I really have to ask this question..I know it might sound weird..but its been too long in my mind..I have to ask this question.It's an honest sincere question with no intention to find fault with any sect...ok
to me there is nothing weird about your thought. Your sincerity is understood well.
here goes:
How is it that Vaishnavas always almost 99.9999999999999999999% or I can say even 100% hold on so tight to the fact that only Narayana is supreme and what they have been taught to believe in is the truth..the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
They hold on to their belief..identify with it fully till the end...How is this possible?
You are perhaps over simplifying. your understanding appear to be basically flawed. It is not true that vaishnavites believe Narayana is supreme compared to any other God. They believe God can be just only one and they prefer to call him Narayana. There is no binary thinking involved here like who is suprerior and who is inferior. They are followers of vedas. They understand that vedas call the God entity as Narayana. So they call him Narayana and worship him. There is no indoctrination involved here. I am sure you understand that vaishnavas are not such robots who can be programmed into believing something and give their life for that.
You see for some of us..we read..we have been told..have been taught.. yet someway down the lane we start too think 'hey this cant be..this does not seem too logical...it seems that there is a missing link somewhere"...one does not want to hold on to anything..be it Dvaita,Advaita,Vishistadvaita or anything else.
And neither one feel bad or guilty about rejecting all systems of belief too.
But you can hardly find a Vaishnava thinking on these lines....they never want to give up their belief system.
I was taught, I was told, I read and at some point in my life I too thought about what I was told, taught etc., critically. Then I searched. I studied saivam(not smarthaism because it is not a religion), Jainism and christianity completely. I also studied the various schools of vaishnavam itself. I asked critical questions about what I came across and thought about the answers. Then I found that Vaishnavam as a religious faith is much more logical than others. And I am a vaishnava. and all informed/knowledgeable vaishnavas have gone through this drill and have reached the same conclusion perhaps. Besides critically questioning, giving up what is taught, not holding on to anything etc., there is another natural process called validating which is what vaishnavas have been perhaps doing. they reject only that which is not validated by critical examination by a thinking mind.
Now you would have understood that you are appropriating all the questioning and searching abilities to yourself and a few like minded people with you. When you close your eyes you just don't see. The world does not stop existing for that moment. There are a lot of things happening outside you too. If rejecting everything that is taught, told etc., is the true indication of evolving and maturing the world will become a difficult jungle to live in.
Why is a Vaishnava wired differently? Even ISKCONites display similar thinking.
A vaishnava is perhaps wired differently because he does not believe in shunya vaada and his search ends with finding something and not in that meaningless dark night where everything appears black--the cow, cowherd, milk,grass, the observer and everything around. I do not know much about ISKCONites. But I can tell you that they are people who have found the truth after a search like you and are very sure and militant about it. Most of them belong to a different racial stock and their processes are different.
I am not talking about TBs alone here...Its the same with Non Brahmins too...I have Vaishnava relatives from my husband's side who worship Narayana and Narasimha and they are also the same.
When it comes to religion, philosophy and God vaishnavas do not attach much significance to castes.
They follow and would continue to insist on following castes at another level because it is a useful social structural arrangement (without any supreriority/inferiority discrimination or arrogance). So vaishnavas are just vaishnavas whether they are Bs or NBs. There are only two categories the informed/knowledgeable and the uninformed/ignoramuses. Both follow their belief system with a certain amount of sincerity because intuitively they all understand that their system is the best. And why should they give it up?
I think I have explained. Perceive please.