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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

83a. Gesicht ist der Index des Geistes.
83b. Face is the index of the mind

"Your face is your passport".
It lets you in or shuts you out!

One's Face reflects one's innermost thoughts.
The professional criminal may smile and smile and yet be a villain.
But the face or the eyes send out sparks of his innermost thoughts.

No footnotes needed for this word for word translation.
The Watchmaker and The World.

To fix a watch we must know how it has been made. Or we need some fundamental knowledge about it. In other words, the person who fixes a watch is MORE intelligent than the watch. Otherwise he won't be able to fix it!

The man who created the watch needs even more knowledge about it. Otherwise he could not have made the watch.

More complex the watch ...more is the background knowledge needed to create it and to maintain it in working condition.

The creation is so wonderful and so varied. Everything starts growing from a seed and it knows how much and how long to grow and when to stop growing any further.

Who puts all the information inside that tiny seed?

Smaller the device.... more complex will be its mechanism!

Just imagine how much on knowledge is needed to create each and everything we see, and maintain them in perfect order.

So there must be a MASTERMIND behind everything we see.

We ignorant and humble pagans call it as God and allot it so many forms, names and other attributes. We admire, adore and worship This Supreme Presence/ Knowledge / Power which governs everything and maintains PERFECT order in the Universe.

If anyone wants to slight it, degrade it, ignore it, deny its very existence, defy it and call it a product of fancy and fantasy, it is one's own wish. But this is NOT going to affect the supreme power in anyway.

God is the watchmaker of this Wonderful Watch called as World.
Bonus material
Featured snippet from the web
There's a good chance it might freak out and go hide under the bed until MarsCat goes away. Pledges that will net you a MarsCat start at $649 (about £500 or AU$945) on the Kickstarter page, with shipping due to start in March this year.
One of the wonders of Plant kingdom..Hanuman pathri -

the leaf with two images of Hanuman on every single leaf!


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Preview YouTube video Hanuman beera tree Hanuman Pathri

Hanuman beera tree Hanuman Pathri
If THE SUPREME POWER is formless, all pervading, all knowing and all powerful....

then why does It have so many names and forms; qualities and attributes???

Sugar is one but the sweets are many.

Sweets differ in colour, texture, sweetness, forms and names.

Yet they are all made from the one and only sugar.

In the same way people have their preferences in everything

they use, they wear, they eat and they worship.

The religion gives them the choice to select the god the person wants to worship.

After all no one loves to live a CHOICE-LESS-EXISTENCE!

Does anyone???
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

84a. Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst.
8b. He who comes first, grinds (his grains) first.

My way of putting this would be
He grinds first, who comes first! :)

That will flip the order of the original to
Er mahlt zuerst,
wer kommt zuerst.

wer = who
zuerst = first
kommt = comes
mahlt = grinds
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

85a. Wer nicht wagt, der nicht gewinnt.
85b. He who wagers nothing, wins nothing.

He who has never
committed a mistake in all his life,
has in all
probability, never done anything all his life.

Nothing can be won without any effort.
No pain ... No gain! No gain ... No pain!

Wer = (He) who
nicht = does not
wagt = dare / venture / risk
der = he
nicht = does not
gewinnt = win / gain
The ideal prayer ?

Oh God give me the strength to change what can be changed,

to endure what
cannot be changed,

and the wisdom to know the difference between these two.

As my Father used to say very often,
"Life is the battle between an irresistible force and an immovable object!"

The Nature of these two may be attached to either of the two genders.
Maybe it is the constant struggle to become The Jockey, that makes life so interesting (?!)
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

86a. Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt, fällt selbst hinein.
86b. He who digs a pit for the others himself falls in it.

Compare the Tamil adage "keduvaan kEdu ninaippan!"

Wer = he who
anderen = for others
eine = eine
Grube = pit
gräbt = dug
fällt = falls
selbst = himself
hinein = in it

Monday Mantras

ம்ருத்யுஞ்ஜய மந்த்ரம்.

ஓம் த்ரயம்ப3கம் யஜாமஹே ஸுக3ந்தி4ம் புஷ்டிவர்த4னம் |
உர்வாருகமிவ பந்த4னான் ம்ருத்யோர் முக்ஷீய மாம்ருதாத் ||

ஸுக3ந்தி4ம் = இயற்கையான நறுமணம் உடையவரும்,
புஷ்டிவர்த4னம் = தன் கருணையால் அடியவரைப் போஷித்து வளர்ப்பவரும், (ஆகிய)
த்ரயம்ப3கம் = முக்கண்ணனை.
யஜாமஹே = பூஜித்து வழிபடுகின்றோம்.

உர்வாருகம் இவ = வெள்ளரிப் பழம் காம்பில் இருந்து விடுபடுவது போல்,
ம்ருத்யோ: = இறப்பினுடைய
ப3ந்த4னாத் = பிடியில் இருந்து
முக்ஷீய = விடுபடுவோமாகுக.
மா அம்ருதாத் = மோக்ஷ மார்க்கத்தில் இருந்து விலகாமல் இருப்போமாகுக.

ஸ்ரீ ருத்ரம் - நமகம் ( 2.0)

நமஸ்தே அஸ்து ப4கவன் விச்'வேச்'வராய மஹாதே3வாய
த்ரயம்ப3காய த்ரிபுராந்தகாய த்ரிகாக்3னி காலாய
காலாக்3னி ருத்3ராய நீலகண்டா2ய ம்ருத்யுஞ்ஜயாய
ஸர்வேச்'வராய ஸதா3சி'வாய ஸ்ரீமன் மஹாதே3வாய நம: || 2.0

விச்வேச்வராய = உலகத்தின் நாயகன் நீ!
மஹாதே3வாய = தேவர்களில் சிறந்தவன் நீ!

த்ரயம்ப3காய = முக்கண் படைத்தவன் நீ!
த்ரிபுராந்தகாய = முப்புரங்களை எரித்தவன் நீ!

த்ரிகாக்3னி காலாய = முச்சுடர்களையும் உபஸம்ஹரிப்பவன் நீ!
காலாக்3னி ருத்3ராய = காலாக்னி ருத்ரன் நீ!

நீலகண்டா2ய = கறுத்த கழுத்தை உடையவன் நீ!
ம்ருத்யுஞ்ஜயாய = யமனை ஜெயித்தவன் நீ!

ஸர்வேச்'வராய = அனைத்திற்கும் ஈஸ்வரன் நீ!
ஸதா3சி'வாய = ஸதாசிவன் நீ!

ஸ்ரீமன் மஹாதே3வாய = சீர் பொருந்திய மஹாதேவன் நீ!
தே = உனக்கு
நம: = நமஸ்காரங்கள்
அஸ்து = உரித்தாகட்டும்
The Flying fish

Flying fish do not really fly. They glide. Propelled by their tails, they leap into air
at the speed up to 20 m.p.h. and use their wide pectoral fins as wings.

They usually glide close to the ocean’s surface where a flick of the tail against the water can produce extra impetus. Flying fish are known to soar up to 20 feet into the air and stay aloft up to 1300 feet.

I was pondering over why God had made flying fish when fish are just supposed to swim in water!
He has also made birds which can't fly due various reasons--too heavy to fly or too weak in their wing muscles.

There must be some hidden message in these discrepancies and abnormalities!
Does this mean that we can never really take anything for granted as our birthright???

Does this mean that nothing is impossible for the Creators - who can make anomalies work better than the normal things???

It is best not to assume things and abilities as the natural gifts and also not to be discouraged by the defects and deviations. The ostrich can't fly but it can run fast and kick really hard!

Who can really understand the divinity hidden under everyday objects and things!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

87a. Wer Eier unter den
Füßen hat, muss leise auftreten.
87b. Hw who has eggs under his feet must tread gently.

Compare "Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread".

Wer = he who
hat = has
Eier = eggs
unter = under
den Füßen = the feet,
muss = must
auftreten = tread on
leise = gently
When my granddaughter was two years old and my grandson (her cousin) just one year old,

she used to chase him around and he used to run away from her.

Now she is three and he is two. Now he is chasing her and she is running away from him.

Corollary: A two year old is the most mischievous kid!!!
The Famous Four

To know the position of a point in space, we need three coordinates (X, Y, Z)
as well the time factor T.

The position of the point may vary with time. So these four parameters can pinpoint with 100% accuracy the position of a point in space.

In a temple the person is pinpointed by his Gothram, Star, Raasi and name. Again four parameters.

In an office a person can be pinpointed by his name, designation, department and the office he works in. Again four parameters.

In a locality a person can be pinpointed by his name, his house number, name of the street and the name of the city he lives in.

Isn't strange that the famous four really are famous for their ability for pinpointing a person everywhere??
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

88a. Wer ein Kalb stiehlt, stiehlt eine Kuh.
88b. He who steals a calf, steals a cow.

Because, the calf will grow up to become a fine cow one day!

Wer = he who
ein = a / one
Kalb = calf
stiehlt = steals
eine = a / one
Kuh = cow
You may be thinking that there are very few words in English
starting with Z like Zeus, Zebra and Zircon.

Here are some funny words which contain 2 or more 'Z' s!!!

zzub = to buzz or murmur.

zzuk = shuzz = scuzz = ?

(you find out the meaning since I found out the word.)

zzul = luzz a British slang meaning to chuck.

zzum = muzz = A British slang meaning to confuse

zzurf = fruzz = to brush the hair the wrong way.

zzz = a sound sleep also making a loud sound :)
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

89a. Wer
einen großen Sprung tun will, geht vorher zurück.
89b. He who wants to make a giant leap, steps back before that.

Two small leaps do not always add up to a giant leap.
you are jumping across a ditch or a stream.

The step taken opposite to the
direction of the leap
gives a man extra space to work up an extra speed.


Wer = he who
einen großen = a giant / a big
Sprung = leap
will = wants
tun = to do / to make
geht = goes
zurück = bachwards
vorher = before that
Today's link to my blog with a brief introduction to it.


Sanskrit To Tamil Dictionary


சமஸ்க்ருதம் என்றாலே பண்பட்ட (refined ) என்று பொருள்.
தென்மொழிகளில் இந்தத் தொன்மொழியும் கலந்துள்ளது.

ஒவ்வொரு சொல்லுக்கும் எத்தனையோ பொருட்கள் உள்ளன.
தெரிந்தும், தெரியாமலும் அவற்றைப் பயன்படுத்துகின்றோம்.
தவறாக உச்சரிக்கின்றோம், தவறாக உபயோகிக்கின்றோம்.

அன்றாடம் பயன்படுத்தும் சொற்களின் பொருளையும்
அவற்றின் சரியான உச்சரிப்பையும் தருவதே என் நோக்கம்.

சுமார் 4200 தொன்மொழி வார்த்தைகளைத் தேர்வு செய்து
நம் தென்மொழியில் எளிமையாக அளித்துள்ளேன்.

அகர வரிசைப்படி அமைத்திருப்பதால் எளிதாகத்
தேவையான வார்த்தையைக் கண்டு பிடிக்க முடியும்.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

90a. Wer mich
liebt, der liebt auch meinen Hund.
90b. He who loves me, loves also my dog.

The popular saying goes thus:-
Love me, Love my Dog!

Modern way of saying it in the West is
"Love me, Love my * * * !"

Wer = (he) who
liebt = loves
mich = me
der = he
liebt = loves
auch = also
meinen = my
Hund = dog
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

91a. Wer nicht mit mir ist der ist
wider mich.
91b. He who is not with me is against me.

We see this attitude everywhere and in almost everyone.
If you disagree on one's principle or decision, immediately you become his / her mortal enemy.
Surely those Ideas belong to those people but they themselves are not those people.
Until people agree to differ without becoming enemies, there is very little hope for honest opinions!
Agreeing-to-disagree-on-principles is a very great and a very rare virtue.

Wer = he who
ist = is
nicht = not
mit = with
mir = me
der = he
ist = is
wider = against
mich = me.
A few genuine doubts!

We can feel the warmth / the cold....but can we SEE the warmth / the cold?

We can taste the sweetness...but can we SEE the sweetness?

We can smell the fragrance of flowers...but can we SEE the smell?

We can hear the sweet music...but can we SEE the music?

Even things TANGIBLE to our sense organs have their own limitations.

HOW on earth and in heaven can an Intangible Supreme Power - which is finer than an atom and at the same time is larger than the creation, be SEEN by the defective human eyes - with their limited vision???

Arjun was given Divya Dhrushti to allow him to see the viswaroopa of God. So even when God WANTS to be seen by us, He has to give us special eyesight to enable us to do so!

When He does NOT want to be seen...how can anyone ever see Him???

But the wise and the humble SEE him everywhere, in everything and all the time!

They KNOW and TRUST that GOD has manifested as each and everything in the entire creation- including those who NEGATE His very existence.

It is just the same thing to HIM as the two little children (one who is always happy and peaceful and the other who is always morose and cross) are to their sweet natured mother.
Malarum ninaivugaL....!!!!

Once upon a time... not in the distant past....film music was as captivating as classical music.
Appropriate rAgam / thALam was chosen by the music directors to convey the mood of the song.
Trained singers could incorporate all the fine intricacies of music into the songs during rendition.
The lyrics were decent and they could be classified under MUSIC and not under NOISE.
Enjoy the malarum ninaivugaL with me!


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