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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

101a. Wem Gott gibt ein Amt, dem gibt auch Verstand.
101b. Whom God gives an office, to him He also gives the brain to fill it.

I do not agree fully with this statement.
We have seen all the three types of people
Those who are born great, those who achieve greatness and
those who are made great by the appropriate pulls and pushes!

Wem = to whom
Gott = God
gibt = gives
ein Amt = an office/ a position
dem gibt = to him gives
auch = also
Verstand = the brain
I shuddered when I learnt that the head (and all the parts in it ) can function for upto 10 seconds -
even after it had been mercilessly rolled onto the ground - by the cruel kings of the past.

The head would held up like trophy not just to let the mad and bloodthirsty crowd gathered see it,
but also to let the dead person have a last glimpse of the jubilation over his beheading!

"Enna avasaram??? Raaja kaariyam paazhaaip pogirthaa??? thalai pOgira vElaiyaa???"

These sentences have become everyday conversation and we have forgotten why the originated originally.

As children we would pluck the tall weeds with small white colored wild flower on the top and ourselves become the powerful Kings and Queens in our own imagination. With a flick of the index finger we would behad the flower!

How sad we thought then that it was fun! :(
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

101a. Wenn jeder Herr ist, wer bringt aus dem Stall den Mist?
101b. If everyone is a Lord who brings the dung out of the

We have a similar proverb in Tamil.
"If everyone sits on a palanquin, who would carry them?"

Wenn = if
jeder = everyone
Herr ist = is a lord
wer = who
bringt aus = brings out of
dem Stall = the stable
den Mist = the dung
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

102a. Wenn straffen will die
Gottes Hand, so nimmt sie einen den Verstand.
102. When the God's hand wants to punish, it takes away the sanity first.

"kEdu varum pinne .........
madhi kettu varum munne!"

Wenn = when / if
die = the
Gottes Hand = God's hand
will = wants
straffen = to punish / to tighten
sie nimmt = it takes away
so einen = such a
den Verstand = (Person's) Sanity / Power to
One of the similies I enjoyed and remember very well is this:-
Money comes in very small amounts but when it gets lost the whole thing goes off poof!

The example given was this:-
To a meeting or a recital audience trickle in slowly and steadily.
But when the meeting / recital is over everybody goes away as fast as they can.

Is the Disappearing Act by far easier than the Appearing Act ???
Is Disbursing by far easier than Assembling and coming together???
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

Quatsch keine Oper.
103b. Cut out the Opera!

Quatsch = nonsense, rubbish, crap
keine = no
Oper = opera

Writers often fall in love with their own writing and go on and on wasting words.
Speakers often fall in love wit their own speeches and singers with their songs!
Often times the effect gets diluted by providing more than what was just right.
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

104a. Wer auf Gott vertraut, hat gut gebaut.
104b. He who trusts in God, has built well.

God is the one who supports everything created.
God is the foundation on which
everything rests.

He who trusts in God has the strongest support he can opt for.

When God is with us, no one harm us.
When God is against us, no one help us.

Wer = he who
auf Gott = in God
vertraut trusts
hat = has
gebaut = built
gut = well
சிந்தனை தந்த இந்திர ஜாலம்
#049. சிறு தவளை

வனவாசம் செய்யும்போது ராமன்,
தனது தாகத்தைத் தணிக்கவேண்டி;

அம்பையும், வில்லையும் மண்ணில்
ஆடாமல் பதித்துவிட்டுச் சென்றான்.

வந்து பார்க்கையில், மண்ணில்
சிந்தும் ரத்தத்தில் சிறு தவளை.

வில் ஊடுருவியதால் அதற்கு
விளைந்து விட்டது விபரீதம்!

“ஒரு குரல் கொடுத்திருந்தால்
ஒரு கொலை நிகழ்ந்திராதே!”

மறுகிய மனத்துடன் ராமன்,
மரணம் தழுவும் தவளையிடம்

மனம் வருந்திக் கேட்கவே,
மறுமொழி பகர்ந்தது அது.

“யார் எனக்குத் தீங்கு செய்தாலும்
யாரை நான் அழைப்பேனோ,

அவனே எனக்குத் தீங்கிழைத்தால்,
யாரிடம் சொல்வேன் நான்?”

தெய்வம் உதவிடும் நமக்கு,
மற்றவர் தொல்லை செய்தால்!

தெய்வமே தொல்லை செய்தால்,
மற்று எவர் உதவுவார் நமக்கு?

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

105a. Wer befehlen will muss
gehorchen lernen.
105b. He who
wishes to command must learn to obey.

We have heard of the word Military Discipline!
To get anything done one must be

Those who are not self disciplined will be made so in Army.
He who knows how to obey, will also know how to command!

Wer = he who
will = wants
befehlen = to command
muss = must
lernen = learn
gehorchen = to obey

The struggle for Equality exists everywhere!
God had made all Men equal but as always
Some are MORE EQUAL than the others! ?


Greensboro sit-ins - Wikipedia

The Greensboro sit-ins were a series of nonviolent protests in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960, which led to the Woolworth department store chain removing ...
Date‎: ‎February 1 – July 25, 1960
Caused by‎: ‎"Whites Only" lunch counters at ‎W...
Location‎: ‎Greensboro, North Carolina
Background · ‎Activists' plan · ‎Events at Woolworth · ‎Impact
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

106a. Wer den Acker nicht wil graben, der wird nicht als Unkraut haben.
106b. He who does not want to dig the land, will have nothing but the weeds.

Bad things come up very fast, on their own.
Bad things spread out very fast on their own.

Good habits need to be 'cultivated'
Good crops must be '
cultivated' likewise.

Left to itself, the land may bear nothing but the weeds and thorns.
Left to his whims and fancies, a man may become an animal in human form!

Wer = he who
den Acker = the land
nicht = does not
will = want
graben to = burrow / till
der = he
wird = will
nicht = not
haben = have
als Unkraut = but weeds
I don't know why I am expected to give logical explanations to
the things said/ done by other people far far away!

Am I a mind reader? :unsure:

Even if I am one, am I expected to enter into the minds of those
who will not communicate with me in real life and as a real person.

To some people I am an 'anAmikA' who can be called a 'Hey!' or "Hello!"
Not perfect strangers but people who know me from the time was born!

The one advantage of people keeping you at an arm's length is that :(
they themselves will remain at at a distance of an arm's length from you! :)

Talking of strangers...

Once while at the dentist a crazy Mexican (?) called out to someone
"Hey what is your name! You look very cute!"

I was the only-odd-person in that mixed group of people!
I did not even look up and just pretended that he did not exist!

It is perfectly strange that perfect strangers want to get familiar with me
and familiar people are playing like perfect strangers! :oops:
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

107a. Wer den Kern essen will, muss the nuss knacken.
107b. He who wants to eat the kernel must crack the nut.

We have heard of people who are so lazy that
even peeling a banana is
hard work or them!

They are fondly called in Tamil as 'vaazhaip pazha sOmbEri'
I can
forgive 'jackfruit sOmberi' and 'Pineapple sOmberi' but 'banana sOmberi'???

For such people the peeled banana must fall in a cup of milk
and the cup should deposit its contents into their mouth.

Reincarnations of the ancient Roam emperors???

Wer = he who
den Kern = the kernels
will = wishes
essen = to eat
muss = must
knacken = crack
the nuss = the nuts

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

108a. Das Essen eines Mannes ist das Gift eines anderen Mannes.
108b. The food of one man is the poison for another man.

Some Food items act as medicines and cure certain health problems.
Indians have a medicine cabinet in the kitchen in form of herbs.

Some food items are forbidden to some people with certain problems.
If they do not heed to the good advice and eat those items any way
then the same food item may act like a poison.

Das = the
Essen = food
eines Mannes = of one man
ist = is
eines = one
anderen = another
Mannes = man's
Gift = poison

'Gift' means 'Poison' in German.
'Geschenk' means a 'Gift' in German.

If you want to
disperse a crowd, you just have to offer them 'a gift'! ?
Disburse VS Disperse!

To disburse is to distribute or pay out money or other financial assets.
Use disperse when something other than money is being distributed.
The agency dispersed pamphlets after the meeting.
Disperse also means "to scatter" or "make disappear".
The police dispersed the unruly mob.
We have 'Cases' in Tamil but they ate so easy for the native speakers.
The same put down as rules in Grammar will be quite another matter.

I had problems with declining the Accusative, Dative and Genitive cases
and using them with their appropriate form of pronouns.

So I sat down and wrote down all the possible combinations in both Tamil and German.

Suddenly everything seems to fall in place!

Nothing like one's Mother tongue (Muttersprache)
to help to learn a foreign language (Auslandspeache)

The four German cases are the nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative. One can think of these as the equivalent of the subject, possessive, indirect object, and direct object in English.


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A proverb a day to brighten the day!

109a. Viel Wissen macht Kopfweh.
109b. Too much knowledge makes headache.

Often Knowledge becomes a load on the brain.

Knowledge must be utilized and made useful to real life.
Knowledge for the sake of knowledge might bring on a headache!

There is truth in the saying "Ignorance is bliss"
The more you know the more you worry.

Small wonder doctors are the worst patients!
They know far too much to relax and trust their doctors.

Viel = too much
Wissen = knowledge
macht = makes
Kopfweh = the head ache
Is this correct English as it should be???

1. Due to unavailable circumstance.....???

2. I cannot be able to make it!!!

3. Beloved priest of the temple!!!

Yama is called Andhagan meaning 'a blind person'.
He has to deliver Justice without fear or favor.

So like the Goddess of Justice who has blindfolded her eyes,
Yama must also pretend to be blind in order to do Justice!
A proverb a day to brighten the day!

#110a. Jeder Vogel muss seine eigenen Eier schlüpfen.
#110b. Every bird must hatch its own eggs.

Well! If the mom is not able to keep her eggs warm,
the dad will take over - as in the case of penguins.

Male Seahorse transforms from a Dad into Mom and
delivers the
young ones! Can a man perform this feat?
Apparently 'yes' - according to mythology!

Jeder = every
Vogel = bird
muss = must
schlüpfen = hatch
seine = its
eigenen = own
Eier = eggs
seine = its
82. Dad or Mom?

Seahorse is one of the few species in the animal world where the male gives birth to the young.
The male has a special brood-pouch on its abdomen, into which the female lays its eggs.

The eggs get fertilized. They hatch and the young ones develop there until they become
the miniature versions of their parents. The male then goes into labor and delivers the young ones.

It jettisons the young seahorses in a series of convulsions which may last for several hours.
Poor daddy-turned-mummy suffers for a prolonged period, delivering the young ones!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

111a. Wenn alle dir sagen, du seist betrunken geh schlafen.
111b. When
everyone tells you you seem to be drunk, go to sleep.

Opinions do vary but all can't be wrong at the same time.
So when people say that you appear to be drunk, just go to bed.
Most of the crimes and quarrels take place in a
drunken state.

Wenn = when
alle = everyone dir
sagen = says
dir = to you
du = you
seist = appear to be
betrunken = drunk
geh = go
schlafen = to sleep

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