Here are some nice pairs of words.
Can you add some more please???
ad fad,
boob job,
cheat sheet,
dead thread,
hot shot,
jet set,
nit wit,
pet vet,
quick trick,
ram jam,
wet pet,
zip zap.
An unsuccessful attempt to
hide those bulges and bumps
inside a floating billowy balloon!
What if one of those pointed heels gives up under her weight...??? :scared:
I am amazed to read in Vinayaka PuraNama and in many other stories
how Kings - so mighty, valorous and powerful- were unable to produce any children.
They has to do penance, yagna, yaagaa or observe strict vrathams etc to beget children in abnormal ways.
On the other hand the sages and rushis who abstained from physical relationships and maintained a strict brahmaycharya vratham produced sons WITHOUT the involvement of any woman!!!
Dear VR ji,
This looks like Kim Kardashian.
She was actually quite thin and wanted a fuller figure and went for breast and butt implants.
She also does butt enhancing exercise to maintain a full figure.
So not everyone wants to be pencil thin..some want to be full figured too.
Dear VR ji,
This looks like Kim Kardashian.
She was actually quite thin and wanted a fuller figure and went for breast and butt implants.
She also does butt enhancing exercise to maintain a full figure.
So not everyone wants to be pencil thin..some want to be full figured too.
My father used to look at the tongue, throat, eyes and nails of the patients to diagnose their problems.
The super specialists who charge in three digits never ever look at any of these - even if requested.
The cause of the nagging throat infection can be diagnosed ONLY if he looks a the condition of the throat!
He would check the B.P. and listen to the chest and send you away with a cough syrup and a strip of paracetamol tablets which you already have in your house.
Your final equation will be
the visit = (-) 3 hours, (-) 300 rs + paracetomol + cough syrup
The grass is greener on the other side! EH?
I would do anything possible to shed down my excess weight and
go back to my pre-wedding figure and weight!out: