I wish to thank sangom for his reply.
This post is not intended to be a reply to him but more an academic observation of how posts and threads are viewed in this forum, particularly of late. This is written with a view to an academic scrutiny and not an emotion based epistle. So if you chose to peruse this rather long drabble, and if you feel your blood pressure rising, please hit the ‘skip’ button immediately, or return to it, when calmer moods prevail.
My intentions are solely to just confuse you and put you to sleep, which is the hallmark of any good text book or research article.
To start off, re the loss of a friend in this forum.
This is a newly found gentleman and what it turned be, is that I am not what he thought I was, and vice versa. However in the short space of time, he opened my eyes to many things and for which I will be grateful.
But I do not have any warm feelings any more when I exchange mails, and I think, that is a requirement of any friendship – anticipation and joy through communication. Inevitable under current circumstances, but sad all the same. Maybe I can explain…
The moniker & attitude we adopt in any forum, can be completely different from our private values.
But when the private values are themselves displayed with double standard, I do not know what to do. take for example, here is one who has in private admitted to me, that his son has married out of caste, with his full support.
He takes a public stand against ic marriages, which may be ok, except in his private email to me, he goes on to suggest that I should desists from writing my own views, because it might ‘corrupt’ young minds.
Well if it was ok for his son to marry out of caste (that too with his support) but not for other’s sons? What kind of logic is that? I think one needs to be consistent in one’s values, with friends, for to claim what is good for the goose, is not good enough for the gander, confuses me. why the double standard?
I think there are others in this forum, who initially claimed to have no objection to ic marriages, but eventually took to bashing me for supposedly advocating ic marriages, meat eating and what not. At least be consistent, when between your different posts in the forum.
It gives a sense of betrayal, when thoughtful and intelligent posts, are followed by admonishments more befitting the oldest member of the drones club which pg wodehouse has graphed so wonderfully. This bipolarity of some members confuses me, as I am not sure where they stand anymore, and who is the true mccoy.
RE confusing and misleading young minds, I give the audience here much more credit than that. I think readers are mature enough to think for themselves and evaluate each issue on its merits. To think otherwise, would be insensitive and probably smacks of arrogance, imo.
it would be presumptuous of me that i have the power to drive a young mind to the proverbial kuttichevaru. maybe some examples of poorly constructed or inarticulate english? but definitely not drive anyone to action to commit blasphemy!
Take the recently closed missionary thread for instance. Post upon post was nothing but a pouring of vitriol. I am ashamed, even some members whom I respect a lot, participated in this. what next? The last few posts came close to inciting violence. This has been done before in this forum, except the vitriol was against muslims. Apart from the fact that this wrong, let me step through the traditions of our community. We tambrams have never been one for violence and hatred.
We participate in violence, and soon we will have mothers who lose their sons, sisters who lose their brothers and wives their husbands. Violence only begets more violence, and ultimately destroys the participants.
History fraught with such examples. Meanwhile those that instigate this, are comfortable old men, whose own children are in far away usa or Australia, and these instigators exhort our youth to be the cannon fodder for the next communal incident.
Now tell me, is this type of posts by honourable members, more in tune with our dharma? Is this the moral fibre that we wish to credit to our children? To hate our neighbours? Such attitudes have no place in the present multicultural multi religious India. They do more harm to the country than what these hate mongers can fathom.
To counter missionary zeal is to attack the root causes that makes these flourish. I appreciate sangom’s note on his new thread, along with happy hindu’s reply. We should be more inclusive of our dalits and other castes, if we wish to have Hinduism thrive in india.
An elitist Brahmin attitude, removed from reality, cannot call the shots and cry ‘wolf’ at the sight of the missionaries, while comfortably hiding their hypcracies under the cloak of tradition.
My own threads, I begin, with a view to academic discussion. that is all our my intentions are.
Ours is a fascinating community and I am proud to be part of the same. Because, and only because, the vast majority of us, have accepted changes and modified our behaviour and values, as per the demands of the time, and moved on.
Those vast majority are not represented here, because they are just too busy with their daily challenges. the vast majority of us are not simply survivors, but thrive positively in the face of adversity.
Take that (adversity) out, and we will all morph into a bunch of government clerks like our grandfathers. There is a lot to be said for taking challenges head on. Why is everyone so upset and call me insensitive to the poor, when all I am attempting is to raise the bar for those unfortunate among us, and perhaps motivate them to seek better than their current fortunes. Tough love is hard to give. Even harder to appreciate.
I am no radical, and I believe, that I only project a snapshot of the current trends and how we should deal with it. One opinion. To some, I may be current, but to some I am 5 years ahead. Or 15 or 25 or 50..it does not matter.
I like to think that I present the face of future and future will come with a vengeance and with far more surety than any prediction from an astrologer. We can fool ourselves to reality all we can, reality cannot be simply wished away.
Those that do not wish to look at the future, can be the equivalent of an ostrich and dig a hole in the ground and refuse to look out. That is their prerogative.
Then there are others, who are attracted to these type of posts like iron to magnet, and when the proper thing for them is to press the ‘skip’ button, they stay behind, partake of the feast, and then complain about ‘insensitivities’. I am afraid, it should be folks like me, who should do the complaining, about such members adorning behaviours unbecoming a good guest.
I think Praveen got the gist right, in his closing statement to the missionary thread ..
those in India are not comfortable in questioning the foundation/basics of our religion. They are also very very sensitive and prefer to take things as is and continue in the same old way that they have been shown by the previous generations. Comparatively, they are still a good 20 years behind (minimum). They might have the money, the power and all things materialistic, but inside they need to grow up and they need to grow up before they are left out. While the people outside India are very much in tune with the current scenario, their views and opinions are, unfortunately, very much seen as a "anti-brahmin"….. Ignorning reality and continuing to live in a broken dream is like fooling yourself.’
I could not have said it any better..for we all know that time and tide wait for no man. No matter how kind Praveen may be to ‘sensitivities’, I think, in the light of the stand he has taken above, the moderator role should be more active to tone down incendiaries and vitrioles, by doing what we used to do in the good old days, ie delete the poisonous posts, and leave the thread alone. That would make more sense than closing an entire thread. Why cut the nose to spite the face? N’est pas?
At one point I too will leave the forum. But I would like it be of my own accord, and not to be hounded out, or be told how to write, what to write and when to write. That would smack of sensorship, or in this case under the guise of ‘sensitivities’, mob rule.
Thank you.