Undisturbed? Hmmmmmmmmm.....The blogs are serene and undisturbed by other ads and replies ...........
Dear Raghy,
4 other members wished me Happy Raksha Bandan(Bala sir,Gurvayur sir, Mano sir and Brahin).
In my reply post to all of them..all I wrote is Thank You.
For your post..I wrote a longer reply with quotes from Geeta.
Actually a brother sister relationship is still very much human.
In my reply to you I took the relationship one step higher by talking about the same Atma that pervades all of us and we being clones of Paramatma and also quoting the Geeta.
I feel in this world there is no relationship greater to Jeevatma Paramatma bond.
Seeing everyone of us as the same is the ultimate dream of any Jeevatma.
So the best Rakhee is the one we Jeevas tie on Paramatma cos no matter what He never abandons us.
I feel in this world there is no relationship greater to Jeevatma Paramatma bond.
Seeing everyone of us as the same is the ultimate dream of any Jeevatma.
Undisturbed? Hmmmmmmmmm.![]()
Suppose your friends and fans stop posting replies in your threads??out:
I really dislike people taking photographs of each and everything with their handphones.
Sometimes I really hate it when patients even want to video record me scanning their wives.
I tell such patients that I can not appear in their personal video per my medical ethics.
It is getting hard to see patients these days cos they might not really listen to you.
I have seen some who keep the recording on while I examine them.
For such patients I talk very softly or hardly talk.
It is very hard to tell a patient to off their handphones here..they shout back at you(here a doctor is like a Dog and not God).
Those people will learn to respect doctors better if they are treated the way we are in India.
Here the doctor is the God and the patients are the cattle.
The doctors will take away your wallet with all its contents,
make you wait in queues for indefinite periods of time,
and will be watching their wrist watches-
when finally you get a minute or less to speak to them!
Dear VR Maam,
I have to polietly refute your comments on priests/ pundits. Every time we do some function or thithi or any other activity where in pundit (sastri) is required we immidiately start commenting on them using mobile, driving bikes, and ultimately on the dakshina. I personally feel that TN sastris are the most commented upon guys visavis the dakshina part.
Please think of the condition of these poor souls entirely dependent on us for their livelyhood. They have nowwhere to go and ask for. How many functions do we do in a year. Max five or six...for tharpanams etc we do it reading the books and dont call them.. for every pooja there is books and where will they go?. If we do not support our sastri who will. Ok accepted a fews are greedy, but why generalise everybody and penalise the sastrigal community.
வருடதிற்க்கு ஒரு முறை வரும் வருஷாப்திகம் செய்ய நாம் யோசிக்கிறோம். சாஸ்த்ரிகள் எப்படியெல்லாம் சம்பாதிக்கிறார் என்றும் பேசுகிறோம். நாம் பிராம்ணர்களாய் பிற்ந்ததால் நாம் வேதங்களை ரக்ஷிக்கவேண்டிய கட்டாயத்தில் இருக்கிறோம். ஸாஸ்த்ரிகளூக்கும் நம்மை விட்டால் வேறு யார் இருக்கிறார்கள்? யோசித்துப்பார்க்கவேண்டும்.
He spends great deal of his younger days in reading the vedas away from his family and does so many sacrifices and still they are not respected by our own community people. Why should people be jealous of the pundit earning in the temple. We see him daily in temple irrespective of the festival days and does so much walking inside the temple moving from one saanidhi to another climbing steps 100's of times and if he get Rs.10/- in his plate from the devotee people comment look how much he is earning!!
We dont mind paying other professionals huge amount for their services, why do we hesitate to pay sastrigal. He is also unique and his services are also unique and natrually his demands should also be met the same way. I dont aknow about others i would prefer paying the sastrigal Rs/100 than put the same in the hundi for the temple management to spend it.. I am sorry for the long one and also sorry if this hurts any one...
Our grandchildren are in USA.
Yet we wanted to do the Ayush Homam in our house
leaving the Skype on for them to watch it.
The moment the sastrigal enters he demands the entire dakshina.
Four sathrigal were supposed to come and do the homam.
BUT only one turned up at 11-45 A.m!
He was hungry and in a great hurry. He took the fees in full but the other three sasthrigal never turned up. Everything was cut short and we were not happy the way the Ayush homam was done. The net result...?
We had planned to perform the homam for all the grandchildren every year.
But changed our plan we do elaborate abhishekham in the temples instead.