"Adhuvum nanmaikkE!" "Idhuvum nanmaikkE!""Ellaam nanmaikkE!" :hail:
Ankles getting swollen like a pair of anacondas had been my chronic problem since many years.
At night the swelling will subside and during the day the swelling will surely return.
As usual no one bothered about this - including me!
It became an everyday affair - so to say it had a yo-yo effect on my legs, ankles and feet!
The bad fall in the bathroom the day before we left for our home caused me to go for a wheel chair.
The fall from the wheel chair in the railway station made me go to my physiotherapist.
Then I had to go to an ortho-surgeon and then to diabetologist.
The skin condition was finally diagnosed as cellulitis.
It had affected me without causing any temperature - God Only Knows When!
Un-Diagnosed and untreated the affected area on the calf muscle had become larger, more purple in color and harder over a period of time. It would allow the blood flow down under gravity but will block it from going back again, thus causing the swollen legs, ankles and feet!
This might have gone on for several more years - as I have a very high pain gate.
So I did not need the total knee replacement OR the steroid injection at the ankle joints OR the chain of antibiotics OR admission into a hospital.
Waiting has its own rewards. Rushing has its own hazards. Now I know the condition, its seriousness, the non aggressive home treatment available and the duration to get back to normal.
Please read on since it might be useful many others who have ignored (or been ignorant like me
of ) a similar medical problem!