How is it that Vaishnavas always almost 99.9999999999999999999% or I can say even 100% hold on so tight to the fact that only Narayana is supreme and what they have been taught to believe in is the truth..the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
They hold on to their belief..identify with it fully till the end...How is this possible?
two sides of the same
well I was trying to find out if I could get away posting something like this.
see I have got you all mixed up.
this is what happens when one tries to talk religion.
one gets carried away and posts foolish
some vaishnavites are fanatics.others are not. it all depends whom you come in contact with
It is very simple. Vaishnavites do not subscribe to the theory of harihara sudan. Rather we consider it as a concoction by someone who took a few pegs more of his favourite Bacardi or Arrack. For vaishnavites Ayyappa is just Sastha who is one of the Devatas. Much before this Sabarimala Ayyappa became famous, the smartha brahmins of Tamilnadu had this sastha worship well established. In fact many such families have sastha as the kuladeivam for them. Usually such Sastha temples are in the banks or in the midst of irrigation tanks in southern tamilnadu villages. Ayyappa, hariharasudan, the salacious story of Siva losing his balance and begetting the child through mohini etc are all later day X rated reels.
two sides of the same
It is very simple. Vaishnavites do not subscribe to the theory of harihara sudan. Rather we consider it as a concoction by someone who took a few pegs more of his favourite Bacardi or Arrack. ?From the pot Mohini thieved from Asuras!
Dear Vaagmi ji,
Thank you for the reply.
So the Amrit that was given to devas in preference to asuras was just Bacardi or Arrack and that too was thieved stuff. What a piece of valuable information!! I think the TB members here would cherish this moment of revelation by JJ.
Till I read this post of JJ I was under the strong impression that members do not come here after imbibing a couple of pegs of Bacardi. Well now I have changed that impression.
Thanks JJ for the great revelation. But I have no time for the likes of you. I would prefer your skipping my posts here. Bye.
a very late realisation.lolDear Renukaji,
That was a cryptic reply very much unlike you.
Or is it that I have really satisfied your quest for truth.
If you say yes, then I can quit this forum. There will be no one left for whom I will write.
claps.I am back home after visiting Thgallakulam perumal Koil where I was offered an Utharani Theertham and Tulsi which I cosumed. This post is just after that You can have your own impression if this is Bocardi
This is no new rvelation! Knowldgeable Vaishnava should know about Ramanuja going up the Koil Tower in Thirukoshtiyurr Proclaiming Namo Naryana in high decible to spread that message to everyone though he was advised against it! But you arer asking me to skip your posting which is in public domain!! If you no have times for the likes of me then close your eyes and donot read as it is inconvenient to you ! We can see you have a tubular Vision! Your preferance is my pleasure!
Dear Renukaji,
That was a cryptic reply very much unlike you.
Or is it that I have really satisfied your quest for truth.
If you say yes, then I can quit this forum. There will be no one left for whom I will write.
Dear friends,
Same Ramanuja did disagree with his guru Yadava Prakasa for his blasphemy on Lord Narayana's name (comparing the Lord's eyes to the bottom of the monkey)! Let us not forget that!
Dear JR,
This I really cant understand...why Ramanuja felt bad?
I know a monkey's bottom does not have a visual apparatus..but if a person has Samadarshinah..he should not feel bad becos for a person with Samadarshinah everything becomes the Lord and everything is as beautiful as the Lord including a monkey's bottom.
After all even Arjuna used a Kapi as his what is so wrong if a monkey is turned upside down and we focus on the gluteal region and feel God is present anywhere?
Dear Doc,
For the very same reason we do not have our puja room in a lavatory.
I don't think the qualifier is the bottom of a 'monkey' but to be the 'bottom' of a monkey!![]()
BTW on technical grounds I do not think Ramanuja's guru was wrong..after all the eyes of God is always compared to a Lotus Petal.
A monkey and its bottom is higher up in the evolution scale compared to a Lotus flower.
Dear Doc,
Not everything confines itself within the parameters of 'evolution scale'. Our extreta is 'filthy' though we are the highest up in the hierarchy, whereas the cow's excreta is 'sacred' (even scientifically proven anti-bacterial disinfectant) though the cow is lower up in hierarchy!
there is another classification -foolish and non foolish.
many who spend hours dissecting single and multi god worships belong to former category.
with their knowledge , they can make useful contributions instead of talking of subsect divisions in
brahmin community and feeling extra holy about their sub castes
Dear Doc,
I am sure yourself or anyone interested can write a poem comparing a Lotus to a monkey's or donkey's bottom, but there is such a thing called 'societal standards and norms' by which certain things are considered sacred and certain are not, and the question here is not what can be compared to what not, but rather whether a scholar like Yadava Prakasa is ignorant to the extent of comparing something that was sacred to someone with something not so, as per the dictums established by the society.
BTW Ramanuja's guru was NOT ignorant. He was well aware that God is beyond praise and blame.It was Ramanuja that had a fixation on only praise.
I dont know why we always want to think of ourselves as filthy?