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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Der weise Herrscher regiert mit einer eisernen Faust,
die in einem Samthandschuh versteckt ist!

The wise Ruler rules with an iron fist hidden in a velvet glove!

A good father is one who is firm and gentle.
A good mother is one who is gentle and firm.

If the parents are 'all firm' or 'all gentle' their children will
either avoid them altogether or twirl them round their little finger.

The same is true of a ruler who is the 'parent' of all his citizens.
He must balance both firmness and gentleness appropriately.

His gentle velvet glove makes him approachable.
His iron fist can clearly say "This far and no further!"

Der = The
weise = wise
Herrscher = ruler
regiert = rules
mit = with
einer = an
eisernen = iron
Faust = fist
die = that
ist = is
versteckt = hidden
in = in
einem = a
Samthandschuh = velvet glove.
Do Physics and Philosophy go hand in hand???


Laura Bassi

Italian physicist

Laura Maria Caterina Bassi Veratti was an Italian physicist and academic. Recognized and depicted as "Minerva", she was the first woman to have a doctorate in science, and the second woman in the world to earn the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Wikipedia

Born: October 29, 1711, Bologna, Italy
Died: February 20, 1778, Bologna, Italy
Full name: Laura Maria Caterina Bassi
Nationality: Italian
Spouse: Giuseppe Veratti (m. 1738–1778)
Education: Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (1732)


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~ 50 million people converging in the same river
at the same time during THIS difficult period???

Are they all wearing masks???
They are not even wearing clothes!!!

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Corona fear has gone!
People are crazy to be in crowded places.
And.... Someone said many sādhus were wearing only one mask, that too in the wrong place, meaning koupeenam!!! :ROFLMAO:
Women need three palm sized triangles for guarding their modesty -

which leaves NOTHING to imagination nor good taste nor good sense!

Men need only one triangle - may be of a larger area!

Lucky Adam and Eve could clad themselves with fresh leaves everyday!
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A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Ein weiser Mann :-
Einer, der sehr gut weiß, was er sehr gut weiß und was er nicht sehr gut weiß.

A wise man :
One who knows very well what he knows very well and also what he does not know very well.

Ein = A
weiser = wise
Mann = man:-
Einer = One
der = who
sehr = very
gut = well
weiß = knows
was = what
er = he
weiß = knows
sehr = very
gut = well
und = and
was = what
er = he
nicht = does not
weiß = know
sehr = very
gut = well.


Today I am feeling naughty enough to become a 'VISU' instead of being a 'VISA'
and play with these words in German!

I just completed my entire course in German Duolingo in a record time ( ???? )
of exactly 180 days - completing 133 Topics with an average of 25 lessons (or even more) under each Topic!

Learning is my Opioid - my intellectual pain killer!
No Problem even if I get addicted to this pain killer!!
I could coin a sentence, which is even more complex than the one given above.
Here are the German version and English version given in that order.

Word meanings won't be necessary since the same words appears in different word orders!

Let us get going!

Ein weiser Mann weiß nicht nur sehr gut, was er sehr gut weiß;
weiß aber auch sehr gut, was er nicht sehr gut weiß!

A wise man not only knows very well, what he knows very well;
but also knows very well, what he does not know very well!

This is one of the reasons why I had kept a very low profile in the forum recently.
What I have done is just discovering the Tip of the Giant Iceberg called German!
There is so much more to explore/ learn / revise and memorise beyond the Duolingo!

Good luck to ME! :)
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Es werden Fehler gemacht, um zu lernen, was nicht zu tun ist!
Machen Sie also niemals zweimal denselben Fehler!

Mistakes are made to learn what not to do!
So Never make the same mistake twice!

Life is too short to keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
The wise people learn from the mistakes committed by the others around them!

The younger children have this additional advantage.
They learn a lot from the mistakes committed by their elder siblings.

ஆதி3த்ய ஹ்ருத3யம்​

“நான் ஒரு சாதாரண மனிதன்” என்றே தன்னைப் பற்றிக் கூறிக்கொண்ட ஸ்ரீ ராம பிரானுக்கு; ராம ராவண யுத்தத்தைக் காண வந்த அகஸ்தியரால் உபதேசிக்கப் பட்டது இந்த ‘ஆதி3த்ய ஹ்ருத3யம்.’

“இது புண்ணியம் வாய்ந்தது. எல்லாப் பகைவர்களையும் அழிப்பது. வெற்றியை அளிப்பது. மங்களம் நிறைந்தது. பாவங்களை நீக்குவது. கவலையும், துன்பத்தையும் போக்குவது. ஆயுளை வளர்ப்பது. மூன்று முறை இதை நீ ஜபித்தால் ராவணனை வெற்றி கொள்வாய்” என்று அகஸ்திய முனிவரால் ஸ்ரீ ராமனுக்கு அருளப்பட்டது.

ஆபத்துக் காலங்களிலும், மிகுந்த கஷ்டங்களிலும், பயம் ஏற்படும் சமயங்களிலும் இதை பக்தியுடன் ஓதினால் துன்பங்கள் விலகும். உள்ளத்தில் தைரியம் உண்டாகும். உடலில் புதிய சக்தி பிறக்கும். பயங்களும், கிரஹ பீடைகளும் கஷ்டங்களும் விலகி விடும். சகல சௌபாக்யங்களும் கிடைக்கும். கண் பார்வை நன்றாகத் தெரியும்.

ஸ்ரீ ராம ஜெயம்.

Wishing for rAma rAjyam in the age of Kali is unimaginable.

Yet we can pray to the all powerful God that

Peace, Prosperity, Good Health & Good Sense

may prevail all over the now-confused-world!

Happy rAma navami! May Truth always win!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

506a. Ohne Mutter, Nichts geht weiter!
506b. Without mother nothing goes on!

Women are behind everything happening in this word.
In Tamil the adage goes thus...

"aavathum peNNaalE
azhivathum peNNaalE"

Now the royal rift between the siblings can be traced back
to the presence and to the absence of some Royal women.

Had their mother been alive today......
she would have never let this happen!


Ohne = Without
Mutter = mother
Nichts = nothing
geht = goes
weiter = on!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

507a. Kleine Dinge amüsieren kleine Köpfe!

507b.Little things amuse little minds!

Once upon a time, comedy in the movies was meaningful.
It entertained and educated the masses with powerful messages.

Comedians were heroes of some of those movies.
They were real life people with real life problems.

The situation comedy was good enough to sell the film -
without needing violent and unrealistic fight scenes.

Kleine = Small
Dinge = things
amüsieren = amuse
kleine = small
Köpfe = heads.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Ein Mann, der weniger ausgibt als er verdient, wird reicher.
Ein Mann, der mehr ausgibt als er verdient, wird ärmer.

A man who spends less than what he earns becomes richer.
A man who spends more than what he earns becomes poorer.

Ein = A
Mann = man
der = who
weniger ausgibt = spends less
als = than
er verdient what he earns
wird = will become
reicher = richer.
Ein Mann = A man
der = who
mehr ausgibt = spends more
als = than
er verdient = what he earns
wird = will become
ärmer = poorer.
Mathematics can be successfully applied to every human activity!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

509a. Einer außer Sicht, ist bald vergessen!

509b. One out of sight is soon forgotten!

Einer = One
außer = out of
Sicht = sight
ist = is
bald = soon
vergessen = forgotten!

Human memory is ONLY slightly better than that of a goldfish.
All except those who long to take revenge on someone for something
forget the events, the places and even people who they have left behind!

At least I do so!

Time is to precious to be worrying about tomorrow and ruminating about yesterday.
It is the mental recordings, affiliations and affections that cause the endless chain of birth and death.

Start everyday with a mind and memory as clean as a fresh slate.
There is no other way to avoid the undue worry and the unnecessary hurry!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

510a. Ohne Unkraut kann es keinen Garten geben.

510b. There can be no garden without the weeds.

Life offers us what we want to have
along with what we don't want to have!

Everything comes in a combo pack of
the wanted and the unwanted.

It is wisdom to use what we need
and ignore what we don't need.

Ohne = Without
Unkraut = weed
es = there
kann = can
geben = be

keinen = no
Garten = garden
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Eine Nachtigall wird nicht in einem Käfig singen.
Musik ist Ausdruck von Freude.
Freude kommt aus der Freiheit.

A nightingale will not sing in a cage.
Music is an expression of joy.
Joy comes from the freedom.

Eine = A
Nachtigall = nightingale
wird = will
nicht = not
singen = sing
in = in
einem = a
Käfig = cage.
Musik = Music
ist = is
Ausdruck = expression
von = of
Freude = joy!
Freude =Joy
kommt = comes
aus der = from the
Freiheit = freedom

இரட்டை மாட்டு வண்டி
ஓர் அழகிய வில் வண்டி;
மாடுகள் இரண்டு உண்டு...
மாறுபாடுகள் பல கொண்டு!

ஒரு மாடு கால் நொண்டி,
மற்றது ஒரு வலிய சண்டி;
இரட்டை மாட்டு வில் வண்டி
எப்படி ஓடும் என எண்ணுவீர்!

ஒரு மாடு பாவம் அசடு,
மற்றது ஹிமாலயக் கசடு;
இரட்டை மாட்டு வில் வண்டி
எப்படி ஓடும் என எண்ணுவீர்!

ஒரு மாடு பாவம் பேடி,
மற்றது பெரிய ரௌடி;
இரட்டை மாட்டு வில் வண்டி
எப்படி ஓடும் என எண்ணுவீர்!

ஒரு மாடு நல்ல முசுடு,
மற்ற மாடு நல்ல முரடு;
இரட்டை மாட்டு வில் வண்டி
எப்படி ஓடும் என எண்ணுவீர்!

இணைக்கின்றான் இறைவன்
இணையவே முடியாதவர்களை!
இருவரும் ஒரு போல இருந்தால்
இனிக்குமா? வாழ்க்கை, கசக்குமா?

[ என் விரக்தியில் பிறந்த என் கவிதை]
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

512a. Geld ist ein guter Diener, aber ein schlechter Meister!

512b. Money is a good servant but a bad master!

Money, like fire, is a good servant but a bad master.

Money and fire serve us well as long as they are under our control!
Once they get the control over us, there will neither peace nor prosperity!

Geld = Money
ist = is
ein = a
guter = good
Diener = servant
aber = but
ein = a
schlechter = bad
Meister! = master!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

437 (a). Nichts ist so schlecht, dass es für etwas nicht gut genug ist.

437 (b). Nothing is so bad as not to be good enough for something

A small, thin, weak stick can serve as a perfect toothpick.
A bent branch can be used to hang a baby's cloth cradle.
In God's creation nothing is useless and no one is insignificant.

Nichts = Nothing
ist = is
so = so
schlecht = bad
dass = that
es = it
ist = is
nicht = not
gut = good
genug = enough
für = for
etwas = something.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Eine erfolgreiche Liebesbeziehung endet in einer Ehe.
Das Paar lebt ein langes glückliches Leben.
Es ist die unmögliche und erfolglose Liebesbeziehung,
die in irgendeiner Form von Kunst verewigt wird!

Successful love affair ends in a marriage.
The couple live a long happy life.
It is the impossible and unsuccessful love affair,
that gets immortalised in some form of Art!
Some of the puzzles that are beyond my pink cells!

(The brain is healthy pink as long as we are alive.
It turns dull grey much later, when outside the body)

(1). How do people in The USA survive for 8 hours straight
without Internet under near normal conditions!

(2). Why does a wedding between a Man and Woman in
the same country, same region, same religion and same caste
with a minor difference in the subsects cause so much sensation
while the same sex marriages among both men / women hardly cause a ripple!

(3). How long can parents cater for the whims and fancies of a child
whose demands are not in proportion to their earnings / savings ???

Easy come easy go! It is SO true! Buy a new toy everyday.
Surely the one bought yesterday would be found in many pieces!

It is wiser to teach the child the value of money and the toy
rather than replace it with another new toy ASAP!

I myself had to wait for 5 years after my wedding to get a simple mixie.
I waited for 10 years before I could get a black and white TV set.
I waited for 15 years before I could afford a washing machine.

Why the 5 year plan?

The annual travel with family to the native place twice a year
would syphon out all the yearly savings mercilessly.

The money trickling in to the small recurring deposits would be safe
until the 5 years period is over - to enable me to buy something I need.

I still have all of them in working condition after all these years
ONLY because I remember how thrifty I had to be to afford them!

Everyone's life is not a bed of roses - as it is imagined to be!
But hardship is the test stone of our mental strength and purity!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

514a. Geduld ist eine Lotion für alle Wunden und Säuren.

514b.Patience is a lotion for all sores and sourness.

Geduld = Patience
ist = is
eine = a
Lotion = lotion
für = for
alle = all
Wunden = sores
und = and
Säuren = sourness.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Höhe der Torheit?
Einen Wolf setzen, um die Schafe zu bewachen.
Frösche in einem Brunnen Eine Schlange als neuen König auswählen.
Schwächlinge geben den Mobbern kühn Ratschläge.

Height of folly?
Setting a wolf to guard the sheep.
Frogs in a well Selecting a snake as their new king.
Weaklings boldly offering advice to the bullies.

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