In both situations only SELF gets hurt.
You can't be more correct Dear Dr. Renu!
In either case it is foolish SELF that gets hurt!

In both situations only SELF gets hurt.
But the Westerners sing with a wavy tone. I do not know the exact name.
Vibrato (Italian, from past participle of "vibrare", to vibrate) is a musical effect consisting of a regular, pulsating change ofpitch. It is used to add expression to vocal and instrumental music. Vibrato is typically characterised in terms of two factors: the amount of pitch variation ("extent of vibrato") and the speed with which the pitch is varied ("rate of vibrato").[SUP][1][/SUP]
In singing it can occur spontaneously through a variations in the larynx. The vibrato of a string instrument and wind instrumentis an imitation of that vocal function.
What do you think of a person who gave up a lucrative job
as a photographer to open a bakery on a full time basis?
With NO prior experience in baking whatsoever, WHAT HAS
prompted the person to jump headlong into baking industry!
He wants a Picture Perfect Cake!