chennai in October and we can plan a meeting to discuss this.
Keep up the good work guys.
thivya said:பிராமணர்களில் தமிழர்களுக்கு எந்த விதக் கோபமுமில்லை, ஆனால் பிராமணர்கள் தான் தமிழர்களை வெறுக்கிறார்கள்.இத்தனை நூற்றாண்டுகளாக தமிழ்மண்ணில் வாழ்ந்தும், தமிழர்களின் முதுகில் குத்துகிறார்கள் பிராமணர்கள். தமிழர்களின் கோயில்களில் வேலைக்கு வந்த பிராமணர்கள் கோயில்களைக் கைப்பற்றித் தமிழை வெளியேற்றி விட்டார்கள், தமிழைப் பேசிக் கொண்டே தமிழைத் தூற்றுகிறார்கள். பிராமணர்கள், ஏன் தங்களைத் தமிழர்களாகக் கருதுவதில்லை. உங்களுக்குள் பேசிப் பயனில்லை, தமிழர்களிடம் பேசுங்கள், சாதி வெறியை, விட்டுத் தமிழராகும் வழியைப் பாருங்கள்.
ajatasatru said:how come gurukkals don't come under fold of brahmins? they have the rishi gotras.
may be you are confused with shiva adhinams who are vellars by caste.
I think that they don't come under smartha category but they are counter parts of vaishnav brahmins who give importance to vishnu while gurukkals to shiva and smarthas in between.
I noted that vaishnav brahmins don't follow the follow the veda that eulogize shiva while smartha recognize veda only and these people value both agamas and veda.
one of reason the brahmin power is shrinking is the disunity among the community..lets give up this sterotype and revive lost glory.