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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day.

202a. Bellende Hunde beißen nicht. Es ist der stille Hund, der gefährlich ist.
202b. Barking dogs seldom bite. It is the silent dog which dangerous.

Barking dogs seldom bite. They know that they can guard their territory just by barking and scaring the others trying to invade it.

It is the silent dog which is more dangerous - since it will attack the invader rather than bark and scare him off.

The same is true of men and women. One who screams his head off when upset, releases his anger and may not contemplate on more serious or heinous crimes!

Bellende = barking
Hunde = dogs
nicht = do not
beißen = bite
Es = It
ist = is
der = the
stille = silent
Hund = dog
der = that
ist = is
gefährlich = dangerous
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

203a. Nächstenliebe beginnt zu Hause.
203b. Charity begins at home.

Some people want to keep up an appearance of prosperity.

They may go overboard donating for the sake of fame and name. In that process the genuine need of some family members may be overlooked.

A glass cup overflows only after it is filled to the brim.
A mud pot may leak even when it is not broken.

Learn to be a glass cup and not a mud pot!
Attend to your family first before you do acts of charity.

Nächstenliebe = Charity
beginnt = begins
zu = at
Hause = home
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

204a. Sauberkeit ist nach Gottlichkeit an zweiter Stelle.
204b. Cleanliness is second only to Godliness.

Things need not be costly or gaudy or showy.
But everything has to be clean and simple.

I wonder at the gem studded dresses worn by rich women.
Can they get them cleaned? Do they ever get them cleaned?

Once I was surprised to watch an aunt powder-clean her blouse.
She rained talcum powder on the blouse and mixed them well.

She blew off the powder and got the blouse ironed and ready for use!
One of the many uses of talcum powder perhaps???

I have always wondered whether perfumes were created to
camouflage human body odor or to excite people sexually!

Either way, one does not need any perfume - if one bathes
and changes every item of the dress, every day, at least once.

I know of an old uncle whose under garment has never had any association with water- even though it was being worn everyday while performing pooja!

The reason... it is 'sudhdha madi' as long as it does not get washed!!!
So theoretically it is 'madi' but practically the dirtiest cloth in the universe!

So when 'madi' VS 'cleanliness' I will always choose the latter and never the former!

Sauberkeit = Cleanliness
ist = is
an = in
zweiter = the second
Stelle = place
nach = after
Gottlichkeit = Godliness
A survey has showed that 50% of people - 1 out of every 2 persons - in USA
does not change the underwear every day!

In some states in India, under garmnts are worn only on special occasions.
Wearing pants / pajama without wearing a brief or pattaa-patti(!) underneath;
Wearing blouse without a bra/ bodice; wearing shoes with out wearing socks are common habits!

The LADY will start looking or her BODY only when she has to go out!
The man will not look for his brief even when he has to go out!

So once a specialist who told his patient to remove his pants followed the instruction with a stunning question! "chaddi EsukkunnAru kAdhA?"

I know of several occupational hazards but is this one the scariest among them???
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

205a. Nur Diamant schneidet Diamant.
205b. Only diamond cuts diamond.

However strong the enemy may appear, there will be weak point to win over him.
So nothing and no one is indestructible forever.

Nur = Only
Diamant = diamond
schneidet = cuts
Diamant = diamond.
The more you have... the more you want to have!
The more you give in...the more you are forced to give in!

The more you work...the more you are made to work!
The more you bend...the more you are made to bend!

What about the retirement of older women from the chores?
What about the appreciation for slaving beyond one's capacity?

Blessed are those who have delivered many daughters.
Blessed are those daughters who care (ONLY) for their mother.

Blessed are those liberated women who live in senior residences!!!
It is not in every woman's fortune to eat food, without having to cook it first!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

206a. Diskretion ist besser als Mut.
206b. Discretion is better than courage.

Courage is not running into a stone wall fearlessly.
Courage must follow discretion and meticulous planning.

Anything can be achieved if one has worked out a perfect plan.
So plan out your work and work out your plan - if you wish to succeed.

Diskretion = Discretion
ist = is
besser = better
als = than
Mut = courage
Three simple words which
can make life worth living
but are very rare to hear! :(

"How are you?"
"Wie gehts Sie?"

"kaise hain aap?"
"meeru baaga unnaaraa?"

" aiyaa neegaL nalamaa?"
"ammE soukkiyam thannE?"
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

207a. Lassen Sie Vergangenes Vergangenes sein.
207b. Let bygones be bygones.

Man must know both to hold on and to let go.
He must know which one to do and when.

Many people hang on to the past events / words / deeds and forget to live
in the present and future - which will also soon become the past!

Some people try to maintain their level of despair / fear/ anxiety / sorrow even when
they know very well that they can never be undone and they only ruins their health.

Learn from the past but do not hang on to it and thereby lose your present and future
- not to mention the precious peace of mind and presence of mind!
Some people ( maybe I am one of them!) do not remember /register
what we had learned from the experiences past!

We either forgive or forget (or do both) and give people a fresh chance -
often to get the exact action-replay-of-the-past.

Apparently no one changes with time - neither the pessimists nor the optimists!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

208a. Viele Tröpfchen bilden einen Ozean.
Viele Minuten bilden eine Lebensdauer.

208b. Many droplets form an ocean.
Many minutes form a life span.

Everything in the creation is made up millions of smaller units.
These may be molecules, atoms, cells .....but they are all tiny.

Our long life span itself constitutes of millions of minutes.

Remember that one year = 365 days = 525600 minutes!

With so many minutes to spend or waste, one may become careless.
One may indulge in many activities that eat away precious minutes.

Make sure that every minute is spent diligently and usefully.
Then the whole lifespan will be used up and not get wasted.


Viele = Many
Tröpfchen = droplets
bilden = form
einen = an
Ozean = ocean.
Viele = Many
Minuten = minutes
bilden = form
eine = one
Lebensdauer = lifespan
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

209a. Ehen werden im Himmel geschlossen, aber auch Blitz und Donner.

209b. Marriages are made in Heaven, but so is lightning and thunder.

Does this explain why some marriages are nothing but fire works and tears???
A passing thought, after seeing a Health care worker who home delivered my wheeled walker today! I had been unable to collect it personally for over the past two months.

Does long flowing hair add a trace of compassion, a hint of geniality to a man's face?
Is it why all Saints and Gods are portrayed with long flowing hair or thick curly hair?

Hair style does change the face, the general expression and the severity of the face.

Some make you look younger, more friendly and very lively.
Some others make you look old, stern, unfriendly and very dull.

One Indian lady has found out that the pixie cut goes with all kinds of dresses!
I do not agree since it makes a woman look rather unkempt and unruly.

Drawing back the hair to form a top knot is convenient but makes one look like an old spinster headmistress - with a cane hidden in her dress!

Invariably all the cartoonists draw elderly women with a top knot, a jutting jaw or nose or both, eagle eyes shining behind the spectacles!!

Some may have a cheerful expression - a welcome change from the usual images.


Ehen = Marriages
werden = are
im Himmel = in Heaven
geschlossen made
aber = but
auch = so also
Blitz = lightning
und = and
Donner = thunder

Does this explain why some marriages are nothing but fire works and tears???
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

210a. Ohne Fleiß kein Preis. Keine Schmerzen ohne Gewinne.

210b. No gains without pains. No pains without gains.

Nothing ever happens by itself! Thanks to Inertia!
Also no sincere effort ever goes in total waste.

By wishing to spare yourself from the pain of hard work,
you will be denying yourself the chance to win something.

Ohne = Without
Fleiß = hard work
kein = no
Preis = gains
Keine = No
Schmerzen = pains
ohne = without
Gewinne = gains
A couple had nine sons - each one more wicked than the others!
A distant relative was appalled to watch the behavior of these boys.

Finally he took courage and asked the father of those boys,
"Which of your sons is the mildest and best behaved?"

The father quietly pointed out to the boy
who was setting the roof of the house in fire!

"uLLavargaLil nallavan avan thaan!"

Watching the things happening around me in this Land Of Milk and Honey,
I am trying to figure out " ingE uLLavargaLil nallavan yaar?"
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

211a. Leere Worte können kein Essen kaufen.
211b. Empty words cannot buy food.

One needs money to buy food.
One needs to work to earn money.

Some people try to make a living -
investing nothing more than mere words!

Even if they manage to succeed initially,
soon their true colors are seen by everyone.

Leere = Empty
Worte = words
können = can
kaufen = buy
kein = no
Essen = food.
There was super sized bully - who everyone was afraid of in a village.
He was foul tempered, foul mouthed and can stoop to any level of indecency.

So no one wanted to have anything to do with them but he won't spare them!
He would go to one of the houses, sit on the veranda and demand for food.

He would add a veiled threat while demanding or food by saying,
"If you don't feed me properly, I will do exactly what I did in the other house!"

No one knew what he had done in the other house. No one wishes to know it either.
They just wanted him out of their house ASAP and so would offer him food.

This went for a very long time and he became like a bull attached to a temple.
A newcomer to the village was both curious and unafraid of the local-bull-bully.

So when the bully threatened him as usual, he asked him with a straight face,
"What did you do in the other house anyway?"

The bully did not expect to be questioned back but he did exactly what he had done in the other house long long ago!

He got up in hurry and quietly left the place immediately.

The whole village had been feeding him all these years - not knowing what he had actually done in the other house!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

212a. Wo Liebe dünn ist, sind Fehler dick.
212b. Where Love is thin, faults are thick.

Nothing existing is absolute in itself.
Everything we see, hear, say, do and feel are all relative.

A person with a friendly disposition never finds faults.
To a person with an unfriendly disposition everything is at fault.

When one views the world through a tinted glass everything he sees takes up a shade of the color of the glass.The fault lies not in the objects but in his vision!

Wo = Where
Liebe = love
ist = is
dünn = thin
Fehler = faults
sind = are
dick = thick.

A loveless existence - in which everything one does is wrong - is like skating on a thin ice! All the efforts are used up in not falling into the ice cold water!
A proverb a day to brighten the day.

213a. Der Gesetzgeber sollte nicht zum Gesetzesbrecher werden.
213b. The Lwmaker should not become the Law breaker.

Often times we find the law makers eagerly breaking or bending the very laws made by them. If they both make the laws and break the laws, obviously the laws do not carry any weight! They can't hold the other law breakers responsible for breaking the laws - since they themselves do pretty much the same.

Mannan evvazhi... makkaL avvazhi.
KeisE nEtA ... aisE prajA.

Der = The
Gesetzgeber = Lawmaker
sollte = shall
nicht = not
zum werden = become
Gesetzesbrecher = law breaker.
The body of every living thing follows its head.
I am yet to see any creature walking / crawling/
slithering / swimming / flying backwards!

A nations follows its head.

If the head is learned, leveled and logical
so also the rest of the body which follows the head!

Ancient kings had to learn many Laws, Arts, Skills and Techniques
before they could qualify to be crowned as kings.
Today's link to the blog on selected verses of DEvi mahAthmyam

அவளும் அணுவும்!


அவனன்றி ஒரணுவும் அசையாது!
அவனாலும் அசைய முடியாது!

சாட்டை இல்லா பம்பரம் போல நம்மை
ஆட்டுவிப்பவள் அன்னை பராசக்தியே!

அவளே நமக்கு உறுதுணையாவாள்.
அவளே நமக்குப் பரகதியாவாள்.

அவளே நமக்குத் தாயும், தந்தையும்.
அவளே நமக்கு குருவும், இறையும்.

அவள் மலர்ப் பதம் பணிவோம்;
அவள் அருள் வேண்டி, இத்தொடரில்,

ஐங்கரனும், ஆறுமுகனும் ஆகிய இரு
கண்மணிகளை வணங்கிய பின்னர்.

உங்கள் உண்மையுள்ள,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி.


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