I called the four "R"s as the four pillars of this thread!
that he was aptly named as BOLT!!! :clap2:
Some people are beautiful.
They are the blessed ones. :music:
Some people Feel beautiful.
They are the photogenic ones.hoto:
Some people think they are beautiful.
They are the conceited ones. :drama:
Four months,
~3000 posts and
~ 31000 + views
after this thread was launched......
life reflects itself in this thread also.
The ONLY constant thing in our lives life is that
there is nothing really constant in our lives.
The one who did the naamakaranam and jaatakaranam of this thread
left it soon after.
The other friends have disappeared or have been discovered accidentally
and decided to leave.
Life has new lessons for me everyday-despite the old age I may be in!
The plus points are that the the average number posts continues to be 25
and the number of views per post has increased from a single digit 6 to a
double digit 10+ !
Sowbagyavathy VR, Greetings.
On a previous occassion too I noticed these words from you " quitters never win! Winners never quit!".. I don't know about this. There is a time to quit, drop out of the race to rejuvinate, regroup or replenish. The reality is " Winners know if it is time to quit; losers refuse to quit and lose eventually". In my own life I quit so many times just to re-evaluate my own position. Some times, quitting would be best option too where the ability to quit itself amont to winning!