Dear Renuka,
Another person's contrary views can be accommodated without thinking that the person needs help.
Dear Sravna,
Its not about accommodating a contrary view.
Your case its about absence of logic and seeing,hearing and believing what you want to imagine.
1)Ray Sundar's did not work...a logical person would have accepted the results but you did chose to believe you had powers and claimed you were able to carry it out at your home and it worked.Yeah right! Everything works if we have no witness.
2)Bringing down temperature of Chennai....surely you had nothing to so with it..thats just normal range of ups and downs of temperature.
3)Passing spiritual energy to your family member...yeah double right proof..we have no idea if they just out of helplessness agreed to go along.
4)You fireworks experiment...its common sense that majority play fireworks on first day of Diwali...the second days and so on..less Sravna..its not becos of you. imagine its all becos of you..all about you...only becos of you.
Getting help is NORMAL..its not a sign of weakness or a sign of lack of spirituality..its a sign that one's system has gone into over -drive. In your case its not about a contrary view..its a contrary existence itself.
I do not intend to find fault with you at all...I hope you know the difference.
The problem is if low IQ ones have delusion its quite easy to handle them becos they can easily be confused but high IQ ones like you is never will twist and turn to escape on any grounds..swinging from technicality to spirituality just to make a stand to justify their delusion..after a while the high IQ ones totally lose touch with reality...low IQ ones may recover.
So please do not destroy harm having a chat with a doc who can help you in person.
Sometimes even a brain tumor can give rise to 6th sense,clairvoyance,altered perception,delusions please get a MRI brain to look out for any such situations.
So please so not take your condition as a gift of spirituality...becos if it was why you never see a Rishi doing stuff like you?