Raji Ram
Active member
I am sure, you meant 'unmarried'!In India I have noticed that in many households a son or a daughter will remain married and look after the parents. ......

I am sure, you meant 'unmarried'!In India I have noticed that in many households a son or a daughter will remain married and look after the parents. ......
I am sure, you meant 'unmarried'!![]()
Emojis areones! :thumb:
Do 'Geminis' use them effectively?? :typing:
Yes I did mean Unmarried!
After getting married she can't make her own major decisions - at least in the olden days!
Also in some cases married son/daughter was ENCOURAGED to come away with or wither getting divorced :bolt:
to take care of the rest of the family as a bread winner or by doing the unending household chores! :roll:
I would love to use these emoji.
By the Law of Averages ( I hope there is on such law! )
1 out of every 12 members here must be a Gemini.
So 1 out every 12 writers of the forum must be a Gemini too.
But we hardly find anybody else using the emojis.
In fact some people find fault with us for using them liberally.
I guess the ability to use abhinayam aka as Expression
is essential in addition to Emotion and Imagination!
Mudumayil ellame kodumai.I was moved to tears on seeing the types of people who visited that BIG hospital
and the types of disabilities they had to manage all by themselves to come there! :crutch:
LIFE is really cruel.. when one becomes very old and is forced to live alone! :tsk:
So that proves the sterling truth in these two statements.
ILamaiyil vaRumai Kodumai! :whoo:
Muthumaiyil thanimai Kodumai!!! :ballchain:
:thumb:....... I guess the ability to use abhinayam aka as Expression
is essential in addition to Emotion and Imagination!
OMG! This dear forum gobbles up lot of time! :clock:........ There are lots of interesting people in many social sites. ......
What you say about some remaining unmarried to look after parents/siblings appears to be correct.
Normally eldest male or female sacrifices in the interest of the family if one parent dies.
I have come across many like that of both sexes in large families.
But these are a disappearing lot.
I would love to use these emoji.
Only I am too lazy to attach these to posts
Mudumayil ellame kodumai.
Seniors should bond online if not physically meet each other.
Ultimately it is a lonely journey for all.
Those who reach out to others even strangers will find reciprocity.
But most withdraw due to irrational fears.
Actually there is nothing to lose .Everything to gain.
why not post in all threads?
There are lots of interesting people in many social sites.
to mention a few quora,facebook, googleplus, wayne .
Of course you are active on word press.
You have no shortage of followers.
Buck up.
Life has so much to offer
OMG! This dear forum gobbles up lot of time! :clock:
For me NO MORE!!eace:
I like to post in many threads simply because that gives me more exposure to different thinking of people.
dear Mr. Krish,
I was posting in many threads until I got vexed/ annoyed.
We can have different opinions without becoming enemies!
But for some people the opinion and the people who have them are one and the same
So an opposing opinion means an opposing person = an enemy!
I have neither interest nor inclination not time to indulge in petty quarrels with imaginary enemies.
So I stick to my threads and entertain / educate people who care to drop in visibly or stealthily!
I too am diabetic.Human Life is so uncertain.
So is the health condition as we grow older and older.
Sometimes the head reels due to increased sugar values. :dizzy:
Bring it down by sacrificing almost everything tasty/ sweet! :hand:
Then the B.P soars up competing with the sugar readings. :dizzy:
If one has to sacrifice both sugar and salt.. what is left behind?
ONLY the bitter things - since we can't eat sour things without balancing the test with salt and spices!
muthumaiyil ithuvum oru kodumai thaan! :doh:
YYYYYYYYYeah! :spy:.......... You get watched over by someone in this forum who will pull my ears if I say something inappropriate.
Yes you are lucky.