Raji Ram
Active member
Quite obvious!!........ WHAT is cooking dearies???

By the way, how do you find time to notice such activities? :spy:
Quite obvious!!........ WHAT is cooking dearies???
They PRETEND as if they do not know each other-
even though they live in opposite houses in the same wing.
He will be looking at the ground as he speaks
with sharp cutting movements made with his index finger!
(Is he threatening someone on the mobile?)
She will be looking at the clouds though
she is standing with him in full visibility.
They are not even looking at each other.
They can't be talking to each other.
That is what you, I or anyone else will think until
he switches off his mobile and leaps on to his bike
and she switches off her mobile and quits from the balcony!
THIS happens every time and is too much of a coincidence
to pass off unnoticed except by their preoccupied/ worried parents.
WHAT is cooking dearies???
Quite obvious!!
By the way, how do you find time to notice such activities? :spy:
Quite obvious!!
By the way, how do you find time to notice such activities? :spy:
Think of this / ponder over this! :decision:
விகடகவி, தாத்தா, பாப்பா, தேரு வருதே போன்றவை, தமிழில் இருவழி ஒக்கும் சொல்
என்று குறிப்பிடக் கூடியவை! ஆங்கிலத்திலும் இதே போல உண்டு!
It is hard NOT to notice this since it happens just outside my window where I sit and work on P. C.
They can't see me as it will be dark inside the house and of course they can't hear me either since I will be as quite as a mouse with no one to talk to.![]()
Ha Ha Ha..sounds like some couple in love!
BTW is this pre marital or is it extra marital?...you did not specify?
Dear VR ji,
It is nice to watch couples in love!
Recently in Singapore I saw a married couple from some western country..with some 4 kids who had come to Universal studio.
The couple must have been in their late 40's.
The husband was pinching his wife and catching her at her waist and she was trying to prevent him from doing so since it was public and he still went on and she was trying to prevent him!
It was fun to watch that..I smiled too myself seeing that...it was too cute.
Dear RR ji,
May be when VR ji is cooking she watches through the window!LOL
Dear Renu,
I am worried since the girl is gifted and has a wonderful career ahead
IF she gets rid of this lousy, good for nothing, high school (?) drop out!!!
I think they are are biding for their time to give her parents the
bolt-from-the-blue and are waiting until she graduates and finds a job
that pays well.
He will be a parasite living off her earnings for the rest of his/her life.
The wretched fellows smart girls fall for :frusty:
Dear Dr Renu
Your post # 1082
Yeah, a cute scene. You've just mentioned 'couple'. How sure are you that that playful couple
were actually husband & wife.
I know one 'couple' here who are pretty much like the type you've described - just that I also know
for sure that he is NOT her husband and she IS NOT his wife.
Maybe, if you ran a background check you'd find them both fondling someone else's spouse.
After all, the plural for 'spouse' is SPICE - MASALA !
Yay Yem
Dear VR Ji and AM Ji,
I am 100% sure they were husband and wife..the kids looked like them and the kids were getting impatient and were saying "Mum..dad..let's go"!
Just to add..I saw a couple from India with a baby and the couple were having a small time tiff cos the wife took the husbands sunglasses and smashed it and threw it on the ground.
The poor husband knowing it was Singapore was on all fours on the ground picking up every piece of his broken sunglasses and carefully threw it in the dustbin.
Dear Renu,........ May be when VR ji is cooking she watches through the window!LOL
Dear Sis,Find me more! :bump2:
Give me more!! :hungry: