Dear Visalakshmi,
It is really very sad the see the Karma theory goes like this in our thinking. This is what I think of karma theory.
Karma theory is fear mongering theory put into our mind so that we wont commit any abnormal or wrong doing to the society. It is easy escape for humans to get along with their life without psychologically/physiologically/physically affecting themselves. Our (Hindu) ancestors were brilliant. When you don’t know something or don’t want to take responsibility of a situation, whether it is personal or global, we blame it on karma and walk away silently without even thinking. I am not saying we have to intervene every single time. But at least we can be empathetic.
Probably our ancestors meant good. May be they really meant the karma theory, every action got reaction, so be careful what you do. Which is true and we all know that. But I think somehow, it was misinterpreted. I don’t really understand how still people think about poorva janma papam and all. Because we all know we get 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 chromosomes from father. And the genes attached those chromosomes are historical, i.e we get it from our ancestors. So each and every time you make a baby, it is unique. So we are not going to born again. So there goes poorva janma karma theory.
Kind Regards
Dear Amirtha,
Thank you for the feedback. Just try to answer my simple question.
Under the same stars with the same horoscope three children are born.
One is born as a heir of rich man. The second as the son of a laborer and the third as a son of a beggar.
If the horoscope determines their lives, fortunes and future they should be identical to all the three.
So there is something else which determines our lives, fortunes and future.
That is what we did in the past life.
Even foreigners are accepting the theory of rebirth now.
Why don't the chromosomes of the father and mother produce identical children?
Who decides which particular chromosomes are utilized in making the baby.
We are four sisters and each one is gifted in a different way!
Our aptitudes differ; our abilities differ and our activities differ.
There is more in life than that meets the eyes.
Nothing is either created or destroyed but they manifest from one form into another.
The same is true of mass as well energy and also their combination.
Nothing comes out of nothing.
Nothing disappears into nothing.
Accepting or denying rebirth is your birthright.
But our ancestors knew better.
I will never doubt their wisdom and common sense.
with warm regards,