What do you call a Malfunctioning Male Brain??
Dear RR ji,
Don't blame the Almighty...you see when we buy a car from the showroom..at first it works well..after a few years its start to malfunction.
Some same way with humans..after a while brains of certain men start to malfunction.
I have a new job of matching the horoscopes with the use of a software. 'vasiya poruththam' is one of the ten poruththams
given in the chart. So far, I have NOT come across a singe horoscope which has this with my nephew's horoscope! Ram's
cousin sister, who is good in reading horoscopes, told me that it is very very rare to get this poruththam! I too think so!! :becky:
It is said that this poruththam need NOT be considered very important! Read this please:Small wonder that... muthal kONal mutrum kONal.
My observation is different totally! :spy:......... Surprisingly two threads got diamond diadems after
we (you and I) assured them that we have quit the threads. ......
My observation is different totally! :spy:
It depends on the 'entry' of someone and not 'exit' of some others! :decision:
The G and D combination is far too dense
to be a mere random coincidence!![]()
What is the GD/JD Diamond stars talk all about???
I am confused??
The worst punishment a lady can get from the Almighty is a husband without any consideration! :tsk:
We (the Brahmins) feel superior by birth.
But superiority must be backed by one's actions
and not his /her birth certificate.
know of Brahmins who dive headlong into non vegetarian dishes.
Even the other religions prohibit meat consumption on certain days of the
year. But for these who have broken loose from their shackles, all days of
the year are good days for eating non veg.
They swim in liquors, float in beers and feel proud to do it.
Some of these people still have some respect for their poonool.
So they remove the poonool when they indulge in the forbidden things
since now they have become non brahmins and can do anything.
Afterwards they put on the poonool and become Brahmins once again.
Yes! They want the best of both the worlds!
How is the usage of word "dense" to be understood here?
May be it is like as in "He is too dense to understand what is said" or "Dont be dense; use your grey cells" etc. kind of statements?
Dont know and cant make out. Looks like two direct sisters talking about their cousin in kissu-kissu !!!!!