Sravana-ji -
From some of your posting I gather that you are emphasizing the importance of right attitude and preparation required for knowledge of ultimate reality which is Sathyam. Let me share a few high level comments.
It is hard for a person to generate humility or compassion on their own. Such traits are certainly not sustainable if they are not arising out of shraddha to learn the truth about oneself and approach Upanishads as a Pramana. While I consider myself a student, I was surprised at the level of confusion as evidenced by posting on such topics elsewhere in other threads by self-proclaimed experts endlessly arguing about the same points! I think I have learnt that this is a Tamil Brahmin identity attribute regardless of whether they do or do not consider themselves with that identity

Perhaps I see this trait in myself too LoL
Since my goal is not to change anyone I have tended to engage with serious sadhakas and only if I think the exchange would lead to my self-growth. I dont mean in this forum but in life in general.
Most religions including all of religious traditions of Hindus as well religion of Atheism exclusively works towards two pursuits - Artha (Security) and Kama (desires). Even those people that give charity or trying to do good deeds or try to be a ‘good person’ in order for better 'after life' whatever that may be by any belief system is also working towards Artha. All so called materialists pursue Artha and Kama. It is hard to define a spiritualist but almost all those that we tend to come across are also working towards Artha of some kind. Many of the Sadhus and Sannyasis pursue this as well. There is nothing wrong with this as they are (Artha and Kama) legitimate pursuits but often they arise out of confused knowledge which becomes a source of their suffering.
The character traits you have emphasized cannot arise unless one truly understands why Dharma has to be a Purshartha. This is simply not possible with any amount of research into any religious traditions including those of Hindus. I will not even mention Moksha as a Purushartha in this posting since for most people it is one more thing to attain and in that sense it is Artha the way they approach it.
Some people out of fear may talk about Dharma as a pursuit but it is driven by a mindset applicable to Artha pursuit only.
When you made a comment that humility can be measure of maturity of a person (using my words to paraphrase what you may have written) it is possible only if such humility is arising out of knowledge. Where there is humility there is also courage! The opposite is also true. Where there is ignorance we find a 'deadly combination' of arrogance and stupidity which is plentiful and does great harm to humanity.
Though we really do not have (m)any true Brahmins from the definition of the qualities they are supposed to have such as humility, we do have many aspirants regardless of birth or what they do for living. In that sense a Brahmin cannot be called so because of birth but by the qualities they are aspiring such as the one detailed in Tattvabodha or Chapter 13 or 18 of Bhagavad Gita.
Regardless I consider the term to mean a cultural identity and a propensity to argue without substance
That is a bit if humor and do not mean to set of many asking for a Moderator intervention.. Come on, Tamil Brahmins can take it easy and smile as well now and then!